6 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Word Of Mouth Dan Customer Trust terhadap Purchase Intention pada Perusahaan Ud Sumber Alam

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    UD Sumber Alam is a business that focuses on selling rice, onions and beans. UD Sumber Alam was founded in 2019. Sales carried out by UD Sumber Alam were carried out on a retail and wholesale scale and at the beginning of its establishment, sales were actually carried out on a wholesale or party scale, but in its development, retail or retail sales began. This business is a business that was built traditionally and experienced challenges, especially in terms of increasing the number of consumers. Since its establishment until now, it has been found that there is no significant growth in the number of consumers from year to year. Based on observations, it is known that the difficulty in increasing the number of consumers is caused by the lack of customer trust in UD Sumber Alam and the lack of word of mouth circulation that supports UD Sumber Alam. Customer trust is difficult to build, especially for buyers who make transactions in wholesale quantities. The circulating word of mouth is still not able to help UD Sumber Alam in developing the number of consumers because the circulation of word of mouth is only limited to the environment close to consumers. Based on the description of previous research, it was found that customer trust and word of mouth played a very important role in influencing purchase intention, therefore in this study it was observed how the influence of word of mouth and customer trust on purchase intention. In an effort to obtain research data, in this study, questionnaires were distributed to research respondents as many as 78 respondents. Based on the results of the distribution of the questionnaire obtained 78 responses. The data obtained were processed using multiple linear regression method. The results showed that word of mouth and customer trust had an effect on purchase intention. The form of influence that occurs between the variable word of mouth and customer trust is a positive influence. The results of the research obtained further support the results of the previously disclosed research

    Peran Kepercayaan Sebagai Mediasi Pengaruh E-WOM Negatif Terhadap Niat Beli Pada E-commerce JD.id

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    The research aims to determine and explain the effect of negative e-WOM on purchase intentions through trust as a mediating variable on JD.id e-commerce. This type of research is causal research using a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques using snowball sampling. The number of samples used in the study is as many as 200 respondents who have seen comments on JD.id Instagram but have never made a product purchase on JD.id. The analysis technique used is path analysis with the AMOS program. The results showed that e-WOM negative had a significant effect on trust. Trust had a significant effect on purchase intentions. Negative e-WOM affected purchase intention. Keywords: negative e-WOM; purchase intention; trust

    Factors Influencing Intention to use the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Application

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    This study investigated the effects of variables influencing the intention to use the COVID-19 tracker. Experiment results from 224 individuals revealed that performance expectations, trust, and privacy all have an impact on app usage intention. However, social impact, effort expectation, and facilitating conditions were not shown to be statistically significant. The conceptual model explained 60.07 percent of the amount of variation, suggesting that software developers, service providers, and policymakers should consider performance expectations, trust, and privacy as viable factors to encourage citizens to use the ap

    Examining the antecedents and consequences of trust in the context of peer-to-peer accommodation

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    The theoretical understanding of peer to peer (P2P) accommodation has received much attention over the years; however, relatively little attention has been directed towards trust in peer to peer accommodation. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to develop and empirically test a model to understand the antecedents and consequences of guests trust toward peer to peer accommodation in the Egyptian context. Data collected from 793 respondents were analysed through partial least squares- structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to test the proposed model. The findings indicate that our unified framework includes a satisfactory level of prediction power for guests’ intention to use peer to peer accommodation and actual booking. Finally, overall trust leads to greater intention to book for males and older guests. This study contributes to the existing theory and practice by providing useful insights about the drivers and outcomes of guest trust toward peer to peer accommodation

    Kuinka luottamusta kasvattava palvelualusta rakennetaan? Kvalitatiivinen monimetoditutkimus kahden jakamistalouden yrityksen näkökulmasta

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutustua jakamistalouden ilmiöön ja luottamuksen rakentamiseen jakamistalouden alustoilla valittujen kohdeyrityksien näkökulmasta. Kohdeyrityksiksi valittiin Airbnb sekä Tori.fi, sillä niiden toiminta perustuu vertaisverkon palvelualustojen hyödyntämiseen. Tutkimuksella pyrittiin vastaamaan asetettuun päätutkimuskysymykseen: miksi luottamus on tärkeää jakamistaloudessa ja miten toimialan yritykset rakentavat luottamusta? Tutkimukselle määritetyt alaongelmat antoivat taustatietoa aiheeseen mm. esittelemällä syitä luottamuksen tärkeydelle jakamistaloudessa sekä miten arvostelut vaikuttavat luottamuksen rakentumiseen ja mikä on maineen ja luottamuksen välinen yhteys. Työn teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä, luvuissa kaksi ja kolme, käsitellään jakamistalouden ilmiötä, keskitytään luottamuksen käsitteen ymmärtämiseen ja pohditaan maineen ja luottamuksen suhdetta. Luottamusta käsitellään käsitteiden määrittelyn ja taloustieteen teorioiden esittelyn kautta sekä tarkastelemalla luottamuksen roolia jakamistaloudessa. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostamisessa on käytetty aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta sekä jakamistaloudesta ja luottamuksesta tehtyjä tieteellisiä tutkimuksia. Työn empiirinen osuus, luku viisi, on muodostettu narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja osallistuvan havainnoinnin pohjalta saadusta aineistosta. Metodologisen triangulaation ansiosta tutkielmassa yhdistyy teoria ja konkretia, tutkittaessa luottamuksen rakentumista jakamistalouden yrityksissä. Keskeisin havainto tutkimuksessa oli, että luottamuksen rooli jakamistaloudessa on ensiarvoisen tärkeä ja luottamusta voidaan rakentaa useilla eri keinoilla käyttäjien välille sekä käyttäjän ja alustan välille. Luottamuksen rakennusmenetelmistä ovat muun muassa maine- ja palautejärjestelmät, käyttäjien profiilit, verkkosivujen laatu, kolmansien osapuolien tunnustaminen ja alustojen toteuttama varmennus, vakuuttaminen sekä viestintä- ja maksutyökalut osana alustaa. Luottamuksen rakentumiseksi, jakamistaloudessa toimivien yrityksien tulisi panostaa mainepääoman muodostumiseen sekä parantaa käyttäjien mahdollisuuksia havaita laadukkaita luottamussignaaleja.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format