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    Integration via Meaning: Using the Semantic Web to deliver Web Services

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    Presented at the CRIS2002 Conference in Kassel.-- 9 pages.-- Contains: Conference paper (PDF) + PPT presentation.The major developments of the World Wide Web (WWW) in the last two years have been Web Services and the Semantic Web. The former allows the construction of distributed systems across the WWW by providing a lightweight middleware architecture. The latter provides an infrastructure for accessing resources on the WWW via their relationships with respect to conceptual descriptions. In this paper, I shall review the progress undertaken in each of these two areas. Further, I shall argue that in order for the aims of both the Semantic Web and the Web Services activities to be successful, then the Web Service architecture needs to be augmented by concepts and tools of the Semantic Web. This infrastructure will allow resource discovery, brokering and access to be enabled in a standardised, integrated and interoperable manner. Finally, I survey the CLRC Information Technology R&D programme to show how it is contributing to the development of this future infrastructure

    Taming the interoperability challenges of complex IoT systems

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    of communication protocols and data formats; hence ensuring diverse devices can interoperate with one another remains a significant challenge. Model-driven development and testing solutions have been proposed as methods to aid software developers achieve interoperability compliance in the face of this increasing complexity. However, current approaches often involve complicated and domain specific models (e.g. web services described by WSDL). In this paper, we explore a lightweight, middleware independent, model-driven development framework to help developers tame the challenges of composing IoT services that interoperate with one another. The framework is based upon two key contributions: i) patterns of interoperability behaviour, and ii) a software framework to monitor and reason about interoperability success or failure. We show using a case-study from the FI-WARE Future Internet Service domain that this interoperability framework can support non-expert developers address interoperability challenges. We also deployed tools built atop the framework and made them available in the XIFI large-scale FI-PPP test environment


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    All businesses have recognized the importance and significance of creating, maintaining and using databases of their guests, clients, customers and other consumers of their products or services. The methodology used in collecting data has changed and developed parallel with the development and application of information and communication technologies. The transformation of data collection from the manual method to the use of technology and the Web has helped to facilitate the collection of large quantities of personal data concerning the consumers of products or services. As a result, hoteliers and other actors on the supply side are faced with an enormous quantity of unstructured, mostly transactional, data collected via the Web. A methodology known as data mining has emerged in response to this problem. Data mining refers to a process of searching for and using valuable data which hoteliers can take advantage of in their one-to-one marketing strategy. Recent studies show that future service consumers rely more on the personal experiences of current consumers than on conventional advertising methods. The reason for this lies in the emotional experiences of individuals in a hospitality facility or tourist destination. While, on the one hand, the daily comments of past service consumers posted on social networks may provide hoteliers with a promotional opportunity to attract future service consumers, on the other hand, they can represent a real threat by dissuading future service consumers. Today’s blogs represent an enormous source of highly valued data with a relatively high dose of credibility. When writing blogs, people reveal themselves and their experiences which are in most cases imbued with personal feelings, giving them a higher level of persuasiveness. Based on the research problem, the basic hypothesis of this paper can be formulated, which reads: Web data mining provides a better approach to using guest databases and enables more-effective personalization in identifying the needs, wants and habits of guests as future service consumers.Važnost i značaj kreiranja, održavanja i korištenja baza podataka o svojim gostima, klijentima, kupcima i svim ostalim potrošačima proizvoda ili usluga, prepoznale su sve gospodarske djelatnosti. Metodologija prikupljanja tih podataka, mijenjala se i razvijala usporedno sa razvojem i primjenom informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Transformacija prikupljanja podataka od manualnog načina do korištenja tehnologije i web-a, doprinijela je povećanju mogućnosti za prikupljanje velikog broja osobnih podataka o korisnicima proizvoda ili usluga. Istovremeno, te mogućnosti dovele su do pojave da se hotelijeri i ostali subjekti na strani ponude susreću sa velikom količinom nestrukturiranih i većinom transakcijskih podataka prikupljenih putem web-a. Kao odgovor na takve probleme, pojavila se metodologija pod nazivom rudarenje podataka. Ona upućuje na proces traženja i korištenja visokovrijednih podataka, koje hotelijeri mogu iskoristiti u svojoj strategiji marketinga „jedan prema jednome“. Recentna istraživanja pokazuju da budući korisnici usluga imaju više povjerenja u osobna iskustva dosadašnjih korisnika usluga nego u tradicionalne metode oglašavanja i reklamiranja. Razlog tome leži u doživljajnim emocijama pojedinaca u nekom ugostiteljskom objektu ili turističkoj destinaciji. Dok svakodnevni komentari prijašnjih korisnika usluga na društvenim mrežama, s jedne strane hotelijerima omogućuju promotivnu šansu za buduće korisnike usluga, dotle s druge strane, to može predstavljati realnu opasnost za odbijanje budućih korisnika usluga. Današnji blogovi predstavljaju ogroman izvor visoko vrijednih podataka, sa relativnom visokom dozom vjerodostojnosti. Ljudi u takvim tekstovima otkrivaju sebe, svoje doživljaje koja su u većini slučajeva prožeta osobnim iskustvima, što za posljedicu ima i veći stupanj uvjerljivosti. Na temelju ovako determiniranog problema istraživanja, moguće je postaviti temeljnu hipotezu u ovom radu, koja glasi: rudarenje web podacima omogućuje kvalitetniji pristup korištenja baze podataka o gostima i efikasniju individualizaciju u prepoznavanju njihovih potreba, želja i navika kao budućih korisnika usluga

