12 research outputs found

    Study of the Importance of Adequacy to Robot Verbal and Non Verbal Communication in Human-Robot interaction

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    The Robadom project aims at creating a homecare robot that help and assist people in their daily life, either in doing task for the human or in managing day organization. A robot could have this kind of role only if it is accepted by humans. Before thinking about the robot appearance, we decided to evaluate the importance of the relation between verbal and nonverbal communication during a human-robot interaction in order to determine the situation where the robot is accepted. We realized two experiments in order to study this acceptance. The first experiment studied the importance of having robot nonverbal behavior in relation of its verbal behavior. The second experiment studied the capability of a robot to provide a correct human-robot interaction.Comment: the 43rd Symposium on Robotics - ISR 2012, Taipei : Taiwan, Province Of China (2012

    Creating Interaction Scenarios With a New Graphical User Interface

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    The field of human-centered computing has known a major progress these past few years. It is admitted that this field is multidisciplinary and that the human is the core of the system. It shows two matters of concern: multidisciplinary and human. The first one reveals that each discipline plays an important role in the global research and that the collaboration between everyone is needed. The second one explains that a growing number of researches aims at making the human commitment degree increase by giving him/her a decisive role in the human-machine interaction. This paper focuses on these both concerns and presents MICE (Machines Interaction Control in their Environment) which is a system where the human is the one who makes the decisions to manage the interaction with the machines. In an ambient context, the human can decide of objects actions by creating interaction scenarios with a new visual programming language: scenL.Comment: 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction, Palerme : Italy (2012

    Sharing spaces, sharing lives - The impact of robot mobility on user perception of a home companion robot

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    Syrdal D.S., Dautenhahn K., Koay K.L., Walters M.L., Ho W.C. (2013) 'Sharing Spaces, Sharing Lives – The Impact of Robot Mobility on User Perception of a Home Companion Robot', In: Herrmann G., Pearson M.J., Lenz A., Bremner P., Spiers A., Leonards U. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 8239. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02675-6_32 Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Robotics, (ICSR) 2013, Bristol, UK, 27-29 October 2013. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013This paper examines the role of spatial behaviours in building human-robot relationships. A group of 8 participants, involved in a long-term HRI study, interacted with an artificial agent using different embodiments over a period of one and a half months. The robot embodiments had similar interactional and expressive capabilities, but only one embodiment was capable of moving. Participants reported feeling closer to the robot embodiment capable of physical movement and rated it as more likable. Results suggest that while expressive and communicative abilities may be important in terms of building affinity and rapport with human interactants, the importance of physical interactions when negotiating shared physical space in real time should not be underestimated

    What do staff in eldercare want a robot for? An assessment of potential tasks and user requirements for a long-term deployment

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    Robotic aids could help to overcome the gap between rising numbers of older adults and at the same time declining numbers of care staff. Assessments of end-user requirements, especially focusing on staff in eldercare facilities are still sparse. Contributing to this field of research this study presents end-user requirements and task analysis gained from a methodological combination of interviews and focus group discussions. The findings suggest different tasks robots in eldercare could engage in such as “fetch and carry” tasks, specific entertainment and information tasks, support in physical and occupational therapy, and in security. Furthermore this paper presents an iterative approach that closes the loop between requirements-assessments and subsequent implementations that follow the found requirements

    Une interaction la plus riche possible et à moindre coût

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    International audienceLes jeux de stimulation cognitive ont une importance capitale pour ralentir le déclin des personnes atteintes de troubles cognitifs. Une partie de ces jeux appartient au domaine des GUI et montre des limites notamment depuis l'émergence des NUI (passivité de l'utilisateur, interaction moins riche...). Il existe également des jeux dans le domaine des NUI, mais souvent ils utilisent de la technologie onéreuse ou sont spécialisés pour un problème précis. Souvent, il n'est pas possible de modifier les exercices proposés. Cet article propose une solution pour développer des jeux de stimulation dans le domaine des NUI, à bas prix. Le principe est d'utiliser les dispositifs numériques qui sont présents pour faire un jeu attractif et réutilisable dans d'autres domaines. Cet article présente StimCards, un jeu de cartes interactif. Les utilisateurs peuvent créer leur propre carte et posséder une base de questions illimitée. Ce jeu s'adapte donc à tous les domaines, à toutes les applications. Une expérimentation a montré que StimCards est stimulant et accepté par les utilisateurs

