2 research outputs found

    Motivación de los empleados: importancia, evolución y enfoques usando análisis cienciométrico

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    The purpose of this review is to analyze the evolution and trends of publications on employee motivation from 2000 to 2021. To analyze the publications by year, journal, country and author, bibliometrix of the R software was used. To understand the evolution of the topic, the tree of science algorithm is used, with the Tree of Science (TOS) software and the approaches are worked through a cocitation network analysis. Among the main results are the seminal and structural papers in the study of employee motivation, including Maslow's classic Theory of human motivation, Hackman and Oldham's Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory and Ryan and Deci's Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic definitions and new directions. Three emerging approaches were identified: 1. factors affecting employee motivation, 2. new theories of employee motivation, and 3. psychological aspects of workers related to motivation. It is recommended that organizations create employee motivation programs because it contributes to the improvement of individual and organizational performance.El propósito de esta revisión es analizar la evolución y las tendencias de las publicaciones sobre la “motivación de los empleados” desde el año 2000 hasta el 2021. Para analizar las publicaciones por año, revista, país y autor, se utilizó bibliometrix, del software R. Para comprender la evolución del tema se utiliza el algoritmo del árbol de la ciencia, con el software Tree of Science (TOS), y los enfoques se trabajan mediante un análisis de redes de cocitación. Dentro de los principales resultados se encuentran los documentos seminales y estructurales del estudio de la motivación de los empleados; entre ellos, los clásicos Theory of human motivation de Maslow, Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory de Hackman y Oldham e Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic definitions and new directions de Ryan y Deci. Se identificaron tres enfoques emergentes: 1. factores que inciden en la motivación de los empleados, 2. nuevas teorías de la motivación en los empleados y 3. aspectos psicológicos de los trabajadores relacionados con la motivación. Se recomienda que las organizaciones creen programas de motivación para los empleados debido a que esta contribuye al mejoramiento del desempeño individual y de la organización

    Revisiting the Organisational Identification Assessment from a managerial perspective: A case study on a Romanian public University

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    Although there is a large body of literature on organizational identification (OID), in recent years few of them have addressed the higher education context, mostly on student’s identification and rarely on the identification of academic and research staff. Of these, their main focus is usually on different constructs, exploring OID in its role as mediator/moderator of these organizational issues and most often only one form of OID is acknowledged. The theoretical progress is evident, the essential necessity for large organizations to foster a sense of oneness in employees is acknowledged. However, from a managerial perspective, the issues of how many or which antecedents should be nurtured in this context in order to obtain results and the doubtful adaptability of considering just one form of OID are almost a decade old. This paper presents and discusses the results of a survey carried out on 1072 academics and researchers from Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. By assessing three forms of OID (OID, ambivalent identification and neutral identification) and certain relevant antecedents in the case of a large public university, the study addresses a gap in recent literature. Results are consistent with the Extended Model of Organizational Identification and strengthen the need to acknowledge the operational importance of ambivalent and neutral identification from a managerial perspective in the case of higher education employees. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of results are also discussed