11 research outputs found

    An Investigation into Game Based Learning Using High Level Programming Languages

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    Game-related education within mobile learning spheres is a matter of great debate for university students across the globe. It is the case that programming languages often pose a sizeable challenge for university students. This research paper aims to develop a game based learning platform “iPlayCode”, designed to offer a new and exciting method of learning programming language. Xcode 5.0.2 was used to develop the game by using the cocos2d-x development tool and the Adobe Photoshop graphic design tool. In addition, iOS 7.0.3 (11B508) Simulator was used to test the application and the application was deployed in different models of mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad. The application outcomes are presented by a mobile game that teaches programming languages in an easy, attractive and effective way

    Efektivitas aplikasi Discord terhadap kemampuan listening mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris (laporan penelitian dan sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Mahasiswa dituntut menguasai kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik salah satunya kemampuan listening di era digital dengan teknologi yang masif. Aplikasi Discord menjadi salah satu media pembelajaran berbasis Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan listening secara efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas aplikasi Discord dalam pembelajaran listening. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif berupa quasi-experimental dengan mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris sebagai subjek penelitiannya. Instrumen penelitian berupa pre-test dan post-test yang dilaksanakan pada kelas kontrol dan eksperimental yang diberi treatment berupa aplikasi Discord. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai yang signifikan pada kelas eksperimental. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa aplikasi Discord efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan listening mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris

    Efektivitas aplikasi Discord terhadap kemampuan listening mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris (laporan penelitian dan sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Mahasiswa dituntut menguasai kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik salah satunya kemampuan listening di era digital dengan teknologi yang masif. Aplikasi Discord menjadi salah satu media pembelajaran berbasis Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan listening secara efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas aplikasi Discord dalam pembelajaran listening. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif berupa quasi-experimental dengan mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris sebagai subjek penelitiannya. Instrumen penelitian berupa pre-test dan post-test yang dilaksanakan pada kelas kontrol dan eksperimental yang diberi treatment berupa aplikasi Discord. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai yang signifikan pada kelas eksperimental. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa aplikasi Discord efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan listening mahasiswa Tadris Bahasa Inggris

    Peran mobile learning pada pergeseran lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi dan minat belajar mahasiswa pada saat pandemik

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    Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan belajar dan motivasi terhadap minat belajar mahasiswa manajemen fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis islam uin alauddin makassar. Peneliti menggunakan 2 (dua) pendekatan, yakni deskriptif dan eksploratif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data Primer. Data diperoleh langsung dari Informan yang dipilih secara Purposive, sementara Responden yang terpilih secara acak (Random Sampling) pemilihan responden didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa populasi relatif homogen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan positif dan signifikan antara lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi, dan lingkungan belajar terhadap minar belajar mahasiswa. Begitupula motivasi mampu memengaruhi minat belajar

    2D Barcode and Augmented Reality Supported English Learning System

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    This study aims to construct a 2D barcode and handheld augmented reality supported learning system called HELLO (Handheld English Language Learning Organization), to improve students ’ English level. The HELLO integrates the 2D barcodes, the Internet, augmented reality, mobile computing and database technologies. The proposed system consists of two subsystems: an English learning management system and a mobile learning tools system. A four-week pilot study and questionnaire survey were conducted in college to evaluate effects of proposed learning system and student learning attitudes. Furthermore, the evaluation results indicate that 2D barcodes and augmented reality technology are useful for English learning. 1

    Istraživanje uloge tehnologije proširene stvarnosti u nastavi jezika

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    The purpose of this study was to inform about some of the current applications and literature on Augmented Reality (AR) technology in education and to present experimental data about the effectiveness of AR application in a language classroom at the elementary level in Turkey. The research design of the study was quasi-experimental. Sixty-one 5th grade students from a state elementary school participated in this research on a volunteer basis. The participants were divided into the experimental and control group, where new vocabulary items were introduced to the experimental group through augmented reality technology. A post-test and a retention test were administered upon the implementation of the program. The results of the study revealed that participants from the experimental group achieved higher scores than participants in the control group and they also performed better in recalling the learnt information. This study suggested that the use of AR technology in a language classroom at the elementary level increased learners’ performances and made vocabulary learning more effective in comparison with the traditional methods.Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je predočiti neke od aktualnih primjena tehnologije proširene stvarnosti (dalje u tekstu AR tehnologije) i literature vezane uz AR tehnologiju u obrazovanju. Nadalje, cilj je bio prikazati eksperimentalne podatke o učinkovitosti primjene AR tehnologije u nastavi jezika na razini osnovne škole u Turskoj. Istraživanje je polueksperimentalne prirode. Uzorak se sastojao od 61 učenika petoga razreda osnovne škole koji su dobrovoljno sudjelovali u istraživanju. Učenici su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine: eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu. U eksperimentalnoj skupini učenici su se susreli s novim vokabularom koristeći se AR tehnologijom. Posttest i test pamćenja provedeni su nakon završetka programa. Rezultati istraživanja otkrili su da su učenici u eksperimentalnoj skupini ostvarili bolje rezultate od učenika u kontrolnoj skupini te su također bili bolji u prisjećanju naučenoga. Ovim istraživanjem pokazalo se da upotreba AR tehnologije u nastavi jezika na razini osnovne škole povećava postignuća učenika te je učenje vokabulara učinkovitije u odnosu na tradicionalne metode poučavanja

