223 research outputs found

    Comparison of Tropospheric Ozone Columns Calculated from MLS, OMI, and Ozonesonde Data

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    This poster shows a comparison of three derived tropospheric ozone residual (TOR) products with integrated tropospheric ozone columns from ozonesonde profile: (1) the method of Ziemke et al. (2006), (2) a modified version of Fishman et al. (2003), and (3) a trajectory mapping approach. In each case, MLS ozone profiles are integrated to the tropopause and subtracted from OMI (TOMS retrieval) total column ozone. The effectiveness of each of these techniques is examined as a function of latitude, time, and geographic region. In general, we find good agreement between the derived products and the ozonesondes, with the Fishman et al. TOR (labeled “Amy”) generally high and the Schoeberl trajectory mapping (labeled “Mark”) product generally low as compared to the integrated ozonesonde profiles (labeled “Sonde”) as computed using the WMO tropopause definition. Differences in TOR results are due, at least in part, to non-uniform tropopause height definitions between the three approaches

    EOS MLS observations of dehydration in the 2004-2005 polar winters

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    We prove various estimates for the first eigenvalue of the magnetic Dirichlet Laplacian on a bounded domain in two dimensions. When the magnetic field is constant, we give lower and upper bounds in terms of geometric quantities of the domain. We furthermore prove a lower bound for the first magnetic Neumann eigenvalue in the case of constant field.Comment: 19 page

    The Carbon Monoxide Tape Recorder

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    Using Aura MLS data we have identified the stratospheric tape recorder in carbon monoxide (CO). Unlike the water vapor tape recorder, which is controlled by upper troposphere processes, the CO tape recorder is linked to seasonal biomass burning. Since CO has a lifetime of only a few months, the CO tape recorder barely extends above 20 km. The tape head for CO appears to be close to 360K near the same location as the water vapor tape head [Read et al, 20041. Both tape heads are below the equatorial cold point tropopause but above the base of the tropical tropopause layer. The tape recorder signal becomes more distinct from 360K to 380K suggesting that convective detrainment of plays a decreasingly important role with altitude. The Global Modeling Initiative chemical transport model forced by the climatology of biomass burning reproduces the CO tape recorder

    Effects of the 2004 El Nino on Tropospheric Ozone and Water Vapor

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    The global effects of the 2004 El Nino on tropospheric ozone and H2O based on Aura OM1 and MLS measurements are analyzed. Although it was a weak El Nino from a historical perspective, it produced significant changes in these parameters in tropical latitudes. Tropospheric ozone increased by 10-20% over most of the western Pacific region and decreased by about the same amount over the eastern Pacific region. H2O in the upper troposphere showed similar changes but with opposite sign. These zonal changes in tropospheric ozone and H2O are caused by the eastward shift in the Walker circulation in the tropical pacific region during El Nino. For the 2004 El Nino, biomass burning did not have a significant effect on the ozone budget in the troposphere unlike the 1997 El Nino. Zonally averaged tropospheric column ozone did not change significantly either globally or over the tropical and subtropical latitudes

    Radiometer-on-a-chip: a path toward super-compact submillimeter-wave imaging arrays

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    A novel approach for submillimeter-wave heterodyne imaging arrays is presented in this paper. By utilizing diverse technologies such as GaAs membrane based terahertz diodes, wafer bonding, bulk Si micromachining, micro-lens optics, and CMOS 3-D chip architectures, a super-compact low-mass submillimeter-wave imaging array is envisioned. A fourwafer based silicon block for a working W-band power amplifier MMIC is demonstrated. This module drastically reduces mass and volume associated with metal block implementations without sacrificing performance. A path towards super compact array receivers in the 500-600 GHz range is described in detail

    Missing driver in the Sun–Earth connection from energetic electron precipitation impacts mesospheric ozone

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    Energetic electron precipitation (EEP) from the Earth’s outer radiation belt continuously affects the chemical composition of the polar mesosphere. EEP can contribute to catalytic ozone loss in the mesosphere through ionization and enhanced production of odd hydrogen. However, the long-term mesospheric ozone variability caused by EEP has not been quantified or confirmed to date. Here we show, using observations from three different satellite instruments, that EEP events strongly affect ozone at 60–80 km, leading to extremely large (up to 90%) short-term ozone depletion. This impact is comparable to that of large, but much less frequent, solar proton events. On solar cycle timescales, we find that EEP causes ozone variations of up to 34% at 70–80 km. With such a magnitude, it is reasonable to suspect that EEP could be an important part of solar influence on the atmosphere and climate syste

    Frequency tunable electronic sources working at room temperature in the 1 to 3 THz band

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    Compact, room temperature terahertz sources are much needed in the 1 to 3 THz band for developing multi-pixel heterodyne receivers for astrophysics and planetary science or for building short-range high spatial resolution THz imaging systems able to see through low water content and non metallic materials, smoke or dust for a variety of applications ranging from the inspection of art artifacts to the detection of masked or concealed objects. All solid-sate electronic sources based on a W-band synthesizer followed by a high-power W-band amplifier and a cascade of Schottky diode based THz frequency multipliers are now capable of producing more than 1 mW at 0.9THz, 50 μW at 2 THz and 18 μW at 2.6 THz without the need of any cryogenic system. These sources are frequency agile and have a relative bandwidth of 10 to 15%, limited by the high power W-band amplifiers. The paper will present the latest developments of this technology and its perspective in terms of frequency range, bandwidth and power


