9,242 research outputs found

    Block-scoped access restriction technique for HTML content in web browsers

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    Web sites, web browsers, web site authors, web component authors, and end users interact in a complicated environment with many recognized and unrecognized trust relationships. The web browser is the arena in which many important trust relationships interact, thus it bears a considerable burden in protecting the interests and security of web end users as well as web site authors. Existing proposals, draft standards, implemented features, and web application techniques go a long way towards allowing rich and compelling content interactions, but they do not provide for rich, mutually-distrusting content to be safely embedded in a single page. This proposal suggests a declarative policy mechanism that permits untrusted content to be safely embedded in a web site while still retaining some richness. It also suggests a policy integration approach to allow multiple cooperative (but not necessarily trusting) parties to provide components of a policy that combine together in a safe manner. It incorporates techniques including fine-grained and coarse-grained permission dropping and white-listing protections for retained capabilities. Finally, the proposed concepts are applied to a number of real-world CVE vulnerabilities, and it is explained how the proposal does or does not prevent or mitigate the attack. The solution is shown to be effective against cross-style-scripting style attacks, and to not be effective at preventing incoming cross-site request forgery attacks

    The influence of mothers' and fathers' parenting stress and depressive symptoms on own and partner's parent-child communication

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    This study examines how parenting stress and depressive symptoms experienced by mothers and fathers influence their own (actor effects) and the partner's (partner effects) parent–child communication. Based on the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, data from 196 families were analyzed, with both parents rating their parenting stress and depressive feelings, and parents as well as children rating the open parent–child communication. Actor effects were found between parenting stress and open parent–child communication, whereas partner effects were prominent between depressive symptoms and open parent–child communication. The results provide no evidence for gender differences in the strength of the pathways to open parent–child communication. Our findings demonstrate the need to include both parents in studies on parent–child communication to enhance our understanding of the mutual influence among family members


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    This study aims to identify relevant lifestyle factors that affect consumer adoption of mobilephone (BlackBerry). Furthermore, this study attempts to examine the impact of lifestyle factorson perception and adoption of BlackBerry consumers. Using the technology acceptance model asa theoretical framework, the conceptual model depicts the relationships among lifestyles,perceptions, and intention. Two-step structural equation modeling was used to test the proposedhypotheses. Results of this study show that consumer lifestyle factors (fashion consciousness,Internet involvement, and e-shopping preference) are direct and indirect antecedents ofconsumers’ intention to adopt BlackBerry phone. Findings of this study provide marketers withinsights into how knowledge about lifestyle factors can be integrated into marketing andadvertising strategies.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor gaya hidup yang mempengaruhiminat mengadopsi telepon selular (BlackBerry). Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenguji pengaruh faktor gaya hidup terhadap persepsi dan minat mengadopsi telepon selularBlackBerry. Studi ini menggunakan model penerimaan teknologi sebagai kerangka teori, modelkonseptual menggambarkan hubungan antara gaya hidup, persepsi, dan niat. Untuk mengujihipotesis yang diajukan digunakan pemodelan persamaan struktural. Hasil dari penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa faktor gaya hidup konsumen (kesadaran fashion , keterlibatan internet, danpreferensi e-shopping) adalah anteseden langsung dan tidak langsung dari niat konsumen untukmengadopsi telepon selular BlackBerry. Temuan penelitian ini memberi pemasar wawasanmengenai bagaimana pengetahuan tentang faktor gaya hidup dapat diintegrasikan ke dalamstrategi pemasaran dan periklanan

    Group-centered framework towards a positive design of digital collaboration in global settings

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    Globally distributed groups require collaborative systems to support their work. Besides being able to support the teamwork, these systems also should promote well-being and maximize the human potential that leads to an engaging system and joyful experience. Designing such system is a significant challenge and requires a thorough understanding of group work. We used the field theory as a lens to view the essential aspects of group motivation and then utilized collaboration personas to analyze the elements of group work. We integrated well-being determinants as engagement factors to develop a group-centered framework for digital collaboration in a global setting. Based on the outcomes, we proposed a conceptual framework to design an engaging collaborative system and recommend system values that can be used to evaluate the system furtherComment: 6 Pages, 3 Figures, Positive computing, International Conference on Industrial Enterprise and System Engineerin

    A Sibling Comparison Study Exploring Effects of Parenting on Self-Esteem in Adolescents

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    Prior research has suggested a link between self-esteem in children and adolescents and the parenting styles and behaviors of their parents. Research has identified dimensions of warmth, control, autonomy support, trust, flexibility, and demandingness as potential variables explaining this relationship. Existing literature has been limited by confounding variables such as genetic influences, home environment, race, culture, and socioeconomic status, as well as by a lack of longitudinal data. The current study uses a sibling comparison design to control for the influence of these genetic and environmental variables and allow for a more accurate estimate of the link between parenting and self-esteem. It uses data from the Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youths (CNLSY), which includes 11,545 biological offspring of women who participated in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 (NLSY79). The data on parenting styles and behaviors was taken from a survey of adolescents’ perceptions of parental involvement, autonomy, disharmony, and intimacy. Self-esteem was measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. A significant association was found between intimacy and self-esteem scores in the population estimate; however, this association was not significant in the sibling-comparison model. Results suggest that links between self-esteem and parenting behaviors are confounded by background variables within families

    Linking Disability and Intercultural Studies: the adaptation journey of the visually impaired migrant in Ireland

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    This study focuses on the lived experiences of the visually impaired migrant in Ireland and this is the first study to document the lives of these members of Irish society. It examines how visually impaired migrants are simultaneously adapting to their disability and a new cultural environment while living in Ireland. In so doing this study aims to link the two academic fields of Intercultural Studies and Disability Studies and theoretical underpinnings for this study are drawn and woven together from both fields. As such this study draws from the development of theories relating to disability as well as the intercultural aspects of migration. Qualitative in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 participants living in the larger Dublin region, which comprised of two groups; migrant users and providers of services for the visually impaired. Data analysis was assisted through the software package Atlas.ti. A grounded theory approach to collecting and analysing data was adopted as this facilitates the flow from raw data to codes to concepts. Purposive sampling was employed and the typical method of grounded theory of constant comparison was not used, rather interviews were analysed individually once they were all completed then compared. Research findings indicate that the cultural perceptions of disability may help or hinder the individual’s adaptation process both to their visual impairment and to living and integrating into a new culture in Ireland. Findings cluster around the three areas of cultural perceptions of disability, support networks and cultural barriers to adaptation. Synergising theoretical concepts and data steered the development of a new integrative model which identifies the inhibitors and facilitators for the process of adaptation to visual impairment for a migrant in Ireland
