227 research outputs found

    Statistical fluctuations in pedestrian evacuation times and the effect of social contagion

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    Mathematical models of pedestrian evacuation and the associated simulation software have become essential tools for the assessment of the safety of public facilities and buildings. While a variety of models are now available, their calibration and test against empirical data are generally restricted to global, averaged quantities, the statistics compiled from the time series of individual escapes (" microscopic " statistics) measured in recent experiments are thus overlooked. In the same spirit, much research has primarily focused on the average global evacuation time, whereas the whole distribution of evacuation times over some set of realizations should matter. In the present paper we propose and discuss the validity of a simple relation between this distribution and the " microscopic " statistics, which is theoretically valid in the absence of correlations. To this purpose, we develop a minimal cellular automaton, with novel features that afford a semi-quantitative reproduction of the experimental " microscopic " statistics. We then introduce a process of social contagion of impatient behavior in the model and show that the simple relation under test may dramatically fail at high contagion strengths, the latter being responsible for the emergence of strong correlations in the system. We conclude with comments on the potential practical relevance for safety science of calculations based on " microscopic " statistics


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    In most metropolitan areas, an emergency evacuation may demand a potentially large number of evacuees to use transit systems or to walk over some distance to access their passenger cars. In the process of approaching designated pick-up points for evacuation, the massive number of pedestrians often incurs tremendous burden to vehicles in the roadway network. Hence, one critical issue in a multi-modal evacuation planning is the effective coordination of the vehicle and pedestrian flows by considering their complex interactions. The purpose of this research is to develop an integrated system that is capable of generating the optimal evacuation plan and reflecting the real-world network traffic conditions caused by the conflicts of these two types of flows. The first part of this research is an integer programming model designed to optimize the control plans for massive mixed pedestrian-vehicle flows within the evacuation zone. The proposed model, integrating the pedestrian and vehicle networks, can effectively account for their potential conflicts during the evacuation. The model can generate the optimal routing strategies to guide evacuees moving toward either their pick-up locations or parking areas and can also produce a responsive plan to accommodate the massive pedestrian movements. The second part of this research is a mixed-flow simulation tool that can capture the conflicts between pedestrians, between vehicles, and between pedestrians and vehicles in an evacuation network. The core logic of this simulation model is the Mixed-Cellular Automata (MCA) concept, which, with some embedded components, offers a realistic mechanism to reflect the competing and conflicting interactions between vehicle and pedestrian flows. This study is expected to yield the following contributions * Design of an effective framework for planning a multi-modal evacuation within metropolitan areas; * Development of an integrated mixed-flow optimization model that can overcome various modeling and computing difficulties in capturing the mixed-flow dynamics in urban network evacuation; * Construction and calibration of a new mixed-flow simulation model, based on the Cellular Automaton concept, to reflect various conflicting patterns between vehicle and pedestrian flows in an evacuation network

    Parameter Calibration in Crowd Simulation Models using Approximate Bayesian Computation

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    Simulation models for pedestrian crowds are a ubiquitous tool in research and industry. It is crucial that the parameters of these models are calibrated carefully and ultimately it will be of interest to compare competing models to decide which model is best suited for a particular purpose. In this contribution, I demonstrate how Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC), which is already a popular tool in other areas of science, can be used for model fitting and model selection in a pedestrian dynamics context. I fit two different models for pedestrian dynamics to data on a crowd passing in one direction through a bottleneck. One model describes movement in continuous-space, the other model is a cellular automaton and thus describes movement in discrete-space. In addition, I compare models to data using two metrics. The first is based on egress times and the second on the velocity of pedestrians in front of the bottleneck. My results show that while model fitting is successful, a substantial degree of uncertainty about the value of some model parameters remains after model fitting. Importantly, the choice of metric in model fitting can influence parameter estimates. Model selection is inconclusive for the egress time metric but supports the continuous-space model for the velocity-based metric. These findings show that ABC is a flexible approach and highlights the difficulties associated with model fitting and model selection for pedestrian dynamics. ABC requires many simulation runs and choosing appropriate metrics for comparing data to simulations requires careful attention. Despite this, I suggest ABC is a promising tool, because it is versatile and easily implemented for the growing number of openly available crowd simulators and data sets

    Simulation of labor evacuation: The case of housing construction projects

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    AbstractConstruction sites occupy of the labors who are engaged in many different activities that can expose them to dangerous conditions. During emergencies and extreme events of natural or manmade origin in construction sites, saving labors lives is the primary objective. Therefore, the contractors are required to establish effective emergency plans which have to be improved to aid for rapid egress from construction sites. To support emergency evacuation planning, it is critical to estimate labor evacuation times during project execution. This paper presents a framework that utilizes building information modeling (BIM) and computer simulation to plan the evacuation of labors in construction sites during project execution and to visualize evacuation times of labors at emergency conditions at any time from project duration. The proposed framework utilizes MassMotion software as the simulation platform that enables predicting the labor evacuation times under various conditions. In addition, the evacuation time calculated from computer simulation is used to develop and evaluate the plan. A case study is worked out to demonstrate a simulation of emergency evacuation from a housing building during its construction to demonstrate the use of the proposed framework. Finally, the paper presents the simulation results of labors evacuation in the housing building construction sites

    Vadere: An Open-Source Simulation Framework to Promote Interdisciplinary Understanding

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    Pedestrian dynamics is an interdisciplinary field of research. Psychologists, sociologists, traffic engineers, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists all strive to understand the dynamics of a moving crowd. In principle, computer simulations offer means to further this understanding. Yet, unlike for many classic dynamical systems in physics, there is no universally accepted locomotion model for crowd dynamics. On the contrary, a multitude of approaches, with very different characteristics, compete. Often only the experts in one special model type are able to assess the consequences these characteristics have on a simulation study. Therefore, scientists from all disciplines who wish to use simulations to analyze pedestrian dynamics need a tool to compare competing approaches. Developers, too, would profit from an easy way to get insight into an alternative modeling ansatz. Vadere meets this interdisciplinary demand by offering an open-source simulation framework that is lightweight in its approach and in its user interface while offering pre-implemented versions of the most widely spread models

    Heuristic search methods and cellular automata modelling for layout design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Spatial layout design must consider not only ease of movement for pedestrians under normal conditions, but also their safety in panic situations, such as an emergency evacuation in a theatre, stadium or hospital. Using pedestrian simulation statistics, the movement of crowds can be used to study the consequences of different spatial layouts. Previous works either create an optimal spatial arrangement or an optimal pedestrian circulation. They do not automatically optimise both problems simultaneously. Thus, the idea behind the research in this thesis is to achieve a vital architectural design goal by automatically producing an optimal spatial layout that will enable smooth pedestrian flow. The automated process developed here allows the rapid identification of layouts for large, complex, spatial layout problems. This is achieved by using Cellular Automata (CA) to model pedestrian simulation so that pedestrian flow can be explored at a microscopic level and designing a fitness function for heuristic search that maximises these pedestrian flow statistics in the CA simulation. An analysis of pedestrian flow statistics generated from feasible novel design solutions generated using the heuristic search techniques (hill climbing, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm style operators) is conducted. The statistics that are obtained from the pedestrian simulation is used to measure and analyse pedestrian flow behaviour. The analysis from the statistical results also provides the indication of the quality of the spatial layout design generated. The technique has shown promising results in finding acceptable solutions to this problem when incorporated with the pedestrian simulator when demonstrated on simulated and real-world layouts with real pedestrian data.This study was funded by the University Science of Malaysia and Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia