12,294 research outputs found

    A distinctive energy policy for Scotland?

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    This paper explores the emergence of a distinctive energy policy for Scotland and raises the issue of the desirability of any differentiation from UK energy policy. This requires an examination of both UK and Scottish energy policies, although we adopt a rather broad-brush overview rather than a very detailed analysis

    Barriers and drivers to energy efficiency? A New taxonomical approach

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    This paper develops a new systematic classification and explanation of barriers and drivers to energy efficiency. Using an `actor oriented approach', the paper tries to identify (i) the drivers and barriers that affect the success or failure of energy efficiency investments and (ii) the institutions that are responsible for the emergence of these barriers and drivers. This taxonomy aims to synthesise ideas from three broad perspectives, viz., micro (project/end user), meso (organization), and macro (state, market, civil society). The paper develops a systematic framework by looking at the issues from the perspective of different actors. This not only aids the understanding of barriers and drivers; it also provides scope for appropriate policy interventions. This focus will help policy-makers evaluate to what extent future interventions may be warranted and how one can judge the success of particular interventions.

    Barriers and Drivers to Energy Efficiency - A new Taxonomical Approach

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    This paper develops a new systematic classification and explanation of barriers and drivers to energy efficiency. Using an actor oriented approach, the paper tries to identify (i) the drivers and barriers that affect the success or failure of energy efficiency investments and (ii) the institutions that are responsible for the emergence of these barriers and drivers. This taxonomy aims to synthesise ideas from three broad perspectives, viz., micro (project/end user), meso (organization), and macro (state, market, civil society). The paper develops a systematic framework by looking at the issues from the perspective of different actors. This not only aids the understanding of barriers and drivers; it also provides scope for appropriate policy interventions. This focus will help policy-makers evaluate to what extent future interventions may be warranted and how one can judge the success of particular interventions.Energy Efficiency, Taxonomical Approach

    Combining Policies for Renewable Energy: Is the Whole Less than the Sum of Its Parts?

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    Since the energy crisis in the 1970s and later the growing concern for climate change in the 1990s, policymakers at all levels of government and around the world have been enthusiastically supporting a wide range of incentive mechanisms for electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E). Motivations range from energy security to environmental preservation to green jobs and innovation, and measures comprise an array of subsidies to mandates to emissions trading. But do these policies work together or at cross-purposes? To evaluate RES-E policies, one must understand how specific policy mechanisms interact with each other and under what conditions multiple policy levers are necessary. In this article, we review the recent environmental economics literature on the effectiveness of RES-E policies and the interactions between them, with a focus on the increasing use of tradable quotas for both emissions reduction and RES-E expansion.environment, technology, externality, policy, climate change, renewable energy

    How Much Market Do Market-Based Instruments Create?: An Analysis for the Case of "White" Certificates

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    In the context of economic instruments for more energy efficiency and climate protection, tradable certificates have been investigated for renewable energy and for a number of emissions. In contrast, tradable energy efficiency - or "white" - certificates have only lately been considered as a market-based tool to foster energy efficiency as compared to standards and labelling, for example. Theoretically, there is little doubt about the advantages. In practice, however, somefundamental problems arise. Critical issues are the design of an efficient artificial market for "white" certificates, its compatibility with the European emissions trading system, the identification of a suitable target group for an energy efficiency obligation and the measurement of energy savings as compared to a reference use of energy. We use the theoretical framework of Transaction Cost Economics to elaborate these issues. We conclude that transaction costs and investment specificity will restrict markets for "white" certificates in practise. Long-term contracts rather than spot trade will be the prevailing form of governance for energy efficiency investments.Tradable certificates; Energy efficiency; Transaction cost

    Liberalisation of European energy markets: challenges and policy options

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    The European electricity and gas markets have been going through a process of liberalisation since the early 1990s. This process has changed the sector from a regulated structure of, predominantly, publicly owned monopolists controlling the entire supply chain, into a market where private and public generators and retailers compete on a regulated and unbundled system of transport infrastructure. This report assesses the evidence of the effects of liberalisation on efficiency, security of energy supply and environmental sustainability.

    Reconsidering the calculation and role of environmental footprints

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    Following the recent Copenhagen Climate Change conference, there has been discussion of the methods and underlying principles that inform climate change targets. Climate change targets following the Kyoto Protocol are broadly based on a production accounting principle (PAP). This approach focuses on emissions produced within given geographical boundaries. An alternative approach is a consumption accounting principle (CAP), where the focus is on emissions produced globally to meet consumption demand within the national (or regional) economy1. Increasingly popular environmental footprint measures, including ecological and carbon footprints, attempt to measure environmental impacts based on CAP methods. The perception that human consumption decisions lie at the heart of the climate change problem is the impetus driving pressure on policymakers for a more widespread use of CAP measures. At a global level of course, emissions accounted for under the production and consumption accounting principles would be equal. It is international trade that leads to differences in emissions under the two principles. This paper, the second in this special issue of the Fraser Commentary, examines how input-output accounting techniques may be applied to examine pollution generation under both of these accounting principles, focussing on waste and carbon generation in the Welsh economy as a case study. However, we take a different focus, arguing that the ‘domestic technology assumption’, taken as something of a mid-point in moving between production and consumption accounting in the first paper, may actually constitute a more useful focus for regional policymakers than full footprint analyses

    The electricity generation mix in Scotland : the long and windy road?

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    This article reports on research funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) at the University of Strathclyde

    Green growth, technology and innovation

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    The paper explores existing patterns of green innovation and presents an overview of green innovation policies for developing countries. The key findings from the empirical analysis are: (1) frontier green innovations are concentrated in high-income countries, few in developing countries but growing; (2) the most technologically-sophisticated developing countries are emerging as significant innovators but limited to a few technology fields; (3) there is very little South-South collaboration; (4) there is potential for expanding green production and trade; and (5) there has been little base-of-pyramid green innovation to meet the needs of poor consumers, and it is too early to draw conclusions about its scalability. To promote green innovation, technology and environmental policies work best in tandem, focusing on three complementary areas: (1) to promote frontier innovation, it is advisable to limit local technology-push support to countries with sufficient technological capabilities -- but there is also a need to provide global technology-push support for base-of-pyramid and neglected technologies including through a pool of long-term, stable funds supported by demand-pull mechanisms such as prizes; (2) to promote catch-up innovation, it is essential both to facilitate technology access and to stimulate technology absorption by firms -- with critical roles played by international trade and foreign direct investment, with firm demand spurred by public procurement, regulations and standards; and (3) to develop absorptive capacity, there is a need to strengthen skills and to improve the prevailing business environment for innovation -- to foster increased experimentation, global learning, and talent attraction and retention. There is still considerable progress to be made in ranking green innovation policies as most appropriate for different developing country contexts -- based on more impact evaluation studies of innovation policies targeted at green technologies.Environmental Economics&Policies,E-Business,ICT Policy and Strategies,Technology Industry,Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases
