4 research outputs found

    Data sharing of computer scientists: an analysis of current research information system data

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    Without sufficient information about researchers data sharing, there is a risk of mismatching FAIR data service efforts with the needs of researchers. This study describes a methodology where departmental publications are used to analyse the ways in which computer scientists share research data. All journal articles published by researchers in the computer science department of the case studys university during 2019 were extracted for scrutiny from the current research information system. For these 193 articles, a coding framework was developed to capture the key elements of acquiring and sharing research data. Furthermore, a rudimentary classification of the main study types exhibited in the investigated articles was developed to accommodate the multidisciplinary nature of the case departments research agenda. Human interaction and intervention studies often collected original data, whereas research on novel computational methods and life sciences more frequently used openly available data. Articles that made data available for reuse were most often in life science studies, whereas data sharing was least frequent in human interaction studies. The use of open code was most frequent in life science studies and novel computational methods. The findings highlight that multidisciplinary research organisations may include diverse subfields that have their own cultures of data sharing, and suggest that research information system-based methods may be valuable additions to the questionnaire and interview methodologies eliciting insight into researchers data sharing. The collected data and coding framework are provided as open data to facilitate future research

    Research Management Systems: Systematic Mapping of Literature (2007-2017)

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    Research management in relation to Research and Development (R&D) has found a comprehensive and powerful tool in the Current Research Information System (CRIS). Publications on the subject are still emerging, so knowing what research has been done and its contributions presents an opportunity to build theoretical and reference frameworks, and to identify gaps and potential opportunities for future developments in information technology. Various articles covering these systems were analyzed with the objective of identifying the research areas, countries and institutions in which they were published, as well as their research approaches, contributions and topics covered. A systematic mapping of literature was carried out, which included 33 articles published on Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, from 2007 to 2017. To ensure valid results, the evaluation guide for researchers was used during for the design and review phases of the systematic mapping studies, as well as the corresponding evaluation rubric; in addition, a strategy to define direct decision rules on how to classify an article based on the results of evaluations of multiple researchers was adopted. The findings show that the main research areas are Information Science & Library Science and Computer Science; the largest concentration of publications is found in Europe; research focuses on Evaluation Research; contributions are oriented to create processes and models, and to describe the applications and uses of CRIS. It is concluded that there are areas of opportunity for the development of research in this area, such as the expansion of the research areas in which it is used, the possibilities of collaboration, sharing and exchange at a global level, and the coverage towards integration issues with open access

    The Important Role of CRIS's for Registering and Archiving Research Data. The RDS-project at Radboud University (the Netherlands) in Cooperation with Data-archive DANS

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    Contains fulltext : 184004pub.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access) Contains fulltext : 184004.pdf (postprint version ) (Open Access)8 p

    O potencial da base institucional SABi para análise bibliométrica : um estudo da cobertura da produção científica da FAMED/UFRGS

