190 research outputs found


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    Dynamic Capabilities are often considered as the factor justifying the different degrees of success of organizations in turbulent environment. However Dynamic Capability development remains a difficult issue to research, with a paucity of work directly addressing this question, despite its importance. The explanation of the development of Dynamic Capabilities would give organizations the instruments to rationally improve their chance of success and to more likely sustain their competitive advantage. We contribute to the emerging literature on Information Technology (IT) Dynamic Capability development by proposing a research framework grounded in the three sources of Dynamic Capabilities: organizational processes, firm history and firm's assets. Our model takes into consideration also the moderating role played by environmental turbulence on Dynamic Capability development and on process performance. In this contribution we lay the theoretical and methodological groundwork and we foresee the test of the model using Data Genesis (DG) capability as the context. DG is the Dynamic Capability of (1) choosing IT to generate and capture data in digital form, (2) integrating the technology in the appropriate business processes, and (3) managing the digital data so produced.IT capability; Dynamic Capability; capability development; Data Genesis

    A Proposed Measure Of IT Infrastructure Flexibility In The Global Networked Firm: Extending The IT Infrastructure Measure Of Reach And Range

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    In today’s fast paced global business environment, firms need a flexible infrastructure that allows the organization to adapt to rapid change. An important enabler of this flexibility is the IT infrastructure. IT infrastructure flexibility is not a well understood concept and little work has been done on how to measure IT infrastructure flexibility. This paper fills this gap by proposing a measure for IT Infrastructure flexibility based on Keen’s 1991 reach and range

    An Empirical Examination of the Relationship Between Information Technology Infastructure, Customer Focus and Business Advantages

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    During the past two decades, both academic researchers and business managers have attempted to understand the ways through which information technology (IT) can create business advantages. In this paper, we present a model that tests the relationship between IT infrastructure, customer focus, and business advantages. Customer Focus has been categorized into: customer responsiveness and product/service innovation. The data for the study were obtained from 116 executives from a number of business organizations. IT infrastructure is found to have significant effect on customer responsiveness, but does not show any significant relationship with product/service innovation. IT infrastructure, customer responsiveness, and product/service innovation are found to be significantly related business advantages

    Incorporating Self-Interest Into Information Systems Development: A Research Model

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    Information systems (IS) analysis and design has much to do with “people factors.” Basically, human beings are creatures of self-interest. This paper first proposes a theory of self-interest as the theoretical base and integrative approach to understand the phenomenon of IS development. Based upon the theory proposed, a series of research propositions are then advanced to lay the basis of specifying variables and hypotheses in future research. The two research questions explored are: (1) How does IS analysis and design connote self-interest? (2) How does self-interest affect IS quality

    How Information Technology Capabilities Influence Organizational Innovation: Exploratory Findings from Two Case Studies

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    This paper is based on research-in-progress that examines how a firm’s information technology (IT) capabilities affect its ability to innovate. Prior research has identified five dimensions of IT capability and three activities related to innovation. The current research draws on these themes and examines the interplay among these factors. We used a multiple case study method and studied innovation activities at three case sites. The findings so far have revealed that the different aspects of IT capability do indeed affect an organization’s ability to innovate and influence the innovation process in different ways. The paper explains how and why this is so, and identifies areas for further enquiry

    Information System Resources and Organizational Performance: Case of Apparel Sector in Sri Lanka

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    Identifying the business value of Information System (IS) resources has been a major concern of managers in Sri Lanka due to the large-scale investments they do for planting IS resources in firms. In the past decade, Sri Lankan organizations have increased their investments in IS significantly with the expectation that these investments will improve firm performance. So, understanding whether IS resources significantly contribute towards the growth of performance is critical at present and if the IS investments doesn’t contribute in improving the firm performance it is useless to do heavy investments on IS resource. Thus, aim of this research is to identify the effects of IS resources on firm’s performance in Sri Lankan context seeking evidence from the apparel industry. Findings of this research revealed that IS resources significantly contributing to improved organizational performance in Sri Lanka. Keywords: Human Capital, Infrastructure Flexibility, Relationship Quality, Information System Resources.

    The Impact of IT Capability and E-Business on the Supply Chain Performance

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    This research has developed an analytical framework based on resource-based theory. It intends to find out the impact of different attributes on supply chain performance and financial performance under different IT capabilities and application degrees. The hypothesis test model incorporating five measuring variables is conducted; they are strategy of e-business, application degree of e-business, information technology capability, supply chain performance and financial performance. The results indicate that e-business strategy will affect the application degree for either high-tech industry or traditional industry; and higher IT capability will make the application degree impact on supply chain performance more significant while financial performance is not obviously activated. E-business should be a strategic policy. The managerial full support and involvement, cautious selection of new operational strategy, as well as the integration of e-business process and information, will make IT application, e-business process and readiness collaborate closely, so as to create business value and promote operational performance of supply chain

    Impact of Industry and Industry Position on IT Focus: An Alternative IT Value Model

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    IT Investment Strategy And IT Infrastructure Services

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    Organizations invest in information technology infrastructure for a variety of reasons.  One dimension describing the investment strategy is the intention of achieving cost savings versus the intention to remain flexible and responsive to the marketplace.  Of interest is the relationship between this cost-flexibility dimension and the extent to which services are provided as part of the firmwide infrastructure.  A survey of CIOs reveals that organizations emphasizing cost tend to have less investment in firmwide infrastructure across a breadth of service types than those promoting flexibility.  This implies that organizations pursuing a flexible strategy will provide a broader base of services that are common to all groups within the organization.  Firms using a cost-based strategy tend to provide less infrastructure leaving many of the services incomplete or up to individual business units within the organization

    Exploring Business Process Re-engineering, Change Management, Customer Focus, and Organizational Performance

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    The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the business process re-engineering (BPR), a radical process change for a volatile environment. The study explores the concepts of BPR and its relations to organizational performance through a literature review. Numerous researches have reported on the BPR factors like change management and customer focus, which are highly recommended in the literature review. The BPR influences organizational performance both financially and non-financially. The implementation of the BPR offers the organization with sustainable competitive advantages
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