20,354 research outputs found

    Rigidity of spherical codes

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    A packing of spherical caps on the surface of a sphere (that is, a spherical code) is called rigid or jammed if it is isolated within the space of packings. In other words, aside from applying a global isometry, the packing cannot be deformed. In this paper, we systematically study the rigidity of spherical codes, particularly kissing configurations. One surprise is that the kissing configuration of the Coxeter-Todd lattice is not jammed, despite being locally jammed (each individual cap is held in place if its neighbors are fixed); in this respect, the Coxeter-Todd lattice is analogous to the face-centered cubic lattice in three dimensions. By contrast, we find that many other packings have jammed kissing configurations, including the Barnes-Wall lattice and all of the best kissing configurations known in four through twelve dimensions. Jamming seems to become much less common for large kissing configurations in higher dimensions, and in particular it fails for the best kissing configurations known in 25 through 31 dimensions. Motivated by this phenomenon, we find new kissing configurations in these dimensions, which improve on the records set in 1982 by the laminated lattices.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figure

    An Efficient Linear Programming Algorithm to Generate the Densest Lattice Sphere Packings

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    Finding the densest sphere packing in dd-dimensional Euclidean space Rd\mathbb{R}^d is an outstanding fundamental problem with relevance in many fields, including the ground states of molecular systems, colloidal crystal structures, coding theory, discrete geometry, number theory, and biological systems. Numerically generating the densest sphere packings becomes very challenging in high dimensions due to an exponentially increasing number of possible sphere contacts and sphere configurations, even for the restricted problem of finding the densest lattice sphere packings. In this paper, we apply the Torquato-Jiao packing algorithm, which is a method based on solving a sequence of linear programs, to robustly reproduce the densest known lattice sphere packings for dimensions 2 through 19. We show that the TJ algorithm is appreciably more efficient at solving these problems than previously published methods. Indeed, in some dimensions, the former procedure can be as much as three orders of magnitude faster at finding the optimal solutions than earlier ones. We also study the suboptimal local density-maxima solutions (inherent structures or "extreme" lattices) to gain insight about the nature of the topography of the "density" landscape.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Random Sequential Addition of Hard Spheres in High Euclidean Dimensions

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    Employing numerical and theoretical methods, we investigate the structural characteristics of random sequential addition (RSA) of congruent spheres in dd-dimensional Euclidean space Rd\mathbb{R}^d in the infinite-time or saturation limit for the first six space dimensions (1≤d≤61 \le d \le 6). Specifically, we determine the saturation density, pair correlation function, cumulative coordination number and the structure factor in each =of these dimensions. We find that for 2≤d≤62 \le d \le 6, the saturation density ϕs\phi_s scales with dimension as ϕs=c1/2d+c2d/2d\phi_s= c_1/2^d+c_2 d/2^d, where c1=0.202048c_1=0.202048 and c2=0.973872c_2=0.973872. We also show analytically that the same density scaling persists in the high-dimensional limit, albeit with different coefficients. A byproduct of this high-dimensional analysis is a relatively sharp lower bound on the saturation density for any dd given by ϕs≥(d+2)(1−S0)/2d+1\phi_s \ge (d+2)(1-S_0)/2^{d+1}, where S0∈[0,1]S_0\in [0,1] is the structure factor at k=0k=0 (i.e., infinite-wavelength number variance) in the high-dimensional limit. Consistent with the recent "decorrelation principle," we find that pair correlations markedly diminish as the space dimension increases up to six. Our work has implications for the possible existence of disordered classical ground states for some continuous potentials in sufficiently high dimensions.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    A Novel Symmetric Four Dimensional Polytope Found Using Optimization Strategies Inspired by Thomson's Problem of Charges on a Sphere

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    Inspired by, and using methods of optimization derived from classical three dimensional electrostatics, we note a novel beautiful symmetric four dimensional polytope we have found with 80 vertices. We also describe how the method used to find this symmetric polytope, and related methods can potentially be used to find good examples for the kissing and packing problems in D dimensions

    On kissing numbers and spherical codes in high dimensions

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    We prove a lower bound of Ω(d3/2⋅(2/3)d)\Omega (d^{3/2} \cdot (2/\sqrt{3})^d) on the kissing number in dimension dd. This improves the classical lower bound of Chabauty, Shannon, and Wyner by a linear factor in the dimension. We obtain a similar linear factor improvement to the best known lower bound on the maximal size of a spherical code of acute angle θ\theta in high dimensions

    Seven Staggering Sequences

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    When my "Handbook of Integer Sequences" came out in 1973, Philip Morrison gave it an enthusiastic review in the Scientific American and Martin Gardner was kind enough to say in his Mathematical Games column that "every recreational mathematician should buy a copy forthwith." That book contained 2372 sequences. Today the "On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences" contains 117000 sequences. This paper will describe seven that I find especially interesting. These are the EKG sequence, Gijswijt's sequence, a numerical analog of Aronson's sequence, approximate squaring, the integrality of n-th roots of generating functions, dissections, and the kissing number problem. (Paper for conference in honor of Martin Gardner's 91st birthday.)Comment: 12 pages. A somewhat different version appeared in "Homage to a Pied Puzzler", E. Pegg Jr., A. H. Schoen and T. Rodgers (editors), A. K. Peters, Wellesley, MA, 2009, pp. 93-11
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