4 research outputs found

    Development of model for evaluation of efficient business process management dimensions influence based on the specific aspects of the apparel industry

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    Пред изазовима савременог пословања организације морају да приступе са високим нивоом флексибилности и спремности за усвајање промена. Усвајање адекватне пословне праксе пружа могућност лакшег остварења намера организација да усвоје принципе савременог пословања и континуирано се прилагођавају променама. Одевна индустрија сматра се посебно специфичном јер има радно-интензиван и креативан карактер. Осим тога, за дизајн и производњу одевних производа потребна су одређена професионална знања и вештине. Сматра се индустријом са претежним уделом женске радне снаге и значајнијим бројем микро, малих и средњих предузећа. Организације одевне индустрије, у складу са специфичностима које одређују природу њиховог пословања, теже да усвоје пословну праксу која би у правој мери обухватила све аспекте пословања узимајући у обзир најутицајније специфичности. У савременом пословању, које разматра примену најбољих пословних пракси у производно - пословним системима, ефикасно управљање пословним процесима постаје важно и јавља се као пракса која доприноси укупном побољшању пословања организације, јер се фокусира на унапређење интерних процеса и процеса које се одвијају између различитих организација унутар ланца снабдевања. Штавише, управљање пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије се може сматрати праксом која доводи до успостављања стабилног и прогресивног пословања. Ефикасно управљање пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије може бити резултат усклађености посебних димензија у складу са природом пословања. Према томе, истраживању се приступа уз претпоставку да је функционисање процеса и управљање њима условљено специфичностима које карактеришу пословање организација одевне индустрије, те да у складу са тиме треба размотрити који сет димензија утиче и директно води ка успостављању праксе ефикасног упраљања пословним процесима. Сходно томе, у оквиру истраживачког дела рада развијен је модел за процену утицаја димензија ефикасног управљања пословним процесима на основу специфичности одевне индустрије. Истраживање је спроведено у три нивоа. Сваки ниво истраживања изнедрио је релевантне закључке о утицајним димензијама које су у финалном ниво моделоване. Први ниво истраживања обухватио је мишљења експерата из текстилне и одевне индустрије, док је други ниво базиран на мишљењима 508 менаџера/власника и запослених у самим организацијама. Трећи ниво истраживања усмерен је на развој модела за процену утицаја димензија формираних на основу закључака изведених из претходних нивоа. Кључни допринос дисертације се огледа у развоју модела који омогућава истицање путање на којој се налазе димензије од утицаја на успостављање праксе ефикасног управљања пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије које послују у окружењу окарактерисаном многим спефифичностима. У оквиру овог истраживања значај улоге људских ресурса и управљања њима као корака од значаја за ублажавање потенцијално негативних утицаја појединих специфичности и успостављање праксе ефикасног управљања пословним процесима јасно је истакнут.In the face of the challenges of modern business, organizations must approach with a high level of flexibility and readiness to adopt change. The adoption of adequate business practice provides an opportunity to more easily realize the intentions of organizations to adopt the principles of modern business and continuously adapt to change. The apparel industry is considered particularly specific because it has a labor-intensive and creative character. Besides, certain professional knowledge and skills are required for the design and production of apparel. It is considered to be an industry with a predominant share of female labor and a significant number of micro, small, and medium enterprises. Apparel industry organizations, under the specifics that determine the nature of their business, strive to adopt business practices that would properly cover all aspects of business, taking into account the most influential ones. In modern business, which considers the application of best business practices in production - business systems, efficient business process management becomes important and appears as a practice that contributes to the overall improvement of the organization's business, because it focuses on improving internal processes and processes between different organizations within the supply chain. Therefore, business process management in the apparel industry organizations can be considered a practice that leads to the establishment of stable and progressive business. Efficient business process management in the apparel industry organizations can be the result of the harmonization of special dimensions by the nature of business. Therefore, the research is approached on the assumption that the functioning of processes and their management is conditioned by the specifics that characterize the business of the apparel industry organizations, and accordingly to consider which set of dimensions affects and leads to the establishment of efficient business process management. Accordingly, within the research part of the paper, a model was developed to assess the impact of the dimensions of efficient business process management based on the specifics of the apparel industry. The research was conducted on three levels. Each level of research yielded relevant conclusions about the influential dimensions that were modeled on the final level. The first level of research included the opinions of experts from the textile and apparel industry, while the second level was based on the opinions of 508 managers/owners and employees in the organizations themselves. The third level of research is focused on the development of a model for assessing the impact of dimensions formed based on conclusions drawn from previous levels. The key contribution of the dissertation is reflected in the development of a model that allows highlighting the path on which the dimensions of influence on the establishment of the practice of efficient business process management in clothing organizations operating in an environment characterized by many specifics. Within this research, the importance of the role of human resources and managing them, as a step of importance for mitigating the potentially negative impacts of certain specifics and establishing the practice of efficient business process management, is clearly emphasized

    A transformational organisational framework for improving Iraqi quasi-governmental construction companies’ performance

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    Rising globalisation, the liberalisation of international trade and rapid technological development over the last two decades have subjected the business environment to rapid, dynamic change. In the face of such change, seminal researchers and business leaders have reached a conclusion that Business Process (BP) is the core of an organisation. Thus, in order to survive, grow, and stay ahead of the competition in today’s turbulent environment, organisations need to mainly focus on improving their business processes. Similarly, the Iraqi business environment, after the 2003 conflict, have been subject to profound change influenced by the radical changes to Iraq’s political and economic systems. These changes have directly impacted on Iraqi Quasi-Governmental Construction Companies (IQGCCs) where, after decades of domination over most publicly funded construction contracts, these companies face now fierce competition from in excess of 3,500 local and international private firms. As a result, IQGCCs have subsequently struggled to both win contracts and generate profit and the majority have incurred substantial financial losses, becoming unsustainable burdens on the national budget. Although the Iraqi government has attempted to reform the performance of these companies, most of these efforts have ended in their recapitalisation, rather than the identification and resolution of their problems. Accordingly, through employing Business Process Management (BPM) as a comprehensive and widely used approach to increase BP’s principles in an organisation, this research aims to synthesise a transformational organisational framework to address the challenges emanating from current practice within IQGCCs with the view to determining a step change improvement that could ultimately enhance their bottom line performances. To achieve this aim, an exploratory study, which comprised three companies selected from IQGCCs as case studies, was conducted with the aim of mapping and examining the current operational processes employed by these companies and pinpointing the main challenges existing in these processes. Thereafter, a series of semi-structured interviews were carried out with ten experts selected from various management levels of three IQGCCs in order to test the applicability of the theoretical framework developed from the literature to address the challenges inherent in the IQGCCs’ processes. Based on the experts’ responses, the theoretical framework was refined and then further validated through four more semi-structured interviews to produce the final recommended transformational organisational framework for IQGCCs. The study empirically uncovered a number of challenges and impediments inherent in the IQGCCs’ current practices that need to be overcome if their performances are to be enhanced. Many reasons were also identified and grouped together as underpinning causes of the current challenges and barriers to efficiency. The study also showed that the IQGCCs could solve most of the identified challenges through shifting their focus from a traditional functional orientation to a business process orientation. To facilitate this, the study produced a transformational organisational framework that acts as a roadmap to streamline and continuously improve Iraqi QGCCs’ core business processes and, ultimately, institute the business process’ principles within these companies

    The Effects Of Business Process Orientation On Innovation

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    With the evolution of customer’s needs, innovation becomes a core competency of organizations to success in the intense global competition nowadays. Business process orientation (BPO), as “a state of mind” of the organization, emphasizes to employ a customer-and-process-oriented way to rethink and reengineer business. It is interesting and important to understand the role of process-oriented thinking and working in the innovation-driven economy. To better understand BPO, this study applies McCormack’s definition to consider BPO’s influences on innovation in both employee and organization levels in aspect of three main components. Results from questionnaire survey of Japanese companies show that BPO has positive association with employees’ innovative behavior, and then enhance company’s innovation performance sequentially. Meanwhile, employees’ innovation is a mediator in this link. Therefore, BPO supports innovation, but it cannot guarantee success. Motivating all employees to participate and do innovation is a key for generating innovative solutions for customer through being BPO. This paper contributes to the research by understanding the deeper link between BPO and innovation in Japan which is a highly relevant but understudied context. The findings also recommend companies to motivate employees’ innovative behavior as well as improving BPO to being innovative