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    Na busca por alternativas que possibilitem um mapeamento completo da atividade científica das universidades, para além das bases de dados tradicionais, têm sido exploradas fontes de informação capazes de fornecer dados para a geração de indicadores de avaliação. Entre elas, estão as bases de dados institucionais, tema da pesquisa, que avaliou o potencial da base SABi da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) como fonte para a geração de indicadores bibliométricos. Para tanto, identificou e comparou a cobertura da produção científica da Faculdade de Medicina da UFRGS na Web of Science e no SABi, e explorou na base institucional quais são os formatos de exportação e os campos de dados que atualmente possibilitam a realização de análises bibliométricas. No referencial teórico, abordou brevemente temas como produção científica nas universidades, serviços bibliométricos em bibliotecas universitárias e bases de dados institucionais. Os procedimentos metodológicos para a análise da cobertura das bases consideraram as especificidades de cada uma para a elaboração das estratégias de busca. Na Web of Science, optou-se pela Pesquisa Avançada, e foram utilizadas as variações dos nomes dos docentes dos departamentos da FAMED/UFRGS, coordenadas com as variações do nome da Universidade. No SABi, optou-se pela Pesquisa CCL (Common Command Language), na qual utilizou-se estratégias específicas para cada um dos departamentos, coordenados com as codificações para cada tipologia de produção científica selecionada para a pesquisa. A limitação temporal da busca considerou os registros publicados entre 2009 e 2016. Os resultados permitiram verificar que as limitações de cobertura apontadas às bases comerciais em outros estudos se encontram representadas também quanto à produção da FAMED/UFRGS. Foram 8.519 registros de publicações identificadas no SABi e 4.106 registros na WoS. No SABi a maior soma representa os trabalhos de evento (62,77%) e na WoS são os artigos que se destacam (83,49%). Os livros e capítulos de livros representaram um índice expressivo de 14,85% do total da amostra no SABi. Quanto aos artigos de periódicos, a diferença na cobertura das bases foi de apenas 4,85% do total da amostra. A sobreposição de registros nas bases alcançou 18,11% do total de artigos e trabalhos de evento. Na análise por departamentos, verificou-se que em todos eles a cobertura da produção no SABi é superior à WoS, com destaque para os departamentos de Patologia (77,10%), Oftalmologia e Otorrinolaringologia (75,60%), Medicina Social (74,21%) e Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (71,99%). Quanto à sobreposição dos registros nas bases, apenas o Departamento de Psiquiatria e Medicina Legal possui melhor índice de cobertura, com 20,33% dos registros presentes tanto no SABi quanto na base comercial. Foi possível explorar as possibilidades de construção de indicadores bibliométricos com os dados extraídos do SABi, identificando o formato RIS de exportação como o mais adequado para análise. Identificaram-se os campos que permitem o desenvolvimento de indicadores de produção científica, de coocorrência de palavras e de colaboração científica. Limitações foram apontadas no formato RIS quanto aos dados sobre os tipos específicos de produções acadêmicas, as vinculações institucionais dos autores e os financiamentos recebidos. Sugestões foram realizadas quanto à adequação de tais campos, ao aumento no número máximo de registros passíveis de exportação, à criação de um formato RIS específico para geração de indicadores bibliométricos a partir do SABi, além da oferta de relatórios e gráficos automatizados. Os resultados obtidos sobre a cobertura da produção científica da FAMED/UFRGS indicam que estudos bibliométricos que avaliam a produção de uma instituição apenas com dados extraídos da Web of Science terão resultados parciais, dada a limitação da base para tratar a realidade das publicações das universidades brasileiras, com variações de cobertura até mesmo dentro da área da Medicina. Os resultados confirmam a importância de dados extraídos de bases institucionais na avaliação da produção científica da UFRGS, tanto pelos quantitativos identificados quanto pela diversidade de publicações registradas. Conclui-se que apesar das limitações expostas, o SABi apresenta potencial para usos além da preservação da produção científica e mostra-se extremamente útil para análises bibliométricas que podem ser realizadas com autonomia pelas bibliotecas setoriais da UFRGS, inclusive fomentando novas possibilidades de serviços bibliométricos à comunidade acadêmica, relacionados à comunicação científica.In the search for alternatives that allow a complete mapping of the universities scientific activity beyond the traditional databases, sources of information capable of providing data for the generation of evaluation indicators have been explored. Among them are the institutional databases, the subject of this research, which evaluated the potential of the database of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), SABi, as a source for the generation of bibliometric indicators. To that end, it identified and compared the coverage of the Faculty of Medicine of UFRGS scientific output in the Web of Science and SABi, and explored which are the export formats and the data fields that currently allow the bibliometric analysis in the institutional database. In the theoretical reference, it briefly addressed topics such as scientific output in universities, bibliometric services in university libraries and institutional databases. The methodological procedures for the analysis of the databases coverage considered the specificities of each one for the elaboration of the search strategies. In the Web of Science, it chose the Advanced Research, and it used the variations of the names of the departments professors of FAMED/UFRGS coordinated with the variations of the University name. In SABi, we chose the CCL (Common Command Language) Research, where we used specific strategies for each of the departments, coordinated with the codifications for each type of scientific output selected for the research. The temporal limitation of the search considered the records published between 2009 and 2016. The results allowed to verify that the limitations coverage, indicated in the commercial bases in other studies, are also represented in the FAMED/UFRGS output. There were 8.519 records of publications identified in SABi and 4,106 records in the WoS. In SABi, the largest sum represents the proceeding papers (62.77%) and in WoS are the articles that stand out (83.49%). Books and book chapters represented an expressive index of 14.85% of the total sample in SABi. As for journal articles, the databases coverage difference was only 4.85% of the total sample. The overlapping of records at the bases reached 18.11% of the total articles and proceeding papers. In the analysis by departments, it was verified that in all of them the output coverage in SABi is superior to that of WoS, with emphasis on the departments of Pathology (77.10%), Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology (75.60%), Social Medicine (74.21%) and Gynecology and Obstetrics (71.99%). As for the overlapping of records in the databases, only the Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine has a better coverage index, with 20.33% of the records present in both SABi and WoS databases. It was possible to explore the possibilities of constructing bibliometric indicators with data extracted from SABi, identifying the RIS export format as the most suitable for analysis. We identified the fields that allow the development of scientific output, co-occurrence of words and scientific collaboration. Limitations in the RIS format were pointed out, regarding the data on the specific types of academic output, the institutional linkages of the authors and the funding received. Suggestions were made regarding the adequacy of such fields, the increase in the maximum number of records that could be exported, the creation of a specific RIS format for the generation of bibliometric indicators from SABi, as well as the provision of automated reports and graphics. The results obtained on the scientific output coverage of FAMED/UFRGS indicate that bibliometric studies that evaluate the output of an institution only with data extracted from the Web of Science will have partial results, given the limitation of the base to register the publications of the Brazilian universities, with coverage variations even within the area of Medicine. The results confirm the importance of data extracted from institutional databases in the evaluation of UFRGS scientific output, both for the quantitaty identified and for the diversity of registered publications. It concludes that, despite the limitations mentioned, SABi has potential for uses beyond the scientific output preservation and is extremely useful for bibliometric analyzes, which can be carried out autonomously by the UFRGS sector libraries, and even foster new possibilities of bibliometric services related to scientific communication to the academic community