3 research outputs found

    Metodologia de aprendizagem por riscos: uma simulação para projetos de inovação

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    Entwicklung eines Modells zur systemorientierten Bewertung der Produktentwicklung hinsichtlich der Dimensionen Effektivität und Effizienz

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    Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird ein Bewertungsmodell entwickelt, das anhand von Frühindikatoren eine proaktive Bewertung von Entwicklungsprojekten ermöglicht. Aufbauend auf einer empirischen Überprüfung werden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Frühindikatoren analysiert. Im Anschluss wird mittels quantitativer Pfadanalysen der Effekt der Frühindikatoren auf die Projektergebnisgrößen untersucht. Als Ergebnis liefert die Arbeit ausgewählte Frühindikatoren, deren Bewertungsskalen die geforderten Reliabilitäts- und Validitätskriterien erfüllen

    The Learning Zone in New Product Development

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    New information is the fuel that allows organizations to innovate. Yet the generation of new information may yield little benefit if existing practices prevent the firm from integrating new insights effectively. This study provides evidence that existing knowledge has both an enhancement effect that improves the firm’s ability to benefit from new information, and an inhibition effect that lowers its motivation to learn. Firms that utilize a moderate level of existing knowledge benefit from new information more than firms that rely too little or too much upon existing knowledge. We call this optimal circumstance the “learning zone”. Furthermore, we find that the moderating effects of existing knowledge are stronger for new products of lower novelty that provide a similar learning context. In addition, as novelty increases, the prominence of the enhancement effect increases, whereas the inhibition effect becomes less prevalent. Highly novel products that are able to utilize existing knowledge are therefore most likely to benefit from new information. Existing technical knowledge is also found to inhibit the use of new information to a greater degree than market knowledge. The findings suggest that organizations should evaluate their reliance on existing knowledge and create a learning zone that provides the best condition for innovation