6 research outputs found

    Subgraphs and the Laplacian spectrum of a graph

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    AbstractLet G be a graph and H a subgraph of G. In this paper, a set of pairwise independent subgraphs that are all isomorphic copies of H is called an H-matching. Denoting by ν(H,G) the cardinality of a maximum H-matching in G, we investigate some relations between ν(H,G) and the Laplacian spectrum of G

    Author index to volume 260

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    On Hoffman polynomials of λ\lambda-doubly stochastic irreducible matrices and commutative association schemes

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    Let Γ\Gamma denote a finite (strongly) connected regular (di)graph with adjacency matrix AA. The {\em Hoffman polynomial} h(t)h(t) of Γ=Γ(A)\Gamma=\Gamma(A) is the unique polynomial of smallest degree satisfying h(A)=Jh(A)=J, where JJ denotes the all-ones matrix. Let XX denote a nonempty finite set. A nonnegative matrix B\in{\mbox{Mat}}_X({\mathbb R}) is called {\em λ\lambda-doubly stochastic} if ∑z∈X(B)yz=∑z∈X(B)zy=λ\sum_{z\in X} (B)_{yz}=\sum_{z\in X} (B)_{zy}=\lambda for each y∈Xy\in X. In this paper we first show that there exists a polynomial h(t)h(t) such that h(B)=Jh(B)=J if and only if BB is a λ\lambda-doubly stochastic irreducible matrix. This result allows us to define the Hoffman polynomial of a λ\lambda-doubly stochastic irreducible matrix. Now, let B\in{\mbox{Mat}}_X({\mathbb R}) denote a normal irreducible nonnegative matrix, and B={p(B)∣p∈C[t]}{\cal B}=\{p(B)\mid p\in{\mathbb{C}}[t]\} denote the vector space over C{\mathbb{C}} of all polynomials in BB. Let us define a 0101-matrix A^\widehat{A} in the following way: (A^)xy=1(\widehat{A})_{xy}=1 if and only if (B)xy>0(B)_{xy}>0 (x,y∈X)(x,y\in X). Let Γ=Γ(A^)\Gamma=\Gamma(\widehat{A}) denote a (di)graph with adjacency matrix A^\widehat{A}, diameter DD, and let ADA_D denote the distance-DD matrix of Γ\Gamma. We show that B{\cal B} is the Bose--Mesner algebra of a commutative DD-class association scheme if and only if BB is a normal λ\lambda-doubly stochastic matrix with D+1D+1 distinct eigenvalues and ADA_D is a polynomial in BB

    Master index to volumes 251-260

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    Hoffman polynomials of nonnegative irreducible matrices and strongly connected digraphs

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    AbstractFor a nonnegative n×n matrix A, we find that there is a polynomial f(x)∈R[x] such that f(A) is a positive matrix of rank one if and only if A is irreducible. Furthermore, we show that the lowest degree such polynomial f(x) with tr f(A)=n is unique. Thus, generalizing the well-known definition of the Hoffman polynomial of a strongly connected regular digraph, for any irreducible nonnegative n×n matrix A, we are led to define its Hoffman polynomial to be the polynomial f(x) of minimum degree satisfying that f(A) is positive and has rank 1 and trace n. The Hoffman polynomial of a strongly connected digraph is defined to be the Hoffman polynomial of its adjacency matrix. We collect in this paper some basic results and open problems related to the concept of Hoffman polynomials