1,753 research outputs found

    The Monge problem for supercritical Mane potentials on compact manifolds

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    We prove the existence of an optimal map for the Monge problem when the cost is a supercritical Mane potential on a compact manifold. Supercritical Mane potentials form a class of costs which generalize the Riemannian distances. We describe new links between this transportation problem and viscosity subsolutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation

    Entropic and displacement interpolation: a computational approach using the Hilbert metric

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    Monge-Kantorovich optimal mass transport (OMT) provides a blueprint for geometries in the space of positive densities -- it quantifies the cost of transporting a mass distribution into another. In particular, it provides natural options for interpolation of distributions (displacement interpolation) and for modeling flows. As such it has been the cornerstone of recent developments in physics, probability theory, image processing, time-series analysis, and several other fields. In spite of extensive work and theoretical developments, the computation of OMT for large scale problems has remained a challenging task. An alternative framework for interpolating distributions, rooted in statistical mechanics and large deviations, is that of Schroedinger bridges (entropic interpolation). This may be seen as a stochastic regularization of OMT and can be cast as the stochastic control problem of steering the probability density of the state-vector of a dynamical system between two marginals. In this approach, however, the actual computation of flows had hardly received any attention. In recent work on Schroedinger bridges for Markov chains and quantum evolutions, we noted that the solution can be efficiently obtained from the fixed-point of a map which is contractive in the Hilbert metric. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to show that a similar approach can be taken in the context of diffusion processes which i) leads to a new proof of a classical result on Schroedinger bridges and ii) provides an efficient computational scheme for both, Schroedinger bridges and OMT. We illustrate this new computational approach by obtaining interpolation of densities in representative examples such as interpolation of images.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    General equilibrium analysis in ordered topological vector spaces

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    The second welfare theorem and the core-equivalence theorem have been proved to be fundamental tools for obtaining equilibrium existence theorems, especially in an infinite dimensional setting. For well-behaved exchange economies that we call proper economies, this paper gives (minimal) conditions for supporting with prices Pareto optimal allocations and decentralizing Edgeworth equilibrium allocations as non-trivial equilibria. As we assume neither transitivity nor monotonicity on the preferences of consumers, most of the existing equilibrium existence results are a consequence of our results. A natural application is in Finance, where our conditions lead to new equilibrium existence results, and also explain why some financial economies fail to have equilibrium.Equilibrium; Valuation equilibrium; Pareto-optimum; Edgeworth equilibrium; Properness; ordered topological vector spaces; Riesz-Kantorovich formula; sup-convolution

    Optimal transportation for a quadratic cost with convex constraints and applications

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    We prove existence of an optimal transport map in the Monge-Kantorovich problem associated to a cost c(x,y)c(x,y) which is not finite everywhere, but coincides with xy2|x-y|^2 if the displacement yxy-x belongs to a given convex set CC and it is ++\infty otherwise. The result is proven for CC satisfying some technical assumptions allowing any convex body in R2\R^2 and any convex polyhedron in Rd\R^d, d>2d>2. The tools are inspired by the recent Champion-DePascale-Juutinen technique. Their idea, based on density points and avoiding disintegrations and dual formulations, allowed to deal with LL^\infty problems and, later on, with the Monge problem for arbitrary norms