544,739 research outputs found

    Logics of Action, Globalization, and Employment Relations Change in China, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines

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    A logic of action framework is developed in order to conceptualize and understand the impact of globalization on employment relations, as well as to predict the future trajectory of employment relations. The argument is that the interplay between three different logics of action, i.e., the logic of competition, the logic of industrial peace, and the logic of employment-income protection determines the employment relations pattern in any given nation. The strengths of the logics themselves are determined by five often related factors, i.e., economic development strategy, the intensity of globalization, union strength, labor market features and government responsiveness to workers. Drawing on extensive field research on national policies and workplace practices in India, China, the Philippines and Malaysia, we show support for our framework. We find that ER patterns are reflect different combinations of logic strengths, that globalization\u27s impact on employment relations is not only complex, but contingent, and we suggest that long term convergence in employment relations is unlikely given variations in the combinations of logic strengths in different countries, and changes in logic strengths over time

    Short circuit protection for a power distribution system

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    Sensing circuit detects when the output from a matrix is present and when it should be present. The circuit provides short circuit protection for a power distribution system where the selection of the driven load is accomplished by digital logic

    Sequential Circuit Design for Embedded Cryptographic Applications Resilient to Adversarial Faults

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    In the relatively young field of fault-tolerant cryptography, the main research effort has focused exclusively on the protection of the data path of cryptographic circuits. To date, however, we have not found any work that aims at protecting the control logic of these circuits against fault attacks, which thus remains the proverbial Achilles’ heel. Motivated by a hypothetical yet realistic fault analysis attack that, in principle, could be mounted against any modular exponentiation engine, even one with appropriate data path protection, we set out to close this remaining gap. In this paper, we present guidelines for the design of multifault-resilient sequential control logic based on standard Error-Detecting Codes (EDCs) with large minimum distance. We introduce a metric that measures the effectiveness of the error detection technique in terms of the effort the attacker has to make in relation to the area overhead spent in implementing the EDC. Our comparison shows that the proposed EDC-based technique provides superior performance when compared against regular N-modular redundancy techniques. Furthermore, our technique scales well and does not affect the critical path delay

    The Case Against Copyright Protection for Programmable Logic Devices

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    Several commentators have argued that copyright protection should extend to protect logic equations incorporated in a type of semiconductor chip called a programmable logic device (PLD). They reach this result by analogizing to the storage of computer software in memory chips, an embodiment that is currently protected under the copyright laws. This Comment analyzes logic equations incorporated in a PLD with respect to the copyright statute, utilitarian device doctrine, and the legislative history of the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act. It concludes that copyright protection should not extend to protect the logic equations incorporated in a PLD

    Secure pseudo-random linear binary sequences generators based on arithmetic polynoms

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    We present a new approach to constructing of pseudo-random binary sequences (PRS) generators for the purpose of cryptographic data protection, secured from the perpetrator's attacks, caused by generation of masses of hardware errors and faults. The new method is based on use of linear polynomial arithmetic for the realization of systems of boolean characteristic functions of PRS' generators. "Arithmetizatio" of systems of logic formulas has allowed to apply mathematical apparatus of residue systems for multisequencing of the process of PRS generation and organizing control of computing errors, caused by hardware faults. This has guaranteed high security of PRS generator's functioning and, consequently, security of tools for cryptographic data protection based on those PRSs

    Development of intelligent protection and automation control systems using fuzzy logic elements

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    In this article, the causes of technological disturbances in electrical systems are considered, and several characteristic disadvantages of the protection and automation of elements of electrical systems are highlighted. The tendency to decrease the reliability of relay protection associated with the transition from analog to digital types of protection is substantiated. Based on the studied examples, the use of fuzzy logic in protections, the expediency of using fuzzy logic elements in protection devices, and the automation of electrical systems to identify types of short circuits are justified. This article analyzes the most common damages and presents the results of modeling an electrical system with transformer coupling, where all types of asymmetric short circuits were initiated. The dynamics of changes in the symmetrical components of short-circuit currents of the forward, reverse, and zero sequences are determined. Rules have been created for the identification of asymmetric types of short circuits. An algorithm of protection and automation operation using fuzzy logic elements has been developed. The proposed algorithm of protection and automation will reduce the time to determine the type of damage and trigger protections

    Runtime Assurance Protection for Advanced Turbofan Engine Control

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    This paper describes technical progress made in the application of run time assurance (RTA) methods to turbofan engines with advanced propulsion control algorithms that are employed to improve engine performance. It is assumed that the advanced algorithms cannot be fully certified using current verification and validation approaches and therefore need to be continually monitored by an RTA system that ensures safe operation. However, current turbofan engine control systems utilize engine protection logic for safe combustion dynamics and stable airflow through the engine. It was determined that the engine protection logic should continue to be used to provide system safety and should be considered as a part of the overall RTA system. The additional function that an RTA system provides is to perform diagnostics on anomalous conditions to determine if these conditions are being caused by errors in the advanced controller. If this is the case, the RTA system switches operation to a trusted reversionary controller. Initial studies were performed to demonstrate this benefit. The other focus was to improve the performance of the engine protection logic, which was deemed too conservative and reduced engine performance during transient operations. It was determined that the conservative response was due to poor tuning of one of the controller channels within the protection logic. An automatic tuning algorithm was implemented to optimize the protection logic control gains based on minimizing tracking error. Improved tracking responses were observed with no change to the existing protection logic control architecture

    Humanitarian Action and Military Intervention: Temptations and Possibilities.

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    Although the war in Liberia in July 2003 claimed hundreds of lives, the international community was reluctant to intervene. In this article, the author debates the question: does international military intervention equal protection of populations? The role of humanitarian organisations in military intervention is considered. Aid organisations cannot call for deployment of a protection force without renouncing their autonomy or appealing to references outside their own practices. Such organisations provide victims with vital assistance and contribute to ensuring that their fate becomes a stake in political debate by exposing the violence that engulfs them, without substituting their own voices for those of the victims. The political content of humanitarian action is also outlined and military intervention in the context of genocide is discussed. The author concludes that the latter is one of the rare situations in which humanitarian actors can consider calling for an armed intervention without renouncing their own logic