842 research outputs found

    Digital logic circuit design using adiabatic approach

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    A major challenge for the circuit designers nowadays is to meet the demand for low power, especially those used in portable and wearable devices which have limited energy power supply. The reasons of designing low power consumption circuit are to reduce energy usage and minimize dissipation of heat. Adiabatic technique is an attractive approach to obtain power optimization where some of the charge in capacitance can be recycled instead of being dissipated as heat. In this thesis, a methodology for designing sequential adiabatic circuits employing a single-phase power clock was investigated. Initially, methods to simulate dynamic power were analysed by identifying a better and reliable method to simulate adiabatic dynamic power. In addition, a method to validate the output voltage swing was presented. The relationship between voltage swing and power dissipation was analysed. Then, several adiabatic sequential D flip flops (DFF) designs which make use of combinational adiabatic circuit design based on quasi-adiabatic were proposed and suitable types of alternating current power supply which influence dynamic power were analysed and selected. The functionality and performance of the proposed circuits were compared against other adiabatic and traditional Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) circuits and verified to function up to 1 GHz operating region. Besides the circuits, the layout of the proposed sequential adiabatic design was also produced. All simulations were carried out using 0.25 ^m CMOS technology parameters using Tanner Electronic Design Aided and HSPICE tools. The findings showed that the proposed combinational circuit had less transistor count, lower power dissipation with lower voltage swing as compared to reference adiabatic circuits. Furthermore, the proposed sequential DFF circuit showed 25% less power dissipation compared to traditional CMOS

    Adiabatic Approach for Low-Power Passive Near Field Communication Systems

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    This thesis tackles the need of ultra-low power electronics in the power limited passive Near Field Communication (NFC) systems. One of the techniques that has proven the potential of delivering low power operation is the Adiabatic Logic Technique. However, the low power benefits of the adiabatic circuits come with the challenges due to the absence of single opinion on the most energy efficient adiabatic logic family which constitute appropriate trade-offs between computation time, area and complexity based on the circuit and the power-clocking schemes. Therefore, five energy efficient adiabatic logic families working in single-phase, 2-phase and 4-phase power-clocking schemes were chosen. Since flip-flops are the basic building blocks of any sequential circuit and the existing flip-flops are MUX-based (having more transistors) design, therefore a novel single-phase, 2-phase and 4-phase reset based flip-flops were proposed. The performance of the multi-phase adiabatic families was evaluated and compared based on the design examples such as 2-bit ring counter, 3-bit Up-Down counter and 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) circuit (benchmark circuit) based on ISO 14443-3A standard. Several trade-offs, design rules, and an appropriate range for the supply voltage scaling for multi-phase adiabatic logic are proposed. Furthermore, based on the NFC standard (ISO 14443-3A), data is frequently encoded using Manchester coding technique before transmitting it to the reader. Therefore, if Manchester encoding can be implemented using adiabatic logic technique, energy benefits are expected. However, adiabatic implementation of Manchester encoding presents a challenge. Therefore, a novel method for implementing Manchester encoding using adiabatic logic is proposed overcoming the challenges arising due to the AC power-clock. Other challenges that come with the dynamic nature of the adiabatic gates and the complexity of the 4-phase power-clocking scheme is in synchronizing the power-clock v phases and the time spent in designing, validation and debugging of errors. This requires a specific modelling approach to describe the adiabatic logic behaviour at the higher level of abstraction. However, describing adiabatic logic behaviour using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) is a challenging problem due to the requirement of modelling the AC power-clock and the dual-rail inputs and outputs. Therefore, a VHDL-based modelling approach for the 4-phase adiabatic logic technique is developed for functional simulation, precise timing analysis and as an improvement over the previously described approaches