    High Quality Discovery in a Web 2.0 World: Architectures for Next Generation Catalogs

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    Issues of information and systems architecture underly many of the current debates over the future of cataloging. This talk discusses some ways in which the architecture of the catalog is being redesigned to combine the rich information architecture of library metadata with the robust systems architecture of many Web-based discovery systems. I will show subject map discovery systems that better exploit the relationships in complex ontologies like LCSH, and discuss a Digital Library Federation initiative to promote standards supporting interoperability between discovery systems and ILS data and services. I will also touch on the role of networked architectures in improving the quality and efficiency of library cataloging

    A flexible service selection for executing virtual services

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    [EN] With the adoption of a service-oriented paradigm on the Web, many software services are likely to fulfil similar functional needs for end-users. We propose to aggregate functionally equivalent software services within one single virtual service, that is, to associate a functionality, a graphical user interface (GUI), and a set of selection rules. When an end user invokes such a virtual service through its GUI to answer his/her functional need, the software service that best responds to the end-user s selection policy is selected and executed and the result is then rendered to the end-user through the GUI of the virtual service. A key innovation in this paper is the flexibility of our proposed service selection policy. First, each selection policy can refer to heterogeneous parameters (e.g., service price, end-user location, and QoS). Second, additional parameters can be added to an existing or new policy with little investment. Third, the end users themselves define a selection policy to apply during the selection process, thanks to the GUI element added as part of the virtual service design. This approach was validated though the design, implementation, and testing of an end-to-end architecture, including the implementation of several virtual services and utilizing several software services available today on the Web.This work was partially supported in part by SERVERY (Service Platform for Innovative Communication Environment), a CELTIC project that aims to create a Service Marketplace that bridges the Internet and Telco worlds by merging the flexibility and openness of the former with the trustworthiness and reliability of the latter, enabling effective and profitable cooperation among actors.Laga, N.; Bertin, E.; Crespi, N.; Bedini, I.; Molina Moreno, B.; Zhao, Z. (2013). A flexible service selection for executing virtual services. 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    Coaches’ Attitudes Towards Sport Psychology Services: A Study of NCAA Division I Head Golf Coaches

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    In this study a sample of NCAA Division I (D-I) head golf coaches (n = 84) completed a web-based survey assessing their attitudes toward sport psychology (SP) services (i.e., confidence in SP consulting, personal openness, stigma tolerance, and cultural preference), willingness to utilize SP services, previous use and perceived satisfaction with SP services, and if coaches’ attitudes predicted their willingness to utilize SP services. This study also explored participating coaches’ self-reported leadership behaviors (i.e., democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, training and instruction, social support, positive feedback, and situational consideration). Results indicated that coaches who more frequently used and perceived more satisfaction with SP consulting services were more confidence in SP consulting, had less preference for working with a SP consultant of similar cultural background to themselves, and were more willing to utilize SP services. Results also revealed confidence in SP consulting as the largest predictor of their willingness to utilize SP services. Finally, results indicated a weak corollary relationship between coaches’ use of democratic behavior and confidence in SP consulting, and moderate relationships between social support and situational consideration behaviors and personal openness. The findings of this study support previous research on coaches’ attitudes toward and willingness to utilize SP services. A discussion of major findings, implications for practitioners, and suggestions for the direction of future research is provided

    Library Technologies for Boutique Services

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    In this chapter I examine the latest Library technologies at the time of writing (Summer 2011) and test them against the central tenets of the boutique library concept to see if they compliment or contradict each other. I draw on two specific practical case studies from my own experience at my former employer, Royal Holloway, University of London Library Services (RHULLS), and also illustrate how easy it is now to set-up a boutique Library service from scratch thanks to web technologies. My focus is very much on practical and pragmatic practitioner experience with the odd discussion on the future of technology included, in the hope that this book delivers both immediate value and insight to the reader and a record of the current thinking about UK academic library systems

    Ubiquitous Sensor Networks in IMS: an Ambient Intelligence Telco Platform

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    Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) concept describes the integration of heterogeneous and geographically dispersed Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WS&AN) into rich information infrastructures for accurate representation and access to different dynamic user’s physical contexts. This relatively new concept envisions future Sensor-Based Services leading to market disruptive innovations in a broad range of application domains, mainly personal (lifestyle assistants), community (professional users) and industrial domains. The support for this broad range of innovative Ambient Intelligence services urgently demands a standardized access to different WS&AN, and Telco Operators have an opportunity to lead this technological challenge as they evolve towards future Next-Generation Networks. Telefónica Research and Development is a leading innovation company that provides communication services for businesses and consumers. Networks and Service Platforms is a major Telefónica I+D innovation area where new Service Architectures and Platforms concepts are essential for the development of services with a high differentiation value. This contribution describes Telefónica I+D activities directed to the design of an Ambient Intelligence Platform integrating USN concepts over NGN architectures. In our view IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) concepts can enable and promote a first generation of Sensor-Based Services where multimedia interactive sessions are enriched with contextual information from WS&ANs. To this end three major design criteria are addressed at three different levels. At the application layer, OMA Service Environment and OGC Sensor Web Enablement are combined to define a specific USN Service Enabler. At the communication, management and control level WS&AN Gateways are defined for integrating WS&ANs infrastructures into all-IP IMS environments. While at the lower level, data and meta-data exchanges with different WS&ANs entities are homogeneously represented using OGC® SensorML standard. Finally this paper concludes by discussing some preliminary business opportunities we foresee for the proposed Platform