2,610 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Open Source Movements

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    This paper considers a dynamic model of the evolution of open source software projects, focusing on the evolution of quality, contributing programmers, and users who contribute customer support to other users. Programmers who have used open source software are motivated by reciprocal altruism to publish their own improvements. The evolution of the open-source project depends on the form of the altruistic benefits: in a base case the project grows to a steady-state size from any initial condition; whereas adding a need for customer support makes zero-quality a locally absorbing state. We also analyze competition by commercial firms with OSS projects. Optimal pricing policies again vary: in some cases the commercial firm will set low prices when the open-source project is small; in other cases it mostly waits until the open-source project has matured.

    CroLSSim: Crossā€language software similarity detector using hybrid approach of LSAā€based ASTā€MDrep features and CNNā€LSTM model

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    Software similarity in different programming codes is a rapidly evolving field because of its numerous applications in software development, software cloning, software plagiarism, and software forensics. Currently, software researchers and developers search cross-language open-source repositories for similar applications for a variety of reasons, such as reusing programming code, analyzing different implementations, and looking for a better application. However, it is a challenging task because each programming language has a unique syntax and semantic structure. In this paper, a novel tool called Cross-Language Software Similarity (CroLSSim) is designed to detect similar software applications written in different programming codes. First, the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) features are collected from different programming codes. These are high-quality features that can show the abstract view of each program. Then, Methods Description (MDrep) in combination with AST is used to examine the relationship among different method calls. Second, the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency approach is used to retrieve the local and global weights from AST-MDrep features. Third, the Latent Semantic Analysis-based features extraction and selection method is proposed to extract the semantic anchors in reduced dimensional space. Fourth, the Convolution Neural Network (CNN)-based features extraction method is proposed to mine the deep features. Finally, a hybrid deep learning model of CNN-Long-Short-Term Memory is designed to detect semantically similar software applications from these latent variables. The data set contains approximately 9.5K Java, 8.8K C#, and 7.4K C++ software applications obtained from GitHub. The proposed approach outperforms as compared with the state-of-the-art methods

    Generating Value Through Open Source: Software Service Market Regulation and Licensing Policy

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    In the software industry, commercial open-source software vendors have recognized that providing services to help businesses derive greater value in the implementation of open sourceā€“based systems can be a profitable business model. Moreover, society may greatly benefit when software originators choose an open-source development strategy as their products become widely available, readily customizable, and open to community contributions. In this study, we present an economic model to study how software licensing attributes affect a software originatorā€™s decisions, aiming to provide policy makers with insights into how welfare-improving, open-source outcomes can be incentivized. We show that when a competing contributor is apt at reaping the benefits of software development investment, a less restrictive open source license (e.g., Berkeley Software Distribution, or BSD style) can improve welfare. On the other hand, when the originator is better at leveraging investment and service costs are high, a more restrictive license (e.g., General Public License, or GPL style) can be best for social welfare even when a contributor can cost-efficiently develop the software. The online appendix is available at https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2017.0726

    Diffusion Dynamics of Open-Source Software in the Presence of Upgrades: An Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) Approach

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    Researchers have identified numerous factors that impact the diffusion of open source software (OSS). This paper proposes an integrated model that studies how key factors affect the diffusion dynamics of OSS. Specifically, we investigate the role of software upgrade cycle in the diffusion of OSS. We also incorporate factors such as variability in OSS support costs, interoperability issues and network structure that have not been systematically studied in prior OSS research. Our results demonstrate interesting effects of these factors on diffusion dynamics of OSS. Variability of OSS support costs, length of upgrade cycle and interoperability costs are identified as major determinants of OSS diffusion. The results illustrate that a proprietary software (PS) vendor should consider several other strategic variables besides price such as interoperability costs and upgrade cycle that affect OSS diffusion. The proposed model can be used as a building block to model competitive dynamics in software markets

    The Jukebox Mode of Innovation - a Model of Commercial Open Source Development

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    In this paper, I describe and analyze the phenomenon of informal development collaboration between firms in the field of embedded Linux, a type of open source software. To explain the observed phenomenon of voluntary revealing, I develop a duopoly model of quality competition. The central assumptions are that firms require two complementary technologies as inputs, and differ with respect to the relative importance they attach to these technologies. The main results are, first, that a regime with compulsory revealing can lead not only to higher profits, but also to higher product qualities than a proprietary regime. Second, when the decision to reveal is endogenized equilibria arise with voluntary revealing by both players.Innovation; development collaboration; open source software; embedded Linyx

    Engaging Students in Open Source Software for Learning Professional Skills in Academia

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    The digital world makes human life more comfortable. This digital world has been created by the software. It seems to be that availability of this software in academia is not up to the mark. To enhance the role of software in academics there is a need to use open source software. The Open source software is popular as it provides the source code to the end user. Here the source code is available for user to change or modification for improvement from its original design. Most of the time, it is free of charge with the help of General Public License (GNU). This paper is a study of basic information of OSS, various development models for OSS, the use of OSS in the area of academics to improve the education system. This paper also discusses on previous work of the current scenario
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