32 research outputs found

    Minor-monotone crossing number

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    The minor crossing number of a graph GG, rmmcr(G)rmmcr(G), is defined as the minimum crossing number of all graphs that contain GG as a minor. We present some basic properties of this new minor-monotone graph invariant. We give estimates on mmcr for some important graph families using the topological structure of graphs satisfying \mcr(G)≤kmcr(G) ≤k

    Parameters Related to Tree-Width, Zero Forcing, and Maximum Nullity of a Graph

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    Tree-width, and variants that restrict the allowable tree decompositions, play an important role in the study of graph algorithms and have application to computer science. The zero forcing number is used to study the maximum nullity/minimum rank of the family of symmetric matrices described by a graph. We establish relationships between these parameters, including several Colin de Verdière type parameters, and introduce numerous variations, including the minor monotone floors and ceilings of some of these parameters. This leads to new graph parameters and to new characterizations of existing graph parameters. In particular, tree-width, largeur d\u27arborescence, path-width, and proper path-width are each characterized in terms of a minor monotone floor of a certain zero forcing parameter defined by a color change rule

    Parameterized Algorithms and Data Reduction for Safe Convoy Routing

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    We study a problem that models safely routing a convoy through a transportation network, where any vertex adjacent to the travel path of the convoy requires additional precaution: Given a graph G=(V,E), two vertices s,t in V, and two integers k,l, we search for a simple s-t-path with at most k vertices and at most l neighbors. We study the problem in two types of transportation networks: graphs with small crossing number, as formed by road networks, and tree-like graphs, as formed by waterways. For graphs with constant crossing number, we provide a subexponential 2^O(sqrt n)-time algorithm and prove a matching lower bound. We also show a polynomial-time data reduction algorithm that reduces any problem instance to an equivalent instance (a so-called problem kernel) of size polynomial in the vertex cover number of the input graph. In contrast, we show that the problem in general graphs is hard to preprocess. Regarding tree-like graphs, we obtain a 2^O(tw) * l^2 * n-time algorithm for graphs of treewidth tw, show that there is no problem kernel with size polynomial in tw, yet show a problem kernel with size polynomial in the feedback edge number of the input graph

    GPU-Based Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Methods for Graph Drawing

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    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a population-based stochastic search technique for solving optimization problems, which has been proven to be effective in a wide range of applications. However, the computational efficiency on large-scale problems is still unsatisfactory. A graph drawing is a pictorial representation of the vertices and edges of a graph. Two PSO heuristic procedures, one serial and the other parallel, are developed for undirected graph drawing. Each particle corresponds to a different layout of the graph. The particle fitness is defined based on the concept of the energy in the force-directed method. The serial PSO procedure is executed on a CPU and the parallel PSO procedure is executed on a GPU. Two PSO procedures have different data structures and strategies. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated through several different graphs. The experimental results show that the two PSO procedures are both as effective as the force-directed method, and the parallel procedure is more advantageous than the serial procedure for larger graphs