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    Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) merupakan bagian dari Earth Observing System (EOS) ditempatkan pada satelit AURA NASA yang diluncurkan pada tanggal 15 Juli 2004 dan efektif menghasilkan hasil data pengamatan global dari September 2004 hingga saat ini. MLS mengukur profil vertikal ozon dan komponen kimia atmosfer dengan lebih akurat. Penentuan profil vertikal Bromin Monoksida (BrO) dan Ozon di Indonesia telah dilakukan berdasarkan pengamatan atmosfer dengan menggunakan instrumen Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) pada satelit AURA. Data yang digunakan adalah data profil vertikal BrO dan Ozon di wilayah Indonesia (95 BT-145 BT, 6 LS-11 LU) selama tahun 2005-2010. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variasi bulanan profil ozon vertikal di Indonesia tahun 2005-2010 umumnya konstan di bawah 100 hPa dan meningkat pada rentang tekanan 100 hPa hingga 0,1 hPa (dari stratosfer bawah ke stratosfer atas) dan kemudian menurun lagi dengan nilai maksimum terjadi pada stratosfer tengah pada tekanan 10 hPa saat perbandingan campuran ozon maksimum antara 8.000-11.000 ppbv (8 sampai 11 ppmv). Ozon mencapai nilai minimum di troposfer pada ketinggian di atas 0,01 hPa. Konsentrasi BrO tertinggi terjadi pada tekanan 14 hPa dengan rentang konsentrasi 0,005-0,04 ppbv yang terjadi pada bulan Februari 2005-2010 dan puncak terendah terjadi pada bulan Mei 2005-2010 dengan konsentrasi 0,02 ppbv. Korelasi antara ozon dan BrO pada tekanan 14 hPa menunjukkan nilai -0.218. Korelasi negatif menunjukkan peningkatan konsentrasi BrO berhubungan dengan penurunan konsentrasi ozon di lapisan stratosfer di atas Indonesia. Kata kunci: MLS AURA, Bromine monoksida, Ozon, Korelas


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    Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) merupakan bagian dari Earth Observing System (EOS) ditempatkan pada satelit AURA NASA yang diluncurkan pada tanggal 15 Juli 2004 dan efektif menghasilkan hasil data pengamatan global dari September 2004 hingga saat ini. MLS mengukur profil vertikal ozon dan komponen kimia atmosfer dengan lebih akurat. Penentuan profil vertikal Bromin Monoksida (BrO) dan Ozon di Indonesia telah dilakukan berdasarkan pengamatan atmosfer dengan menggunakan instrumen Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) pada satelit AURA. Data yang digunakan adalah data profil vertikal BrO dan Ozon di wilayah Indonesia (95 BT-145 BT, 6 LS-11 LU) selama tahun 2005-2010. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variasi bulanan profil ozon vertikal di Indonesia tahun 2005-2010 umumnya konstan di bawah 100 hPa dan meningkat pada rentang tekanan 100 hPa hingga 0,1 hPa (dari stratosfer bawah ke stratosfer atas) dan kemudian menurun lagi dengan nilai maksimum terjadi pada stratosfer tengah pada tekanan 10 hPa saat perbandingan campuran ozon maksimum antara 8.000-11.000 ppbv (8 sampai 11 ppmv). Ozon mencapai nilai minimum di troposfer pada ketinggian di atas 0,01 hPa. Konsentrasi BrO tertinggi terjadi pada tekanan 14 hPa dengan rentang konsentrasi 0,005-0,04 ppbv yang terjadi pada bulan Februari 2005-2010 dan puncak terendah terjadi pada bulan Mei 2005-2010 dengan konsentrasi 0,02 ppbv. Korelasi antara ozon dan BrO pada tekanan 14 hPa menunjukkan nilai -0.218. Korelasi negatif menunjukkan peningkatan konsentrasi BrO berhubungan dengan penurunan konsentrasi ozon di lapisan stratosfer di atas Indonesia. Kata kunci: MLS AURA, Bromine monoksida, Ozon, Korelas

    The 2010 Antarctic ozone hole: Observed reduction in ozone destruction by minor sudden stratospheric warmings

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    Satellite observations show that the 2010 Antarctic ozone hole is characterized by anomalously small amounts of photochemical ozone destruction (40-60% less than the 2005-2009 average). Observations from the MLS instrument show that this is mainly related to reduced photochemical ozone destruction between 20-25 km altitude. Lower down between 15-20 km the atmospheric chemical composition and photochemical ozone destruction is unaffected. The modified chemical composition and chemistry between 20-25 km altitude in 2010 is related to the occurrence of a mid-winter minor Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW). The measurements indicate that the changes in chemical composition are related to downward motion of air masses rather than horizontal mixing, and affect stratospheric chemistry for several months. Since 1979, years with similar anomalously small amounts of ozone destruction are all characterized by either minor or major SSWs, illustrating that their presence has been a necessary pre-condition for reduced Antarctic stratospheric ozone destruction