351 research outputs found

    A comprehensive survey on Pose-Invariant Face Recognition

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    © 2016 ACM. The capacity to recognize faces under varied poses is a fundamental human ability that presents a unique challenge for computer vision systems. Compared to frontal face recognition, which has been intensively studied and has gradually matured in the past few decades, Pose-Invariant Face Recognition (PIFR) remains a largely unsolved problem. However, PIFR is crucial to realizing the full potential of face recognition for real-world applications, since face recognition is intrinsically a passive biometric technology for recognizing uncooperative subjects. In this article, we discuss the inherent difficulties in PIFR and present a comprehensive review of established techniques. Existing PIFR methods can be grouped into four categories, that is, pose-robust feature extraction approaches, multiview subspace learning approaches, face synthesis approaches, and hybrid approaches. The motivations, strategies, pros/cons, and performance of representative approaches are described and compared. Moreover, promising directions for future research are discussed

    Face age estimation using wrinkle patterns

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    Face age estimation is a challenging problem due to the variation of craniofacial growth, skin texture, gender and race. With recent growth in face age estimation research, wrinkles received attention from a number of research, as it is generally perceived as aging feature and soft biometric for person identification. In a face image, wrinkle is a discontinuous and arbitrary line pattern that varies in different face regions and subjects. Existing wrinkle detection algorithms and wrinkle-based features are not robust for face age estimation. They are either weakly represented or not validated against the ground truth. The primary aim of this thesis is to develop a robust wrinkle detection method and construct novel wrinkle-based methods for face age estimation. First, Hybrid Hessian Filter (HHF) is proposed to segment the wrinkles using the directional gradient and a ridge-valley Gaussian kernel. Second, Hessian Line Tracking (HLT) is proposed for wrinkle detection by exploring the wrinkle connectivity of surrounding pixels using a cross-sectional profile. Experimental results showed that HLT outperforms other wrinkle detection algorithms with an accuracy of 84% and 79% on the datasets of FORERUS and FORERET while HHF achieves 77% and 49%, respectively. Third, Multi-scale Wrinkle Patterns (MWP) is proposed as a novel feature representation for face age estimation using the wrinkle location, intensity and density. Fourth, Hybrid Aging Patterns (HAP) is proposed as a hybrid pattern for face age estimation using Facial Appearance Model (FAM) and MWP. Fifth, Multi-layer Age Regression (MAR) is proposed as a hierarchical model in complementary of FAM and MWP for face age estimation. For performance assessment of age estimation, four datasets namely FGNET, MORPH, FERET and PAL with different age ranges and sample sizes are used as benchmarks. Results showed that MAR achieves the lowest Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 3.00 ( 4.14) on FERET and HAP scores a comparable MAE of 3.02 ( 2.92) as state of the art. In conclusion, wrinkles are important features and the uniqueness of this pattern should be considered in developing a robust model for face age estimation

    Gaussian processes for modeling of facial expressions

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    Automated analysis of facial expressions has been gaining significant attention over the past years. This stems from the fact that it constitutes the primal step toward developing some of the next-generation computer technologies that can make an impact in many domains, ranging from medical imaging and health assessment to marketing and education. No matter the target application, the need to deploy systems under demanding, real-world conditions that can generalize well across the population is urgent. Hence, careful consideration of numerous factors has to be taken prior to designing such a system. The work presented in this thesis focuses on tackling two important problems in automated analysis of facial expressions: (i) view-invariant facial expression analysis; (ii) modeling of the structural patterns in the face, in terms of well coordinated facial muscle movements. Driven by the necessity for efficient and accurate inference mechanisms we explore machine learning techniques based on the probabilistic framework of Gaussian processes (GPs). Our ultimate goal is to design powerful models that can efficiently handle imagery with spontaneously displayed facial expressions, and explain in detail the complex configurations behind the human face in real-world situations. To effectively decouple the head pose and expression in the presence of large out-of-plane head rotations we introduce a manifold learning approach based on multi-view learning strategies. Contrary to the majority of existing methods that typically treat the numerous poses as individual problems, in this model we first learn a discriminative manifold shared by multiple views of a facial expression. Subsequently, we perform facial expression classification in the expression manifold. Hence, the pose normalization problem is solved by aligning the facial expressions from different poses in a common latent space. We demonstrate that the recovered manifold can efficiently generalize to various poses and expressions even from a small amount of training data, while also being largely robust to corrupted image features due to illumination variations. State-of-the-art performance is achieved in the task of facial expression classification of basic emotions. The methods that we propose for learning the structure in the configuration of the muscle movements represent some of the first attempts in the field of analysis and intensity estimation of facial expressions. In these models, we extend our multi-view approach to exploit relationships not only in the input features but also in the multi-output labels. The structure of the outputs is imposed into the recovered manifold either from heuristically defined hard constraints, or in an auto-encoded manner, where the structure is learned automatically from the input data. The resulting models are proven to be robust to data with imbalanced expression categories, due to our proposed Bayesian learning of the target manifold. We also propose a novel regression approach based on product of GP experts where we take into account people's individual expressiveness in order to adapt the learned models on each subject. We demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed models on the task of facial expression recognition and intensity estimation.Open Acces

