4 research outputs found

    The Extended-window Channel Estimator For Iterative Channel-and-symbol Estimation

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    The application of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to channel estimation results in a well-known iterative channel-and-symbol estimator (ICSE). The EM-ICSE iterates between a symbol estimator based on the forward-backward recursion (BCJR equalizer) and a channel estimator, and may provide approximate maximum-likelihood blind or semiblind channel estimates. Nevertheless, the EM-ICSE has high complexity, and it is prone to misconvergence. In this paper, we propose the extended-window (EW) estimator, a novel channel estimator for ICSE that can be used with any soft-output symbol estimator. Therefore, the symbol estimator may be chosen according to performance or complexity specifications. We show that the EW-ICSE, an ICSE that uses the EW estimator and the BCJR equalizer, is less complex and less susceptible to misconvergence than the EM-ICSE. Simulation results reveal that the EW-ICSE may converge faster than the EM-ICSE. © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation.200529299Barry, J.R., Lee, E.A., Messerschmitt, D.G., (2003) Digital Communications, , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Mass, USA, 3rd editionAyadi, J., De Carvalho, E., Slock, D.T.M., Blind and semi-blind maximum likelihood methods for FIR multichannel identification (1998) Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), 6, pp. 3185-3188. , Seattle, Wash, USA, MayFeder, M., Catipovic, J.A., Algorithms for joint channel estimation and data recovery-application to equalization in underwater communications (1991) IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., 16 (1), pp. 42-55Kaleh, G.K., Vallet, R., Joint parameter estimation and symbol detection for linear or nonlinear unknown channels (1994) IEEE Trans. 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    The Extended-Window Channel Estimator for Iterative Channel-and-Symbol Estimation

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    <p/> <p>The application of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to channel estimation results in a well-known iterative channel-and-symbol estimator (ICSE). The EM-ICSE iterates between a symbol estimator based on the forward-backward recursion (BCJR equalizer) and a channel estimator, and may provide approximate maximum-likelihood blind or semiblind channel estimates. Nevertheless, the EM-ICSE has high complexity, and it is prone to misconvergence. In this paper, we propose the extended-window (EW) estimator, a novel channel estimator for ICSE that can be used with any soft-output symbol estimator. Therefore, the symbol estimator may be chosen according to performance or complexity specifications. We show that the EW-ICSE, an ICSE that uses the EW estimator and the BCJR equalizer, is less complex and less susceptible to misconvergence than the EM-ICSE. Simulation results reveal that the EW-ICSE may converge faster than the EM-ICSE.</p

    EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2005:2, 92–99 c ○ 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation The Extended-Window Channel Estimator for Iterative Channel-and-Symbol Estimation

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    The application of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to channel estimation results in a well-known iterative channeland-symbol estimator (ICSE). The EM-ICSE iterates between a symbol estimator based on the forward-backward recursion (BCJR equalizer) and a channel estimator, and may provide approximate maximum-likelihood blind or semiblind channel estimates. Nevertheless, the EM-ICSE has high complexity, and it is prone to misconvergence. In this paper, we propose the extendedwindow (EW) estimator, a novel channel estimator for ICSE that can be used with any soft-output symbol estimator. Therefore, the symbol estimator may be chosen according to performance or complexity specifications. We show that the EW-ICSE, an ICSE that uses the EW estimator and the BCJR equalizer, is less complex and less susceptible to misconvergence than the EM-ICSE. Simulation results reveal that the EW-ICSE may converge faster than the EM-ICSE