2,214,607 research outputs found

    Packing a Knapsack of Unknown Capacity

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    We study the problem of packing a knapsack without knowing its capacity. Whenever we attempt to pack an item that does not fit, the item is discarded; if the item fits, we have to include it in the packing. We show that there is always a policy that packs a value within factor 2 of the optimum packing, irrespective of the actual capacity. If all items have unit density, we achieve a factor equal to the golden ratio. Both factors are shown to be best possible. In fact, we obtain the above factors using packing policies that are universal in the sense that they fix a particular order of the items and try to pack the items in this order, independent of the observations made while packing. We give efficient algorithms computing these policies. On the other hand, we show that, for any alpha>1, the problem of deciding whether a given universal policy achieves a factor of alpha is coNP-complete. If alpha is part of the input, the same problem is shown to be coNP-complete for items with unit densities. Finally, we show that it is coNP-hard to decide, for given alpha, whether a set of items admits a universal policy with factor alpha, even if all items have unit densities

    Locating Depots for Capacitated Vehicle Routing

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    We study a location-routing problem in the context of capacitated vehicle routing. The input is a set of demand locations in a metric space and a fleet of k vehicles each of capacity Q. The objective is to locate k depots, one for each vehicle, and compute routes for the vehicles so that all demands are satisfied and the total cost is minimized. Our main result is a constant-factor approximation algorithm for this problem. To achieve this result, we reduce to the k-median-forest problem, which generalizes both k-median and minimum spanning tree, and which might be of independent interest. We give a (3+c)-approximation algorithm for k-median-forest, which leads to a (12+c)-approximation algorithm for the above location-routing problem, for any constant c>0. The algorithm for k-median-forest is just t-swap local search, and we prove that it has locality gap 3+2/t; this generalizes the corresponding result known for k-median. Finally we consider the "non-uniform" k-median-forest problem which has different cost functions for the MST and k-median parts. We show that the locality gap for this problem is unbounded even under multi-swaps, which contrasts with the uniform case. Nevertheless, we obtain a constant-factor approximation algorithm, using an LP based approach.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    A Constant Factor Approximation Algorithm for Unsplittable Flow on Paths

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    In the unsplittable flow problem on a path, we are given a capacitated path PP and nn tasks, each task having a demand, a profit, and start and end vertices. The goal is to compute a maximum profit set of tasks, such that for each edge ee of PP, the total demand of selected tasks that use ee does not exceed the capacity of ee. This is a well-studied problem that has been studied under alternative names, such as resource allocation, bandwidth allocation, resource constrained scheduling, temporal knapsack and interval packing. We present a polynomial time constant-factor approximation algorithm for this problem. This improves on the previous best known approximation ratio of O(logn)O(\log n). The approximation ratio of our algorithm is 7+ϵ7+\epsilon for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0. We introduce several novel algorithmic techniques, which might be of independent interest: a framework which reduces the problem to instances with a bounded range of capacities, and a new geometrically inspired dynamic program which solves a special case of the maximum weight independent set of rectangles problem to optimality. In the setting of resource augmentation, wherein the capacities can be slightly violated, we give a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm. In addition, we show that the problem is strongly NP-hard even if all edge capacities are equal and all demands are either~1,~2, or~3.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures Version 2 contains the same results as version 1, but the presentation has been greatly revised and improved. References have been adde

    Joint Cache Partition and Job Assignment on Multi-Core Processors

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    Multicore shared cache processors pose a challenge for designers of embedded systems who try to achieve minimal and predictable execution time of workloads consisting of several jobs. To address this challenge the cache is statically partitioned among the cores and the jobs are assigned to the cores so as to minimize the makespan. Several heuristic algorithms have been proposed that jointly decide how to partition the cache among the cores and assign the jobs. We initiate a theoretical study of this problem which we call the joint cache partition and job assignment problem. By a careful analysis of the possible cache partitions we obtain a constant approximation algorithm for this problem. For some practical special cases we obtain a 2-approximation algorithm, and show how to improve the approximation factor even further by allowing the algorithm to use additional cache. We also study possible improvements that can be obtained by allowing dynamic cache partitions and dynamic job assignments. We define a natural special case of the well known scheduling problem on unrelated machines in which machines are ordered by "strength". Our joint cache partition and job assignment problem generalizes this scheduling problem which we think is of independent interest. We give a polynomial time algorithm for this scheduling problem for instances obtained by fixing the cache partition in a practical case of the joint cache partition and job assignment problem where job loads are step functions

    Revenue Maximization and Ex-Post Budget Constraints

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    We consider the problem of a revenue-maximizing seller with m items for sale to n additive bidders with hard budget constraints, assuming that the seller has some prior distribution over bidder values and budgets. The prior may be correlated across items and budgets of the same bidder, but is assumed independent across bidders. We target mechanisms that are Bayesian Incentive Compatible, but that are ex-post Individually Rational and ex-post budget respecting. Virtually no such mechanisms are known that satisfy all these conditions and guarantee any revenue approximation, even with just a single item. We provide a computationally efficient mechanism that is a 33-approximation with respect to all BIC, ex-post IR, and ex-post budget respecting mechanisms. Note that the problem is NP-hard to approximate better than a factor of 16/15, even in the case where the prior is a point mass \cite{ChakrabartyGoel}. We further characterize the optimal mechanism in this setting, showing that it can be interpreted as a distribution over virtual welfare maximizers. We prove our results by making use of a black-box reduction from mechanism to algorithm design developed by \cite{CaiDW13b}. Our main technical contribution is a computationally efficient 33-approximation algorithm for the algorithmic problem that results by an application of their framework to this problem. The algorithmic problem has a mixed-sign objective and is NP-hard to optimize exactly, so it is surprising that a computationally efficient approximation is possible at all. In the case of a single item (m=1m=1), the algorithmic problem can be solved exactly via exhaustive search, leading to a computationally efficient exact algorithm and a stronger characterization of the optimal mechanism as a distribution over virtual value maximizers

    Matroid and Knapsack Center Problems

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    In the classic kk-center problem, we are given a metric graph, and the objective is to open kk nodes as centers such that the maximum distance from any vertex to its closest center is minimized. In this paper, we consider two important generalizations of kk-center, the matroid center problem and the knapsack center problem. Both problems are motivated by recent content distribution network applications. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: 1. We consider the matroid center problem in which the centers are required to form an independent set of a given matroid. We show this problem is NP-hard even on a line. We present a 3-approximation algorithm for the problem on general metrics. We also consider the outlier version of the problem where a given number of vertices can be excluded as the outliers from the solution. We present a 7-approximation for the outlier version. 2. We consider the (multi-)knapsack center problem in which the centers are required to satisfy one (or more) knapsack constraint(s). It is known that the knapsack center problem with a single knapsack constraint admits a 3-approximation. However, when there are at least two knapsack constraints, we show this problem is not approximable at all. To complement the hardness result, we present a polynomial time algorithm that gives a 3-approximate solution such that one knapsack constraint is satisfied and the others may be violated by at most a factor of 1+ϵ1+\epsilon. We also obtain a 3-approximation for the outlier version that may violate the knapsack constraint by 1+ϵ1+\epsilon.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper is accepted to IPCO 201