1,625 research outputs found

    The gamification of cybersecurity training

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    Due to the rapidly and continued evolving nature of technology, there is a constant need to update police officers’ training in cyber security to ensure that the UK continues to be a secure place to live and do business. Rather than deliver traditional classroom-based training, our project assesses the effectiveness of the delivery of cyber security through the use of games based learning to simulate cybercrimes and provide training in incident response. The aim of our research is to transform the delivery of first responder training in tackling cybercrime.Through the use of a Game Jam and subsequent prototype development, we have trialed training materials that are based on serious games technology. The game poses a common incident reported to the police, for example the problem of a virtual person receiving offensive messages via Facebook and the training reflects the dialogue with that person and the technical steps to ensure that a copy of the evidence has been preserved for further investigation. Evaluation has been conducted with local police officers. Overall, this approach to the large-scale provision of training (potentially to a whole force) is shown to offer potential

    Teaching Tip: What You Need to Know about Gamification Process of Cybersecurity Hands-on Lab Exercises: Lessons and Challenges

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    Cybersecurity education is becoming increasingly important in modern society, and hands-on practice is an essential element. Although instructors provide hands-on labs in their cybersecurity courses, traditional lab exercises often fail to effectively motivate students. Hence, many instructors desire to incorporate gamification in hands-on training to engage and motivate cybersecurity students, especially beginner learners. Given the dearth of guiding examples, this paper aims to describe the holistic process of converting traditional cybersecurity hands-on lab exercises to gamified lab exercises in an undergraduate network security course. We find that the gamified cybersecurity lab promotes students’ engagement, learning experience, and learning outcomes. The results show the positive acceptance of gamification by students as well as instructors. While gamification has been used in competitions and training, the success in the classroom and students’ desire for more gamification show that further investment in gamification will be more important in the classroom. We expect this paper to help instructors who are interested in gamification 1) convert traditional lab exercises to gamified labs; 2) estimate the extra workload and potential benefits; and 3) plan resources for implementation. This process is applicable to any cybersecurity courses with hands-on assignments

    Toward Guidelines for Designing Cybersecurity Serious Games

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    Cybersecurity serious games provide hands-on training of cybersecurity skills and enhance security awareness. Besides the learning content, they use gamification elements to engage and motivate the players. We propose guidelines for creating technical cybersecurity games in a higher education context, based on a literature review and experience of cybersecurity instructors. We also introduce topics for further research in this area

    Gamification techniques for raising cyber security awareness

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    Due to the prevalence of online services in modern society, such as internet banking and social media, it is important for users to have an understanding of basic security measures in order to keep themselves safe online. However, users often do not know how to make their online interactions secure, which demonstrates an educational need in this area. Gamification has grown in popularity in recent years and has been used to teach people about a range of subjects. This paper presents an exploratory study investigating the use of gamification techniques to educate average users about password security, with the aim of raising overall security awareness. To explore the impact of such techniques, a role-playing quiz application (RPG) was developed for the Android platform to educate users about password security. Results gained from the work highlightedthat users enjoyed learning via the use of the password application, and felt they benefitted from the inclusion of gamification techniques. Future work seeks to expand the prototype into a full solution, covering a range of security awareness issues

    Hardware-based capture-the-flag challenges

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    In a world where cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important and where the lack of workforce is estimated in terms of millions of people, gamification is getting a more and more significant role in leading to excellent results in terms of both training and recruitment. Within cybersecurity gamification, the so-called Capture-The-Flag (CTF) challenges are definitely the corner stones, as proved by the high number of events, competitions, and training courses that rely on them. In these events, the participants are confronted directly with games and riddles related to practical problems of hacking, cyber-attack, and cyber-defense. Although hardware security and hardware-based security already play a key role in the cybersecurity arena, in the worldwide panorama of CTF events hardware-based challenges are unfortunately still very marginal. In the present paper, we focus on hardware-based challenges, providing first a formal definition and then proposing, for the first time, a comprehensive taxonomy. We eventually share experiences gathered in preparing and delivering several hardware-based challenges in significant events and training courses that involved hundreds of attendees

    Gamificação aplicada à formação em cibersegurança de profissionais de saúde: uma prova de conceito

