1,017 research outputs found

    SimWorx: An ADA Distributed Simulation Application Framework Supporting HLA and DIS

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    This research consisted of the analysis, design, and implementation of a reusable application framework for distributed simulation which is compliant with both the DoD High Level Architecture (HLA) for Modeling and Simulation and the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) standards. The goal was to create an Ada-based system for experimentation in distributed simulation. A subsidiary goal was to integrate the system with an existing Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) application framework for virtual simulations, Easy_Sim. The application framework was designed using object oriented techniques to enable experimenters to customize it via inheritance extension. The application framework, named SimWorx, consists of two sections: an HLA Federate skeleton, and a surrogate HLA Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) which has an HLA \u27front end and a DIS \u27back end\u27 to provide DIS compatibility. The SimWorx framework was successfully integrated with Easy_Sim to provide an Ada based joint simulation system for distributed virtual simulations

    Multiresolution modeling and simulation of an air-ground combat application

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    The High Level Architecture (HLA) establishes a common modeling and simulation framework facilitating interoperability and reuse of simulation components. Since 1996, ONERA (French Aeronautics and Space Research Centre) carries out several studies on HLA in order to gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of HLA implementations. The first critical step of this initiative was to develop our own RTI from the HLA specifications. In order to evaluate the cost of making a transition from legacy simulations to HLA, we first developed an HLA federation simulating an air-ground combat involving a set of aircraft's engaged against a surface to air defense system. Current studies on HLA distributed simulation include security, WAN simulations and multiresolution. Conventional simulations represent entities at just one single level of resolution. Multiresolution representation of entities consists in maintaining multiple and concurrent representations of entities. In this paper we address the problem of how HLA services may allow to achieve multiresolution modeling and simulation. Our goal is not to provide a general framework as a basis for designing simulations of entities at different levels of resolution concurrently. We focus on experience feedback we have obtained by migrating a single level resolution HLA federation to a multi-level resolution federation. The selected application is an air-ground combat simulation involving aggregated patrols of aircraft's engaged against a surface to air defense system. In this paper, we briefly describe the air-ground combat simulation application. We then detail the multiresolution representation of entities (patrols and aircraft's), and discuss the chosen mechanisms allowing triggering aggregation from an entity-level representation, and conversely, triggering disaggregation from an aggregate representation. We focus on the HLA services we have selected to maintain several levels of representation concurrently and on methodological issues in designing multiresolution HLA simulations. We have tackled some difficulties and we propose a new HLA service that should make easier the user's task. This multiresolution management service can be added to our RTI or written by using existing HLA services. Finally, future trends are discussed

    Running real time distributed simulations under Linux and CERTI

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    This paper presents some experiments and some results to enforce real time distributed simulations in accordance with the High Level Architecture (HLA). Simulations were run by using CERTI, an open source middleware, as the Run Time Infrastructure (RTI). Models were distributed over computers under various available versions of the 2.6 Linux kernel. Studies and experiments relied on a real case study. The chosen case study was the simulation of an "in formation" flight of observation satellites. This case study brings up some real applicative needs in real time distributed simulations and real configurations of simulators and models. Two simulations of "in formation" flight of satellites were studied. The study consisted in modeling the behaviour of the simulators and in running these models by using various kernel or middleware operating mechanisms and services. Time measurements were performed at each test giving some results on the ability of the simulation to meet its real time requirements

    An Architectural Framework for Performance Analysis: Supporting the Design, Configuration, and Control of DIS /HLA Simulations

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    Technology advances are providing greater capabilities for most distributed computing environments. However, the advances in capabilities are paralleled by progressively increasing amounts of system complexity. In many instances, this complexity can lead to a lack of understanding regarding bottlenecks in run-time performance of distributed applications. This is especially true in the domain of distributed simulations where a myriad of enabling technologies are used as building blocks to provide large-scale, geographically disperse, dynamic virtual worlds. Persons responsible for the design, configuration, and control of distributed simulations need to understand the impact of decisions made regarding the allocation and use of the logical and physical resources that comprise a distributed simulation environment and how they effect run-time performance. Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) and High Level Architecture (HLA) simulation applications historically provide some of the most demanding distributed computing environments in terms of performance, and as such have a justified need for performance information sufficient to support decision-makers trying to improve system behavior. This research addresses two fundamental questions: (1) Is there an analysis framework suitable for characterizing DIS and HLA simulation performance? and (2) what kind of mechanism can be used to adequately monitor, measure, and collect performance data to support different performance analysis objectives for DIS and HLA simulations? This thesis presents a unified, architectural framework for DIS and HLA simulations, provides details on a performance monitoring system, and shows its effectiveness through a series of use cases that include practical applications of the framework to support real-world U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) programs. The thesis also discusses the robustness of the constructed framework and its applicability to performance analysis of more general distributed computing applications

    Environnement de coopération de simulation pour la conception de systèmes cyber-physiques

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    La conception de systèmes cyber-physiques (CPS) est une activité complexe qui requiert l’utilisation de plusieurs méthodes et outils pendant le processus de développement. L’objectif du travail présenté est de fournir un moyen de simuler plusieurs types de modèles réalisés à plusieurs niveaux dans la phase de conception. Nous avons développé un environnement de co-simulation permettant la coopération de deux outils de simulation open source : Ptolemy II et HLA/CERTI. Ptolemy II permet la modélisation hiérarchique de systèmes hétérogènes tandis qu’HLA/CERTI permet des simulations distribuées interopérables (parfois en intégrant des éléments matériels). Dans le papier, nous détaillons les points communs et différences sémantiques de la gestion du temps. Trois nouveaux objets Ptolemy : un attribut HlaManager ainsi que deux acteurs, HlaPublisher et HlaSubscriber, ont été développés afin de réaliser l’interface entre les deux outils de simulation. Une étude de cas est détaillée à la fin du papier

    Transportation system modeling using the High Level Architecture

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    This dissertation investigates the High Level Architecture (HLA) as a possible distributed simulation framework for transportation systems. The HLA is an object-oriented approach to distributed simulations developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) to handle the issues of reuse and interoperability of simulations. The research objectives are as follows: (1) determine the feasibility of making existing traffic management simulation environments HLA compliant; (2) evaluate the usability of existing HLA support software in the transportation arena; (3) determine the usability of methods developed by the military to test for HLA compliance on traffic simulation models; and (4) examine the possibility of using the HLA to create Internet-based virtual environments for transportation research. These objectives were achieved in part via the development of a distributed simulation environment using the HLA. Two independent traffic simulation models (federates) comprised the environment (federation). A CORSIM federate models a freeway feeder road with an on-ramp while an Arena federate models a tollbooth exchange
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