75 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the TM Intranet Website

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    The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of the TM online information website in achieving the desired information dissemination in order for the staffs to acquire the necessary knowledge. The aims are to identify the effectiveness of the TM Intranet website and to provide recommendations for the future improvement of the system. In this study, staffs using the TM Intranet environment daily at their work premises were surveyed through online survey to evaluate the intranet system. About 50 staffs were targeted to participate and the respondents were only 42. Results showed that there are three main factors that influence the effectiveness of the TM Intranet website in relation to their daily work. These factors are staffs’ behavior and attitude, technology and system, and interactive applications. The paper discusses these factors in detail with an emphasis on the role of the TM Intranet website in information and knowledge dissemination for the staff in their daily work environment

    A Preliminary Evaluation of Using LITEE Multimedia Instructional Materials in a Non-Traditional Graduate Information Technology Course

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    Instructors place an emphasis on preparing students to graduate from college with good decision-making skills needed to be qualified managers. This is done for the purpose of enhancing students’ performance in a real-world work environment. Researchers state that to prepare students to be successful as they go on to enter the work force, it is critical to provide them an education that encompasses higher-order cognitive skills, such as reasoning, problem identification, criteria specification, information search, integrating, interrelating, and problem solving. However, communicating information technology (IT) concepts at the graduate level can be a difficult and challenging task. This is especially true when instructors are faced with a heterogeneous class made of non-traditional students with varied backgrounds in IT. The Laboratory for Innovative Technology and Engineering Education (LITEE) attempts to address these issues by developing and disseminating award-winning, innovative multimedia instructional materials that bring real-world issues into classrooms. This paper conducts a preliminary evaluation on the use of LITEE multimedia instructional materials in a graduate level IT course at a non-traditional institution. The results of this evaluation should help researchers and educators to assess the potential of LITEE multimedia instructional material in facilitating the utilization of higher-order cognitive skills

    Online Lecturing: Suitable for all Courses?

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    Universities worldwide are rapidly embracing online technologies to make their courses more convenient for today’s tech savvy students. Consequently, academics are suddenly met with increased workload and the need to learn new technologies. Thus, to ensure the success and continual use of this new technology, it is important to gauge academics’ acceptance of online lecturing. However, the suitability of online lecturing may not be suitable for all courses. Building on Davis’s (1989) TAM model and Daft and Lengel’s (1986) media richness theory, this study provides empirical evidence for the effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived media richness on the academics’ choice to adopt online video lecturing in differing courses

    Cross Cultural Study of Multimedia Effects on First Impression Bias

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    The body of knowledge about the relationship between multimedia and first impression bias, which has been mainly accumulated in North America, may not be generalizable in other countries because theories ground on one culture may not necessarily apply in other cultures. To better understand how multimedia can be applied successfully in various cultures for reducing first impression bias, researchers need to compare multimedia effects systematically across different cultures. This paper discusses the importance and necessity of considering the culture dimensions, such as collectivistic cultures versus individualistic cultures, in studying multimedia’s impact on firs impression bias. It arrives at several propositions for future empirical investigations. These propositions delineate the relationships between first impression, media type (text based versus multimedia based), and culture


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    The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing Changsha residents' purchase intention through TikTok short video platform. The variables used in this research framework including trust, perceived media richness, perceived price fairness, perceived convenience, and perceived host interaction. Purposive sampling technique was employed to recruit 200 respondents in Changsha City to participate in the study. The Multiple Linear Regression analysis was implemented as the statistical analysis. The results revealed that Perceived Media Richness was the most influent factor affecting consumers' shopping through TikTok short video platform for consumers in Changsha District. As a result, it was evident that the online store owners whose marketing their products via TikTok short video platform should emphasis on perceived media richness factor to enhancing consumers’ purchase intention

    Virtual product experience: The effects of interactivity and task on presence perceptions

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    Presence perceptions (i.e., perceptions of nonmediation in technology-mediated environments, Lombard & Ditton, 1997) have been demonstrated to influence consumers’ attitudes and intentions in online shopping situations; the factors leading to presence, however, are not well understood. In business-to-consumer e-commerce environments, factors such as task characteristics (i.e., searching versus browsing), object interactivity, and users’ characteristics can influence presence perceptions. A model is presented that demonstrates how a consumer’s task as well as the interactivity of virtual product representations can influence the consumer’s sense of presence, and, subsequently, beliefs about the product and the web site. In order to test the theoretical model, a laboratory experiment has been designed. The expected findings will further the understanding of factors influencing presence perceptions and online buying behavior, and will thus provide prescriptive insights for the design of business-to-consumer e-commerce systems

    A Design Study of an Animated System for Representing Financial Ratios

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    Computer visualizations are all around us. In this paper we describe a design process in which we explore the development of a new visualization to aid managerial decision making. The ultimate goal of our design effort is to develop a visualization that allows for presenting most of the critical financial ratios used to describe a firm’s activity on a single computer display and dynamically. In doing so, we hope to enable managers to develop holistic and intuitive appreciations of such matters as how a business changes through time, how the flows of resources in healthy businesses differ from those in trouble, and how decisions about one aspect of a business affect others

    40P. Online Lecturing: Students’ want it, but what about the lecturers?

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    Universities around the world have been readily embracing online technologies to make their courses more convenient for today’s tech savvy gen Y students. However, such a change is often at the expense of the teaching staff as they are suddenly met with increased workload and the need to learn new technologies. Although student acceptance is often looked at, lecturers’ acceptance is often ignored. It is important to gauge lecturers’ acceptance of these online lecturing technologies as such technologies would be rendered useless if lecturers are not willing to accept and use them in their course. Hence, this study aims to examine the often ignored view from the lecturers’ perspective by looking at the factors surrounding lecturer’s acceptance of online media for lecturing purposes. Building on Davis’s (1989) TAM model, Daft and Lengel’s (1986) media richness theory and educational literature, this study will provide empirical evidence for the effects of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, self efficacy, organisational support, lecturing styles and workload on the lecturers’ choice to adopt usage of online video media. This paper reports the results of pilot study

    Iterative Seed Word Generation for Interactive Topic Modelling: a Mixed Text Processing and Qualitative Content Analysis Approach

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    Topic models have great potential for helping researchers and practitioners understand the electronic word of mouth (eWoM). This potential is thwarted by their purely unsupervised nature, which often leads to topics that are not entirely explainable. We develop a novel method to iteratively generate seed words to guide the interactive topic models. We assess the validity and applicability of the proposed method by investigating the critical phenomenon of Contact Tracing Mobile Applications (CTMAs) post-adoption during a time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that constructs developed through our interactive topic modeling can capture primary research variables related to the phenomenon. Compared to existing topic modeling methods, our approach shows superior performance in explaining users’ satisfaction with CTMAs

    The Role of Individual Characteristics on Insider Abuse Intentions

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    Insiders represent a major threat to the security of an organization’s information resources (Warkentin & Willison, 2009; Stanton et al., 2005). Previous research has explored the role of protection motivation or of deterrence in promoting compliant behavior, but these factors have not been studied together. Furthermore, other individual differences, such as the Big Five personality factors may serve as critical influences on cybersecurity compliance. In this study we use a factorial survey approach to identify key components of secure insider behavior. We obtained 201 observations from a diverse sample of employees. The results of this effort will enable us to develop psychological profiles of individual employees so that we may create personalized cybersecurity training protocols that meet the unique needs of each employee profile, appealing to the proper set of motivations for each. Findings of the present study are presented, and the long-term project goal is discussed
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