    Adiabatic Circuits for Power-Constrained Cryptographic Computations

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    This thesis tackles the need for ultra-low power operation in power-constrained cryptographic computations. An example of such an application could be smartcards. One of the techniques which has proven to have the potential of rendering ultra-low power operation is ‘Adiabatic Logic Technique’. However, the adiabatic circuits has associated challenges due to high energy dissipation of the Power-Clock Generator (PCG) and complexity of the multi-phase power-clocking scheme. Energy efficiency of the adiabatic system is often degraded due to the high energy dissipation of the PCG. In this thesis, nstep charging strategy using tank capacitors is considered for the power-clock generation and several design rules and trade-offs between the circuit complexity and energy efficiency of the PCG using n-step charging circuits have been proposed. Since pipelining is inherent in adiabatic logic design, careful selection of architecture is essential, as otherwise overhead in terms of area and energy due to synchronization buffers is induced specifically, in the case of adiabatic designs using 4-phase power-clocking scheme. Several architectures for the Montgomery multiplier using adiabatic logic technique are implemented and compared. An architecture which constitutes an appropriate trade-off between energy efficiency and throughput is proposed along with its methodology. Also, a strategy to reduce the overhead due to synchronization buffers is proposed. A modification in the Montgomery multiplication algorithm is proposed. Furthermore, a problem due to the application of power-clock gating in cascade stages of adiabatic logic is identified. The problem degrades the energy savings that would otherwise be obtained by the application of power-clock gating. A solution to this problem is proposed. Cryptographic implementations also present an obvious target for Power Analysis Attacks (PAA). There are several existing secure adiabatic logic designs which are proposed as a countermeasure against PAA. Shortcomings of the existing logic designs are identified, and two novel secure adiabatic logic designs are proposed as the countermeasures against PAA and improvement over the existing logic designs

    Scalable Energy-Recovery Architectures.

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    Energy efficiency is a critical challenge for today's integrated circuits, especially for high-end digital signal processing and communications that require both high throughput and low energy dissipation for extended battery life. Charge-recovery logic recovers and reuses charge using inductive elements and has the potential to achieve order-of-magnitude improvement in energy efficiency while maintaining high performance. However, the lack of large-scale high-speed silicon demonstrations and inductor area overheads are two major concerns. This dissertation focuses on scalable charge-recovery designs. We present a semi-automated design flow to enable the design of large-scale charge-recovery chips. We also present a new architecture that uses in-package inductors, eliminating the area overheads caused by the use of integrated inductors in high-performance charge-recovery chips. To demonstrate our semi-automated flow, which uses custom-designed standard-cell-like dynamic cells, we have designed a 576-bit charge-recovery low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoder chip. Functioning correctly at clock speeds above 1 GHz, this prototype is the first-ever demonstration of a GHz-speed charge-recovery chip of significant complexity. In terms of energy consumption, this chip improves over recent state-of-the-art LDPCs by at least 1.3 times with comparable or better area efficiency. To demonstrate our architecture for eliminating inductor overheads, we have designed a charge-recovery LDPC decoder chip with in-package inductors. This test-chip has been fabricated in a 65nm CMOS flip-chip process. A custom 6-layer FC-BGA package substrate has been designed with 16 inductors embedded in the fifth layer of the package substrate, yielding higher Q and significantly improving area efficiency and energy efficiency compared to their on-chip counterparts. From measurements, this chip achieves at least 2.3 times lower energy consumption with better area efficiency over state-of-the-art published designs.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116653/1/terryou_1.pd

    IDPAL – A Partially-Adiabatic Energy-Efficient Logic Family: Theory and Applications to Secure Computing

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    Low-power circuits and issues associated with them have gained a significant amount of attention in recent years due to the boom in portable electronic devices. Historically, low-power operation relied heavily on technology scaling and reduced operating voltage, however this trend has been slowing down recently due to the increased power density on chips. This dissertation introduces a new very-low power partially-adiabatic logic family called Input-Decoupled Partially-Adiabatic Logic (IDPAL) with applications in low-power circuits. Experimental results show that IDPAL reduces energy usage by 79% compared to equivalent CMOS implementations and by 25% when compared to the best adiabatic implementation. Experiments ranging from a simple buffer/inverter up to a 32-bit multiplier are explored and result in consistent energy savings, showing that IDPAL could be a viable candidate for a low-power circuit implementation. This work also shows an application of IDPAL to secure low-power circuits against power analysis attacks. It is often assumed that encryption algorithms are perfectly secure against attacks, however, most times attacks using side channels on the hardware implementation of an encryption operation are not investigated. Power analysis attacks are a subset of side channel attacks and can be implemented by measuring the power used by a circuit during an encryption operation in order to obtain secret information from the circuit under attack. Most of the previously proposed solutions for power analysis attacks use a large amount of power and are unsuitable for a low-power application. The almost-equal energy consumption for any given input in an IDPAL circuit suggests that this logic family is a good candidate for securing low-power circuits again power analysis attacks. Experimental results ranging from small circuits to large multipliers are performed and the power-analysis attack resistance of IDPAL is investigated. Results show that IDPAL circuits are not only low-power but also the most secure against power analysis attacks when compared to other adiabatic low-power circuits. Finally, a hybrid adiabatic-CMOS microprocessor design is presented. The proposed microprocessor uses IDPAL for the implementation of circuits with high switching activity (e.g. ALU) and CMOS logic for other circuits (e.g. memory, controller). An adiabatic-CMOS interface for transforming adiabatic signals to square-wave signals is presented and issues associated with a hybrid implementation and their solutions are also discussed

    Carbon Nanotube Interconnect Modeling for Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits

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    In this research, we have studied and analyzed the physical and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes. Based on the reported models for current transport behavior in non-ballistic CNT-FETs, we have built a dynamic model for non-ballistic CNT-FETs. We have also extended the surface potential model of a non-ballistic CNT-FET to a ballistic CNT-FET and developed a current transport model for ballistic CNT-FETs. We have studied the current transport in metallic carbon nanotubes. By considering the electron-electron interactions, we have modified two-dimensional fluid model for electron transport to build a semi-classical one-dimensional fluid model to describe the electron transport in carbon nanotubes, which is regarded as one-dimensional system. Besides its accuracy compared with two-dimensional fluid model and Lüttinger liquid theory, one-dimensional fluid model is simple in mathematical modeling and easier to extend for electronic transport modeling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and single-walled carbon nanotube bundles as interconnections. Based on our reported one-dimensional fluid model, we have calculated the parameters of the transmission line model for the interconnection wires made of single-walled carbon nanotube, multi-walled carbon nanotube and single-walled carbon nanotube bundle. The parameters calculated from these models show close agreements with experiments and other proposed models. We have also implemented these models to study carbon nanotube for on-chip wire inductors and it application in design of LC voltage-controlled oscillators. By using these CNT-FET models and CNT interconnects models, we have studied the behavior of CNT based integrated circuits, such as the inverter, ring oscillator, energy recovery logic; and faults in CNT based circuits

    Techniques of Energy-Efficient VLSI Chip Design for High-Performance Computing

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    How to implement quality computing with the limited power budget is the key factor to move very large scale integration (VLSI) chip design forward. This work introduces various techniques of low power VLSI design used for state of art computing. From the viewpoint of power supply, conventional in-chip voltage regulators based on analog blocks bring the large overhead of both power and area to computational chips. Motivated by this, a digital based switchable pin method to dynamically regulate power at low circuit cost has been proposed to make computing to be executed with a stable voltage supply. For one of the widely used and time consuming arithmetic units, multiplier, its operation in logarithmic domain shows an advantageous performance compared to that in binary domain considering computation latency, power and area. However, the introduced conversion error reduces the reliability of the following computation (e.g. multiplication and division.). In this work, a fast calibration method suppressing the conversion error and its VLSI implementation are proposed. The proposed logarithmic converter can be supplied by dc power to achieve fast conversion and clocked power to reduce the power dissipated during conversion. Going out of traditional computation methods and widely used static logic, neuron-like cell is also studied in this work. Using multiple input floating gate (MIFG) metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) based logic, a 32-bit, 16-operation arithmetic logic unit (ALU) with zipped decoding and a feedback loop is designed. The proposed ALU can reduce the switching power and has a strong driven-in capability due to coupling capacitors compared to static logic based ALU. Besides, recent neural computations bring serious challenges to digital VLSI implementation due to overload matrix multiplications and non-linear functions. An analog VLSI design which is compatible to external digital environment is proposed for the network of long short-term memory (LSTM). The entire analog based network computes much faster and has higher energy efficiency than the digital one