90,726 research outputs found

    The minimum-entropy set cover problem

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    AbstractWe consider the minimum entropy principle for learning data generated by a random source and observed with random noise.In our setting we have a sequence of observations of objects drawn uniformly at random from a population. Each object in the population belongs to one class. We perform an observation for each object which determines that it belongs to one of a given set of classes. Given these observations, we are interested in assigning the most likely class to each of the objects.This scenario is a very natural one that appears in many real life situations. We show that under reasonable assumptions finding the most likely assignment is equivalent to the following variant of the set cover problem. Given a universe U and a collection S=(S1,…,St) of subsets of U, we wish to find an assignment f:U→S such that u∈f(u) and the entropy of the distribution defined by the values |f-1(Si)| is minimized.We show that this problem is NP-hard and that the greedy algorithm for set cover s with an additive constant error with respect to the optimal cover. This sheds a new light on the behavior of the greedy set cover algorithm. We further enhance the greedy algorithm and show that the problem admits a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS).Finally, we demonstrate how this model and the greedy algorithm can be useful in real life scenarios, and in particular, in problems arising naturally in computational biology

    Minimum Entropy Orientations

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    We study graph orientations that minimize the entropy of the in-degree sequence. The problem of finding such an orientation is an interesting special case of the minimum entropy set cover problem previously studied by Halperin and Karp [Theoret. Comput. Sci., 2005] and by the current authors [Algorithmica, to appear]. We prove that the minimum entropy orientation problem is NP-hard even if the graph is planar, and that there exists a simple linear-time algorithm that returns an approximate solution with an additive error guarantee of 1 bit. This improves on the only previously known algorithm which has an additive error guarantee of log_2 e bits (approx. 1.4427 bits).Comment: Referees' comments incorporate

    Direct evaluation of pure graph state entanglement

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    We address the question of quantifying entanglement in pure graph states. Evaluation of multipartite entanglement measures is extremely hard for most pure quantum states. In this paper we demonstrate how solving one problem in graph theory, namely the identification of maximum independent set, allows us to evaluate three multipartite entanglement measures for pure graph states. We construct the minimal linear decomposition into product states for a large group of pure graph states, allowing us to evaluate the Schmidt measure. Furthermore we show that computation of distance-like measures such as relative entropy of entanglement and geometric measure becomes tractable for these states by explicit construction of closest separable and closest product states respectively. We show how these separable states can be described using stabiliser formalism as well as PEPs-like construction. Finally we discuss the way in which introducing noise to the system can optimally destroy entanglement.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Quantifying Privacy: A Novel Entropy-Based Measure of Disclosure Risk

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    It is well recognised that data mining and statistical analysis pose a serious treat to privacy. This is true for financial, medical, criminal and marketing research. Numerous techniques have been proposed to protect privacy, including restriction and data modification. Recently proposed privacy models such as differential privacy and k-anonymity received a lot of attention and for the latter there are now several improvements of the original scheme, each removing some security shortcomings of the previous one. However, the challenge lies in evaluating and comparing privacy provided by various techniques. In this paper we propose a novel entropy based security measure that can be applied to any generalisation, restriction or data modification technique. We use our measure to empirically evaluate and compare a few popular methods, namely query restriction, sampling and noise addition.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Statistical Mechanics of maximal independent sets

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    The graph theoretic concept of maximal independent set arises in several practical problems in computer science as well as in game theory. A maximal independent set is defined by the set of occupied nodes that satisfy some packing and covering constraints. It is known that finding minimum and maximum-density maximal independent sets are hard optimization problems. In this paper, we use cavity method of statistical physics and Monte Carlo simulations to study the corresponding constraint satisfaction problem on random graphs. We obtain the entropy of maximal independent sets within the replica symmetric and one-step replica symmetry breaking frameworks, shedding light on the metric structure of the landscape of solutions and suggesting a class of possible algorithms. This is of particular relevance for the application to the study of strategic interactions in social and economic networks, where maximal independent sets correspond to pure Nash equilibria of a graphical game of public goods allocation