15,061 research outputs found

    A One-Pass Extended Depth of Field Algorithm Based on the Over-Complete Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    In this paper we describe an algorithm for extended depth of field (EDF) imaging based on the over-complete discrete wavelet transform (OCDWT). We extend previous approaches by describing a, potentially real-time, algorithm that produces the EDF image after a single pass through the "stack" of focal plane images. In addition, we specifically study the effect of over-sampling on EDF reconstruction accuracy and show that a small degree of over-sampling considerably improves the quality of the EDF image

    The Application of Preconditioned Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers in Depth from Focal Stack

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    Post capture refocusing effect in smartphone cameras is achievable by using focal stacks. However, the accuracy of this effect is totally dependent on the combination of the depth layers in the stack. The accuracy of the extended depth of field effect in this application can be improved significantly by computing an accurate depth map which has been an open issue for decades. To tackle this issue, in this paper, a framework is proposed based on Preconditioned Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (PADMM) for depth from the focal stack and synthetic defocus application. In addition to its ability to provide high structural accuracy and occlusion handling, the optimization function of the proposed method can, in fact, converge faster and better than state of the art methods. The evaluation has been done on 21 sets of focal stacks and the optimization function has been compared against 5 other methods. Preliminary results indicate that the proposed method has a better performance in terms of structural accuracy and optimization in comparison to the current state of the art methods.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Consideraciones acerca de la viabilidad de un sensor plenóptico en dispositivos de consumo

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    Doctorado en Ingeniería IndustrialPassive distance measurement of the objects in an image gives place to interesting applications that have the potential to revolutionize the field of photography. In this thesis a prototype of plenoptic camera for mobile devices was created and studied. This technique has two main disadvantages: the need for modifying the camera module and the loss of resolution. Because of this, the prototype was discarded in order to utilize another technique: depth from focus. In this technique the capture method consists in taking several images while varying the focus distance. The set of images is called focal-stack. Different focus operators are studied, which give a measure of defocus per pixel and plane of the focal-stack. The curvelet based focus operator is chosen as the most adequate. It is computationally more intensive than other operators but it is capable of decomposing natural images using few coefficients. In order to make viable its usage in mobile devices a new curvelet transform based on the discrete Radon transform is built. The discrete Radon transform has logarithmic complexity, does not use the Fourier transform and uses only integer sums. Lastly, different versions of the Radon transform are analyzed with the goal of achieving an even faster transform. These transforms are implemented to be executed on mobile devices. Additionally, an application of the Radon transform is presented. It consists in the detection of bar-codes that have any orientation in an image.La medida pasiva de distancia a los objetos en una imagen da lugar a interesantes aplicaciones con capacidad para revolucionar la fotografía. En esta tesis se creó y estudió un prototipo de cámara plenóptica para dispositivos móviles. Esta técnica presenta dos inconvenientes: la necesidad de modificar el módulo de cámara y la pérdida de resolución. Por ello, el prototipo fue descartado para utilizar otra técnica: la profundidad a partir del desenfoque. En esta técnica el método de captura consiste en tomar varias imagenes variando la distancia de enfoque. El conjunto de imágenes se denomina focal-stack. Se estudian distintos operadores de desenfoque, que dan una medida de desenfoque por pixel y por plano del focal-stack. Siendo elegido como óptimo el operador de desenfoque curvelet, que es computacionalmente más intensivo que otros operadores pero es capaz de descomponer imagenes naturales utilizando muy pocos coeficientes. Para hacer posible su uso en dispositivos móviles se construye una nueva transformada curvelet basada en la transformada discreta de Radon. La transformada discreta de Radon tiene complejidad linearítmica, no utiliza la transformada de Fourier y usa sólo sumas de enteros. Por último, se analizan distintas versiones de la transformada de Radon con el objetivo de conseguir una transformada aún más rápida y se implementan para ser ejecutadas en dispositivos móviles. Además se presenta una aplicación de la transformada de Radon consistente en la detección de códigos de barras con cualquier orientación en una imagen

    Simulations of Adaptive Optics with a Laser Guide Star for SINFONI

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    The SINFONI instrument for ESO's VLT combines integral field spectroscopy and adaptive optics (AO). We discuss detailed simulations of the adaptive optics module. These simulations are aimed at assessing the AO module performance, specifically for operations with extended sources and a laser guide star. Simulated point spread function (PSF) images will be used to support scientific preparations and the development of an exposure time calculator, while simulated wavefront sensor measurements will be used to study PSF reconstruction methods. We explain how the adaptive optics simulations work, focusing on the realistic modelling of the laser guide star for a curvature wavefront sensor. The predicted performance of the AO module is discussed, resulting in recommendations for the operation of the SINFONI AO module at the telescope.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to appear in SPIE conference proceedings vol 5490, "Advancements in Adaptive Optics", eds. D. Bonaccini, B.L. Ellerbroek, R. Ragazonni, Glasgow UK, 21-25 June 200

    Performance of multiplexed Ge:Ga detector arrays in the far infrared

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    The performance of two multi-element, multiplexed Ge:Ga linear arrays under low-background conditions was investigated. The on-focal switching is accomplished by MOSFET switches, and the integrated charge is made available through MOSFET source followers. The tests were conducted at 106 microns, and the radiation on the detectors was confined to a spectral window 1.25 microns wide using a stack of cold filters. At 4.2 K, the highest responsivity was 584 A/W, the noise equivalent power was 1.0 x 10(exp -16) W/square root of Hz, and the read noise was 6100 electrons/sample. A detailed description of the test setup and procedure is presented