42 research outputs found

    A toolkit of mechanism and context independent widgets

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    Most human-computer interfaces are designed to run on a static platform (e.g. a workstation with a monitor) in a static environment (e.g. an office). However, with mobile devices becoming ubiquitous and capable of running applications similar to those found on static devices, it is no longer valid to design static interfaces. This paper describes a user-interface architecture which allows interactors to be flexible about the way they are presented. This flexibility is defined by the different input and output mechanisms used. An interactor may use different mechanisms depending upon their suitability in the current context, user preference and the resources available for presentation using that mechanism

    Caring, sharing widgets: a toolkit of sensitive widgets

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    Although most of us communicate using multiple sensory modalities in our lives, and many of our computers are similarly capable of multi-modal interaction, most human-computer interaction is predominantly in the visual mode. This paper describes a toolkit of widgets that are capable of presenting themselves in multiple modalities, but further are capapble of adapting their presentation to suit the contexts and environments in which they are used. This is of increasing importance as the use of mobile devices becomes ubiquitous

    A Study of Sugarcane Waste for Biomass Energy in the Supply of Electrical Energy

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    This paper presents a study of sugarcane waste for biomass energy in the supply of electrical energy. Biomass is a renewable energy source derived from organic matter such as wood and sugarcane waste. As much as 30 per cent of sugar cane raw material for sugar production is in the form of sugar cane waste. This sugarcane waste is very potential to be developed as a biomass energy raw material. In this study, an analysis of the potential of sugarcane waste at the Madukismo Yogyakarta sugar mill was carried out. Observations made to record how much cane waste is produced by the sugar factory every day of the year. Furthermore, these data are analyzed using Homer Energy software to obtain the potential of electrical energy produced during a year. The analysis was also carried out on the amount of electricity demand in the sugar factory. This study is done to calculate how much the contribution of electrical energy from biomass as a provider of electricity supply. The results of the analysis showed that sugarcane waste as much as 1.035 tons/day on average was able to meet all the electrical energy requirements for the operation of the Madukismo sugar factory

    Homer Central School District and Homer School Aides/Assistants Association (2002)

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    Homer Central School District and Homer School Aides/Assistants Association (2009)

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    Homer Central School District and Homer Teachers Association, Local 2732 (2005)

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    Efficient Dual Head Nd:YAG 100mJ Oscillator for Remote Sensing

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    A diode pumped, Nd:YAG laser producing 100 mJ Q-switched pulses and employing a dual-pump head scheme in an unstable resonator configuration is described. Each head contains a side pumped zig-zag slab and four 6-bar QCW 808 nm diodes arrays which are de-rated 23%. Denoting 'z' as the lasing axis, the pump directions were along the x-axis in one head and the y-axis in the other, producing a circularized thermal lens, more typical in laser rod-based cavities. The dual head design's effective thermal lens is now corrected with a proper HR mirror curvature selection. This laser has demonstrated over 100 mJ output with high optical efficiency (24%), good TEM(sub 00) beam quality, and high pointing stability