    Perceptions of healthcare robots as a function of emotion-based coping:The importance of coping appraisals and coping strategies

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    The urgent pressure on healthcare increases the need for understanding how new technology such as social robots may offer solutions. Many healthcare situations are emotionally charged, which likely affects people's perceptions of such robots in healthcare contexts. Thus far however, little attention has been paid to how people's prior emotions may influence their perceptions of the robot. Based on emotional appraisal theories and prior research, we assume that particularly emotional coping appraisals would influence healthcare-robot perceptions. Additionally, we tested effects of actual coping through the use of emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies. Hypotheses were tested in a 2 (sad vs. angry) x 2 (hard-to-cope-with vs. easy-to-cope-with) between-subjects experiment, also including a control group. Results (N = 132; age range 18–36) showed that manipulated coping potential indirectly affected perceptions of a healthcare robot via the appraisal of coping potential. Furthermore, positive emotion-focused coping affected perceptions of a healthcare robot positively. Thus, people's healthcare-robot perceptions were affected by how they cope or how they think they can cope with their emotions, rather than by the emotions as such

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    D'émotion et de GRACE (vers un modèle computationnel unifié des émotions)

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    Les psychologues (comme A. Damasio, K. R. Scherer, P. Ekman) ont montré que l émotion est un élément essentiel dans la prise de décision, dans l évolution des capacités d apprentissage et de création, dans l interaction sociale. Il est donc naturel de s'intéresser à l'expression d'émotions dans le cadre de l'interaction homme-machine. Nous avons proposé dans un premier temps le modèle GRACE, modèle générique des émotions pour les applications computationnelles. Nous nous sommes basés en particulier sur la théorie psychologique de K. R. Scherer, qui cherche à produire une théorie des processus émotionnels qui soit modélisable et calculable. La pertinence de notre modèle a été vérifiée et validée via une comparaison avec différents modèles computationnels existants. Si le modèle GRACE est générique, nous nous sommes attachés à montrer qu il pouvait s instancier dans un contexte particulier, en l occurrence l interaction homme-robot utilisant la modalité musicale. Nous nous sommes intéressés pour cela d une part à la conception d un module d analyse du contenu émotionnel d une séquence musicale, d autre part à la conception de mouvements émotionnellement expressifs pour un robot mobile. Du point de vue de l analyse musicale, la contribution principale de la thèse porte sur la proposition d un ensemble réduit d indicateurs musicaux et sur la validation du module d analyse sur une base de données de grande taille conçue par un expert en musicologie. Du point de vue de la robotique, nous avons pu montrer expérimentalement qu un robot avec des capacités expressives très limitées (déplacements, mouvements de caméra) pouvait néanmoins exprimer de manière satisfaisante un ensemble réduit d émotions simples (joie, colère, tristesse, sérénité).Emotion, as psychologists argue (like A. Damasio, K. R. Scherer, P. Ekman), is an essential factor for human beings in making decision, learning, inventing things, and interacting with others. Based on this statement, researchers in Human-Machine Interaction have been interested in adding emotional abilities to their applications. With the same goal of studying emotional abilities, we propose, in our work, a model of emotions named GRACE, which helps in modelling emotions in computational applications. We based our model on the work of psychologist Klaus R. Scherer, who intensively searches to form a generic model of emotion applicable to computational domain (like informatics, robotics, etc.). We demonstrate the pertinence of our model by comparing it to other existing models of emotions in the field of informatics and robotics. In this thesis, we also worked on the instantiation of GRACE, in particular the components Cognitive Interpretation and Expression. These two components have been developed to be applied in the context of interacting with users using music. To develop Cognitive Interpretation, we worked on the extraction of emotional content in musical excerpts. Our contribution consists in proposing a reduced number of musical features to efficiently extract the emotional content in music, and in validating them via a learning system with a large database designed by a musicologist. For Expression, we have worked on the design of emotional moves of a mobile robot. Through very limited moves (moves in space, camera moves), we have shown that with dance-inspired motions, the robot could efficiently convey basic emotions (i.e. happiness, sadness, anger, serenity) to people.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF