3 research outputs found

    Computational and Experimental Unsteady Pressures for Alternate SLS Booster Nose Shapes

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    Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES) predictions of the unsteady transonic flow about a Space Launch System (SLS) configuration were made with the Fully UNstructured Three-Dimensional (FUN3D) flow solver. The computational predictions were validated against results from a 2.5% model tested in the NASA Ames 11-Foot Transonic Unitary Plan Facility. The peak C(sub p,rms) value was under-predicted for the baseline, Mach 0.9 case, but the general trends of high C(sub p,rms) levels behind the forward attach hardware, reducing as one moves away both streamwise and circumferentially, were captured. Frequency of the peak power in power spectral density estimates was consistently under-predicted. Five alternate booster nose shapes were assessed, and several were shown to reduce the surface pressure fluctuations, both as predicted by the computations and verified by the wind tunnel results

    Time-Accurate Unsteady Pressure Loads Simulated for the Space Launch System at Wind Tunnel Conditions

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    A transonic flow field about a Space Launch System (SLS) configuration was simulated with the Fully Unstructured Three-Dimensional (FUN3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code at wind tunnel conditions. Unsteady, time-accurate computations were performed using second-order Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES) for up to 1.5 physical seconds. The surface pressure time history was collected at 619 locations, 169 of which matched locations on a 2.5 percent wind tunnel model that was tested in the 11 ft. x 11 ft. test section of the NASA Ames Research Center's Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel. Comparisons between computation and experiment showed that the peak surface pressure RMS level occurs behind the forward attach hardware, and good agreement for frequency and power was obtained in this region. Computational domain, grid resolution, and time step sensitivity studies were performed. These included an investigation of pseudo-time sub-iteration convergence. Using these sensitivity studies and experimental data comparisons, a set of best practices to date have been established for FUN3D simulations for SLS launch vehicle analysis. To the author's knowledge, this is the first time DDES has been used in a systematic approach and establish simulation time needed, to analyze unsteady pressure loads on a space launch vehicle such as the NASA SLS

    An谩lisis y evaluaci贸n del uso de la supercomputaci贸n en la mejora del desempe帽o formativo = Analysis and evaluation of supercomputing for training performance improvement

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    205 p.Los recursos de supercomputaci贸n son en la actualidad el pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de la investigaci贸n en diversos campos. Su impacto se basa en la capacidad de c谩lculo, que permite realizar simulaciones computacionales que permiten mejorar la precisi贸n de los experimentos. La presente Tesis Doctoral pretende, en primer lugar, realizar un estudio de la evoluci贸n de la supercomputaci贸n y su aplicaci贸n a diversos campos para, posteriormente, estudiar los factores determinantes que permitan analizar los aspectos m谩s relevantes a la hora de estudiar la relaci贸n existente entre los estudios de supercomputaci贸n con los aspectos pedag贸gicos, de conocimiento y de contenido, bas谩ndose en el modelo TPACK. El estudio se realiz贸 con informaci贸n procedente de la base de datos de estudiantes del Centro de Supercomputaci贸n de Castilla y Le贸n (SCAYLE), de la que se obtuvieron 97 participantes. En el estudio se realiz贸 un an谩lisis factorial para comprobar que la estructura de datos obtenida era coherente con el modelo TPACK usado como referencia. Los resultados obtenidos del an谩lisis relacionan las dimensiones tecnol贸gicas con las de conocimiento, pedag贸gicas y de contenido