684,281 research outputs found

    Spectral problem on graphs and L-functions

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    The scattering process on multiloop infinite p+1-valent graphs (generalized trees) is studied. These graphs are discrete spaces being quotients of the uniform tree over free acting discrete subgroups of the projective group PGL(2,Qp)PGL(2, {\bf Q}_p). As the homogeneous spaces, they are, in fact, identical to p-adic multiloop surfaces. The Ihara-Selberg L-function is associated with the finite subgraph-the reduced graph containing all loops of the generalized tree. We study the spectral problem on these graphs, for which we introduce the notion of spherical functions-eigenfunctions of a discrete Laplace operator acting on the graph. We define the S-matrix and prove its unitarity. We present a proof of the Hashimoto-Bass theorem expressing L-function of any finite (reduced) graph via determinant of a local operator Δ(u)\Delta(u) acting on this graph and relate the S-matrix determinant to this L-function thus obtaining the analogue of the Selberg trace formula. The discrete spectrum points are also determined and classified by the L-function. Numerous examples of L-function calculations are presented.Comment: 39 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Russ. Math. Sur

    On the central levels problem

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    The central levels problem asserts that the subgraph of the (2m+1)-dimensional hypercube induced by all bitstrings with at least m+1-l many 1s and at most m+l many 1s, i.e., the vertices in the middle 2l levels, has a Hamilton cycle for any m>=1 and 1==1 and 1==2, that contains the symmetric chain decomposition constructed by Greene and Kleitman in the 1970s, and we provide a loopless algorithm for computing the corresponding Gray code

    On the Computational Complexity of Vertex Integrity and Component Order Connectivity

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    The Weighted Vertex Integrity (wVI) problem takes as input an nn-vertex graph GG, a weight function w:V(G)Nw:V(G)\to\mathbb{N}, and an integer pp. The task is to decide if there exists a set XV(G)X\subseteq V(G) such that the weight of XX plus the weight of a heaviest component of GXG-X is at most pp. Among other results, we prove that: (1) wVI is NP-complete on co-comparability graphs, even if each vertex has weight 11; (2) wVI can be solved in O(pp+1n)O(p^{p+1}n) time; (3) wVI admits a kernel with at most p3p^3 vertices. Result (1) refutes a conjecture by Ray and Deogun and answers an open question by Ray et al. It also complements a result by Kratsch et al., stating that the unweighted version of the problem can be solved in polynomial time on co-comparability graphs of bounded dimension, provided that an intersection model of the input graph is given as part of the input. An instance of the Weighted Component Order Connectivity (wCOC) problem consists of an nn-vertex graph GG, a weight function w:V(G)Nw:V(G)\to \mathbb{N}, and two integers kk and ll, and the task is to decide if there exists a set XV(G)X\subseteq V(G) such that the weight of XX is at most kk and the weight of a heaviest component of GXG-X is at most ll. In some sense, the wCOC problem can be seen as a refined version of the wVI problem. We prove, among other results, that: (4) wCOC can be solved in O(min{k,l}n3)O(\min\{k,l\}\cdot n^3) time on interval graphs, while the unweighted version can be solved in O(n2)O(n^2) time on this graph class; (5) wCOC is W[1]-hard on split graphs when parameterized by kk or by ll; (6) wCOC can be solved in 2O(klogl)n2^{O(k\log l)} n time; (7) wCOC admits a kernel with at most kl(k+l)+kkl(k+l)+k vertices. We also show that result (6) is essentially tight by proving that wCOC cannot be solved in 2o(klogl)nO(1)2^{o(k \log l)}n^{O(1)} time, unless the ETH fails.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper already appeared in the conference proceedings of ISAAC 201

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We study algorithmic questions for concurrent systems where the transitions are labeled from a complete, closed semiring, and path properties are algebraic with semiring operations. The algebraic path properties can model dataflow analysis problems, the shortest path problem, and many other natural properties that arise in program analysis. We consider that each component of the concurrent system is a graph with constant treewidth, and it is known that the controlflow graphs of most programs have constant treewidth. We allow for multiple possible queries, which arise naturally in demand driven dataflow analysis problems (e.g., alias analysis). The study of multiple queries allows us to consider the tradeoff between the resource usage of the \emph{one-time} preprocessing and for \emph{each individual} query. The traditional approaches construct the product graph of all components and apply the best-known graph algorithm on the product. In the traditional approach, even the answer to a single query requires the transitive closure computation (i.e., the results of all possible queries), which provides no room for tradeoff between preprocessing and query time. Our main contributions are algorithms that significantly improve the worst-case running time of the traditional approach, and provide various tradeoffs depending on the number of queries. For example, in a concurrent system of two components, the traditional approach requires hexic time in the worst case for answering one query as well as computing the transitive closure, whereas we show that with one-time preprocessing in almost cubic time, each subsequent query can be answered in at most linear time, and even the transitive closure can be computed in almost quartic time. Furthermore, we establish conditional optimality results that show that the worst-case running times of our algorithms cannot be improved without achieving major breakthroughs in graph algorithms (such as improving the worst-case bounds for the shortest path problem in general graphs whose current best-known bound has not been improved in five decades). Finally, we provide a prototype implementation of our algorithms which significantly outperforms the existing algorithmic methods on several benchmarks

    The maximum disjoint paths problem on multi-relations social networks

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    Motivated by applications to social network analysis (SNA), we study the problem of finding the maximum number of disjoint uni-color paths in an edge-colored graph. We show the NP-hardness and the approximability of the problem, and both approximation and exact algorithms are proposed. Since short paths are much more significant in SNA, we also study the length-bounded version of the problem, in which the lengths of paths are required to be upper bounded by a fixed integer ll. It is shown that the problem can be solved in polynomial time for l=3l=3 and is NP-hard for l4l\geq 4. We also show that the problem can be approximated with ratio (l1)/2+ϵ(l-1)/2+\epsilon in polynomial time for any ϵ>0\epsilon >0. Particularly, for l=4l=4, we develop an efficient 2-approximation algorithm