    Locality Preserving Projections for Grassmann manifold

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    Learning on Grassmann manifold has become popular in many computer vision tasks, with the strong capability to extract discriminative information for imagesets and videos. However, such learning algorithms particularly on high-dimensional Grassmann manifold always involve with significantly high computational cost, which seriously limits the applicability of learning on Grassmann manifold in more wide areas. In this research, we propose an unsupervised dimensionality reduction algorithm on Grassmann manifold based on the Locality Preserving Projections (LPP) criterion. LPP is a commonly used dimensionality reduction algorithm for vector-valued data, aiming to preserve local structure of data in the dimension-reduced space. The strategy is to construct a mapping from higher dimensional Grassmann manifold into the one in a relative low-dimensional with more discriminative capability. The proposed method can be optimized as a basic eigenvalue problem. The performance of our proposed method is assessed on several classification and clustering tasks and the experimental results show its clear advantages over other Grassmann based algorithms.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 201

    Tensor Regression

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    Regression analysis is a key area of interest in the field of data analysis and machine learning which is devoted to exploring the dependencies between variables, often using vectors. The emergence of high dimensional data in technologies such as neuroimaging, computer vision, climatology and social networks, has brought challenges to traditional data representation methods. Tensors, as high dimensional extensions of vectors, are considered as natural representations of high dimensional data. In this book, the authors provide a systematic study and analysis of tensor-based regression models and their applications in recent years. It groups and illustrates the existing tensor-based regression methods and covers the basics, core ideas, and theoretical characteristics of most tensor-based regression methods. In addition, readers can learn how to use existing tensor-based regression methods to solve specific regression tasks with multiway data, what datasets can be selected, and what software packages are available to start related work as soon as possible. Tensor Regression is the first thorough overview of the fundamentals, motivations, popular algorithms, strategies for efficient implementation, related applications, available datasets, and software resources for tensor-based regression analysis. It is essential reading for all students, researchers and practitioners of working on high dimensional data.Comment: 187 pages, 32 figures, 10 table

    Introduction to Facial Micro Expressions Analysis Using Color and Depth Images: A Matlab Coding Approach (Second Edition, 2023)

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    The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment. FMER is a subset of image processing and it is a multidisciplinary topic to analysis. So, it requires familiarity with other topics of Artifactual Intelligence (AI) such as machine learning, digital image processing, psychology and more. So, it is a great opportunity to write a book which covers all of these topics for beginner to professional readers in the field of AI and even without having background of AI. Our goal is to provide a standalone introduction in the field of MFER analysis in the form of theorical descriptions for readers with no background in image processing with reproducible Matlab practical examples. Also, we describe any basic definitions for FMER analysis and MATLAB library which is used in the text, that helps final reader to apply the experiments in the real-world applications. We believe that this book is suitable for students, researchers, and professionals alike, who need to develop practical skills, along with a basic understanding of the field. We expect that, after reading this book, the reader feels comfortable with different key stages such as color and depth image processing, color and depth image representation, classification, machine learning, facial micro-expressions recognition, feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. The book attempts to introduce a gentle introduction to the field of Facial Micro Expressions Recognition (FMER) using Color and Depth images, with the aid of MATLAB programming environment.Comment: This is the second edition of the boo
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