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em SaúdeIntrodução: O sector da saúde é fortemente afetado pelo cibercrime, com as principais técnicas de ataque a serem direcionadas para os utilizadores. Por isso, os profissionais de saúde têm um papel fundamental na minimização destes ataques, quando devidamente treinados. As estratégias de formação gamificada em cibersegurança têm resultados bastante positivos ao nível da aquisição e retenção de conhecimento, tendo vantagens ao nível da gestão dos recursos e do tempo. Objetivos: Descrever o estado da arte relacionado com o impacto da cibersegurança no sector da saúde e com a gamificação; identificar os componentes associados ao desenvolvimento de soluções de gamificação; comparar as plataformas de gamificação existentes; definir uma metodologia de gamificação adequada para a formação em cibersegurança de profissionais de saúde e desenvolver uma ferramenta de gamificação para a sensibilização em cibersegurança de profissionais de saúde. Metodologia: Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia de gamificação para a formação em cibersegurança dos profissionais de saúde. Foi igualmente desenvolvido um protótipo da estratégia de formação gamificada, específica para o setor da saúde, onde consta um piloto da aplicação (Health-Cy-Game). Resultados: Desenvolvimento do protótipo da estratégia de formação gamificada – Health-Cy-Game – de acordo com o perfil de conhecimentos estabelecido: conhecimento geral de tecnologia; autenticação e gestão de palavras-passe; técnicas de ciberataques dirigidas ao sector da saúde; gestão da informação; manutenção e atualização de software, e procedimentos e regulamentos em cibersegurança das instituições de saúde. Disposições finais: No setor da saúde, a cibersegurança deverá constituir uma preocupação central dos planos estratégicos de segurança e qualidade dos cuidados. Para atingir este estado de segurança, é preciso munir os utilizadores da tecnologia de conhecimento adequados. “Health-Cy-Game” foi construído tendo em conta o perfil de competências destes profissionais e as especificidades deste sector, de acordo com o Referencial de Competências e Conhecimentos do Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança e as escalas Risky Cybersecurity Behaviours Scale (RsCB) e Security Behaviour Intentions Scale (SeBIS).ABSTRACT - Introduction: The healthcare sector is heavily affected by cybercrime, with the majority of techniques used being addressed to its users. Health professionals have a key role in minimizing these attacks when properly trained. Gamified training strategies in cybersecurity have very positive results in terms of knowledge acquisition and retention, with advantages in terms of resources and time management. Objectives: To describe the state-of-the-art related to the impact of cybersecurity in the health sector and with gamification; identify the components associated with the development of gamification solutions; compare existing gamification platforms; define an appropriate gamification methodology for training health professionals in cybersecurity and develop a gamification tool to raise awareness of cybersecurity among health professionals. Methodology: A gamification methodology was developed for training health professionals in cybersecurity. A prototype of the gamified training strategy, specific for the health sector, was also developed, which contains a pilot application (Health-Cy-Game). Results: Development of the prototype of the gamified training strategy – Health-Cy-Game – according to the knowledge profile established: general knowledge of technology; authentication and password management; cyberattack techniques targeting the health sector; information management; maintenance and updating of software, and procedures and regulations in cybersecurity of health institutions. Final Provisions: In the healthcare sector, cybersecurity must be a central concern of strategic plans addressed to safety and quality of care. To achieve this state of security, it is necessary to provide adequate training to healthcare professionals. “Health-Cy-Game” was built taking into account the skills profile of these professionals and the specificities of this sector, in accordance with Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança’s roadmap “Competências e Conhecimentos”, the Risky Cybersecurity Behaviours Scale (RsCB) and Security Behaviour Intentions Scale (SeBIS).N/

    The use of gamification on cybersecurity awareness of healthcare professionals

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    This work is partially financed by national funds through Concurso Interno de Projetos de Investigação, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Criação Artística (ID&CA) from Polytechnical Institute of Lisbon under the project IPL/2022/HeCyGame_ESTeSL.Cybersecurity has a major impact on the healthcare sector, mainly due to the sensitive data and vital medical devices that, when an attack occurs, may compromise the patient's life, safety, and well-being. However, those institutions fail to implement correct system protection policies and provide adequate programs for cybersecurity training and raising cybersecurity awareness. Healthcare professionals develop their academic courses focusing on providing the best care for the patients, studying guidelines, treatment protocols, and diagnostic criteria. However, there are insufficient subjects dedicated to the development of digital literacy to match the requisites of the daily challenges of those professionals, with human error being the main cause of data breaches worldwide. So, developing training programs to face the cybersecurity day-to-day threats is mandatory. Broadly speaking, traditional training programs seem to fail to retain students’ motivation, engagement, and long-term knowledge acquisition, being time-consuming and challenging in scheduling and planning. To face this situation, new techniques, such as gamification, have emerged, with promising results on motivation and engagement, allowing the users to be the center of the training programs, matching the strategy to their levels of knowledge and preferences. This paper aims to identify the existing gamified approaches available, review the state-of-the-art related to gamification and cybersecurity training, and elaborate on how they can be successfully applied to training programs for healthcare professionals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio