34 research outputs found

    On the power of graph neural networks and the role of the activation function

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    In this article we present new results about the expressivity of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). We prove that for any GNN with piecewise polynomial activations, whose architecture size does not grow with the graph input sizes, there exists a pair of non-isomorphic rooted trees of depth two such that the GNN cannot distinguish their root vertex up to an arbitrary number of iterations. The proof relies on tools from the algebra of symmetric polynomials. In contrast, it was already known that unbounded GNNs (those whose size is allowed to change with the graph sizes) with piecewise polynomial activations can distinguish these vertices in only two iterations. Our results imply a strict separation between bounded and unbounded size GNNs, answering an open question formulated by [Grohe, 2021]. We next prove that if one allows activations that are not piecewise polynomial, then in two iterations a single neuron perceptron can distinguish the root vertices of any pair of nonisomorphic trees of depth two (our results hold for activations like the sigmoid, hyperbolic tan and others). This shows how the power of graph neural networks can change drastically if one changes the activation function of the neural networks. The proof of this result utilizes the Lindemann-Weierstrauss theorem from transcendental number theory

    Graded modal logic and counting message passing automata

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    We examine the relationship of graded (multi)modal logic to counting (multichannel) message passing automata with applications to the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm. We introduce the notion of graded multimodal types, which are formulae of graded multimodal logic that encode the local information of a pointed Kripke-model. We also introduce message passing automata that carry out a generalization of the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm for distinguishing non-isomorphic graph nodes. We show that the classes of pointed Kripke-models recognizable by these automata are definable by a countable (possibly infinite) disjunction of graded multimodal formulae and vice versa. In particular, this equivalence also holds between recursively enumerable disjunctions and recursively enumerable automata. We also show a way of carrying out the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm with a formula of first order logic that has been augmented with H\"artig's quantifier and greatest fixed points

    Single-Node Attack for Fooling Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown broad applicability in a variety of domains. Some of these domains, such as social networks and product recommendations, are fertile ground for malicious users and behavior. In this paper, we show that GNNs are vulnerable to the extremely limited scenario of a single-node adversarial example, where the node cannot be picked by the attacker. That is, an attacker can force the GNN to classify any target node to a chosen label by only slightly perturbing another single arbitrary node in the graph, even when not being able to pick that specific attacker node. When the adversary is allowed to pick a specific attacker node, the attack is even more effective. We show that this attack is effective across various GNN types, such as GraphSAGE, GCN, GAT, and GIN, across a variety of real-world datasets, and as a targeted and a non-targeted attack. Our code is available at https://github.com/benfinkelshtein/SINGLE

    Adaptive Multi-grained Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been increasingly deployed in a multitude of different applications that involve node-wise and graph-level tasks. The existing literature usually studies these questions independently while they are inherently correlated. We propose in this work a unified model, Adaptive Multi-grained GNN (AdamGNN), to learn node and graph level representation interactively. Compared with the existing GNN models and pooling methods, AdamGNN enhances node representation with multi-grained semantics and avoids node feature and graph structure information loss during pooling. More specifically, a differentiable pooling operator in AdamGNN is used to obtain a multi-grained structure that involves node-wise and meso/macro level semantic information. The unpooling and flyback aggregators in AdamGNN is to leverage the multi-grained semantics to enhance node representation. The updated node representation can further enrich the generated graph representation in the next iteration. Experimental results on twelve real-world graphs demonstrate the effectiveness of AdamGNN on multiple tasks, compared with several competing methods. In addition, the ablation and empirical studies confirm the effectiveness of different components in AdamGNN

    Decidability of graph neural networks via logical characterizations

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    We present results concerning the expressiveness and decidability of a popular graph learning formalism, graph neural networks (GNNs), exploiting connections with logic. We use a family of recently-discovered decidable logics involving ``Presburger quantifiers''. We show how to use these logics to measure the expressiveness of classes of GNNs, in some cases getting exact correspondences between the expressiveness of logics and GNNs. We also employ the logics, and the techniques used to analyze them, to obtain decision procedures for verification problems over GNNs. We complement this with undecidability results for static analysis problems involving the logics, as well as for GNN verification problems

    Descriptive Complexity for Distributed Computing with Circuits

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    We consider distributed algorithms in the realistic scenario where distributed message passing is operated by circuits. We show that within this setting, modal substitution calculus MSC precisely captures the expressive power of circuits. The result is established via constructing translations that are highly efficient in relation to size. We also observe that the coloring algorithm based on Cole-Vishkin can be specified by logarithmic size programs (and thus also logarithmic size circuits) in the bounded-degree scenario