    Augmented Reality Applications in Science Experiment Practices

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of augmented reality (AG) and the flipped learning model on the attitude of 4th-grade students towards the science and technology course and to determine the opinion of students concerning videos presented through AG. Another objective of the study is to determine parents' opinions concerning AG and FL in science and technology courses. A pre-test / post-test quasi-experimental design was used with the control group to obtain quantitative data. Qualitative data were also included in the analysis to support quantitative data obtained from a case study pattern. In the study, the Science and Technology Attitude Scale was used to measure students' attitudes. The Opinion Scale for Experimental Videos was used to evaluate video usage opinions in science and technology courses. Besides, parents' opinions concerning AG applications and the FL model were collected through the researchers' interview form. Independent sample t-test and ANCOVA tests were conducted to interpret the quantitative data of the study. Qualitative data were evaluated with the content analysis method. The results showed that the AR and FL model's application provides students with a positive attitude towards science and technology; it also helped them solve problems. Besides, families have also expressed positive opinions about AR and FL applications.</em

    Development of a mobile application as a didactic strategy to improve english vocabulary in elementary school students

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    Propose the use of a mobile application as a didactic strategy to improve English vocabulary in elementary studentsThe present research work entitled “Development of a mobile application as a didactic strategy to improve English vocabulary in elementary school students" aimed to propose the use of a mobile application with worksheets as a didactic strategy to improve English vocabulary. A mixed study of quantitative and qualitative tools was applied, with surveys for teachers and students. The results justified that teachers and students of the Unidad Educativa San Roque need to integrate a teaching and learning model based on mobile applications. This analysis allowed the development of the application called "My First English App" and an activity guide in worksheets for teaching English vocabulary to 2nd-grade students. Finally, it is expected that teachers will benefit and see how important apps are in professional works with children.Licenciatur


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    In today’s digital age, wireless technology and widespread use of handheld devices are going under a continuous advancement to provide information anywhere and at anytime. Furthermore, these technologies are being utilized in the field of education and called mobile learning (M-Learning). Hence, M-learning means using of mobile devices and wireless computing as a learning instrument and communication technology respectively. The limitations of M-learning include either hardware or software of mobile devices, content creation, and no standards for mobile learning system (M-LS), wireless technology, and security. The main objectives of this research are to study and design model for M-learning approach; to develop platform independent M-learning application (M-LA) for Fundamentals of Programming course; to design M-LS platform classification, and to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of the application. In addition, under the development of this application the following aspects are considered: learning theories, M-learning development principles, and some of the aforementioned M-learning limitations. To achieve the above mentioned objectives, ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) life cycle is adapted which is one type of instructional design model (IDM). The application has been developed using Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), and Extensible Markup Language (XML). It contains several sections, but the main modules are Lecture Materials, and Quiz. Quasi Experiment Design and usability attributes was used to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of the application respectively using Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS foundation students. Finally, the data was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative method. The quantitative data was analyzed using coefficient variance and independent t-Test, and Cronbach alpha used to measure the internal reliability of the data. Overall results show that M-LA is efficient to improve learners’ performance, makes learning enjoyable, support continuous learning and learning time is reduced, and fulfilled the usability needs

    Ein Rahmenwerk zur mobilen Unterstützung therapeutischer Interventionen

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    Immer mehr Menschen leiden in der heutigen Zeit unter psychischen Erkrankungen, wie Depressionen oder Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen, die mithilfe therapeutischer Interventionen im Rahmen einer Psychotherapie behandelt werden können. Die hierbei zur Anwendung kommenden Interventionen hängen jeweils grundsätzlich von den zu Beginn der Therapie definierten Therapiezielen ab, und erstrecken sich teilweise über mehrere Sitzungen hinweg. Viele Interventionen nutzen therapeutische Hausaufgaben, um die Zeit zwischen den Therapiesitzungen effizient zu gestalten bzw. eine bestmögliche Wirksamkeit der Intervention zu erzielen. Hierbei spielt die korrekte Durchführung der Hausaufgabe eine große Rolle, d.h. diese sollte einerseits im definierten Kontext (z.B. Zeit, Ort oder maximale Herzfrequenz) erfolgen und andererseits entsprechend den Vorgaben des Therapeuten ausgeführt werden. Darüber hinaus ist eine wahrheitsgetreue und lückenlose Rückmeldung (sog. Feedback) von Seiten des Patienten über den Verlauf der Hausaufgabe essentiell, damit der Therapeut wichtige Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit der Hausaufgabe bzw. therapeutischen Intervention erhält. Aufgrund fehlender technischer Lösungen ist es Therapeuten heute weder möglich, die Korrektheit der durchgeführten Hausaufgabe zu überprüfen noch das direkte Feedback während oder im Anschluss an die Hausaufgabe zu erfahren. Aber auch auf Seiten des Patienten fehlt eine maßgeschneiderte technische Unterstützung, um eine kontinuierliche und angemessene Hausaufgabendurchführung gewinnbringend zu gewährleisten. Die vorliegende Arbeit adressiert die erwähnten Aspekte und Anforderungen seitens der Therapeuten und Patienten durch Einführung eines umfassenden Rahmenwerks zur mobilen Unterstützung therapeutischer Interventionen. Die hierbei erarbeiteten Konzepte erlauben einerseits eine robuste und flexible Ausführung therapeutischer Interventionen auf einem mobilen Endgerät des Patienten, andererseits ermöglichen sie deren flexible Modellierung und Konfiguration durch den Therapeuten. Als weiteren Beitrag dieser Arbeit wurden Konzepte entwickelt, die durch den Einsatz von End-User Development Techniken den Therapeuten in die Lage versetzen, das technische Management therapeutischer Interventionen ohne Einbeziehung eines IT-Experten durchzuführen. Mithilfe eines umfangreichen Prototyps wurde das Rahmenwerk schließlich validiert und in mehreren praktischen Projekten getestet. Letztere haben gezeigt, dass das vorgestellte Rahmenwerk einen erheblichen Beitrag in der aktuellen Gesundheitsforschung leisten kann