2,296 research outputs found

    Cohen-Macaulay graphs and face vectors of flag complexes

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    We introduce a construction on a flag complex that, by means of modifying the associated graph, generates a new flag complex whose hh-factor is the face vector of the original complex. This construction yields a vertex-decomposable, hence Cohen-Macaulay, complex. From this we get a (non-numerical) characterisation of the face vectors of flag complexes and deduce also that the face vector of a flag complex is the hh-vector of some vertex-decomposable flag complex. We conjecture that the converse of the latter is true and prove this, by means of an explicit construction, for hh-vectors of Cohen-Macaulay flag complexes arising from bipartite graphs. We also give several new characterisations of bipartite graphs with Cohen-Macaulay or Buchsbaum independence complexes.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; major updat

    Subword complexes in Coxeter groups

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    Let (\Pi,\Sigma) be a Coxeter system. An ordered list of elements in \Sigma and an element in \Pi determine a {\em subword complex}, as introduced in our paper on Gr\"obner geometry of Schubert polynomials (math.AG/0110058). Subword complexes are demonstrated here to be homeomorphic to balls or spheres, and their Hilbert series are shown to reflect combinatorial properties of reduced expressions in Coxeter groups. Two formulae for double Grothendieck polynomials, one of which is due to Fomin and Kirillov, are recovered in the context of simplicial topology for subword complexes. Some open questions related to subword complexes are presented.Comment: 14 pages. Final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematics. This paper was split off from math.AG/0110058v2, whose version 3 is now shorte

    Koszul algebras and regularity

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    This is a survey paper on commutative Koszul algebras and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. We describe several techniques to establish the Koszulness of algebras. We discuss variants of the Koszul property such as strongly Koszul, absolutely Koszul and universally Koszul. We present several open problems related with these notions and their local variants

    Weighted L2L^2-cohomology of Coxeter groups

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    Given a Coxeter system (W,S)(W,S) and a positive real multiparameter \bq, we study the "weighted L2L^2-cohomology groups," of a certain simplicial complex Σ\Sigma associated to (W,S)(W,S). These cohomology groups are Hilbert spaces, as well as modules over the Hecke algebra associated to (W,S)(W,S) and the multiparameter qq. They have a "von Neumann dimension" with respect to the associated "Hecke - von Neumann algebra," NqN_q. The dimension of the ithi^th cohomology group is denoted bqi(Σ)b^i_q(\Sigma). It is a nonnegative real number which varies continuously with qq. When qq is integral, the bqi(Σ)b^i_q(\Sigma) are the usual L2L^2-Betti numbers of buildings of type (W,S)(W,S) and thickness qq. For a certain range of qq, we calculate these cohomology groups as modules over NqN_q and obtain explicit formulas for the bqi(Σ)b^i_q(\Sigma). The range of qq for which our calculations are valid depends on the region of convergence of the growth series of WW. Within this range, we also prove a Decomposition Theorem for NqN_q, analogous to a theorem of L. Solomon on the decomposition of the group algebra of a finite Coxeter group.Comment: minor change

    Face enumeration on simplicial complexes

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    Let MM be a closed triangulable manifold, and let Δ\Delta be a triangulation of MM. What is the smallest number of vertices that Δ\Delta can have? How big or small can the number of edges of Δ\Delta be as a function of the number of vertices? More generally, what are the possible face numbers (ff-numbers, for short) that Δ\Delta can have? In other words, what restrictions does the topology of MM place on the possible ff-numbers of triangulations of MM? To make things even more interesting, we can add some combinatorial conditions on the triangulations we are considering (e.g., flagness, balancedness, etc.) and ask what additional restrictions these combinatorial conditions impose. While only a few theorems in this area of combinatorics were known a couple of decades ago, in the last ten years or so, the field simply exploded with new results and ideas. Thus we feel that a survey paper is long overdue. As new theorems are being proved while we are typing this chapter, and as we have only a limited number of pages, we apologize in advance to our friends and colleagues, some of whose results will not get mentioned here.Comment: Chapter for upcoming IMA volume Recent Trends in Combinatoric
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