65 research outputs found

    Conflicting Roles of CIOs and their Negative Effects on the Workplace of the Future

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    Demographic change is forcing companies to find new ways to attract skilled knowledge-workers to safeguard strong economic performance. In particular, in the case of younger generations, companies have the opportunity to increase their attractiveness apart from usual incentives like a high salary by addressing these generations’ altered expectations towards their professional life and their work-life balance. Recent studies show, however, that companies often struggle to implement the necessary information technology. Drawing on role theory and existing literature, we developed a role framework to identify intra-role conflicts perceived by the chief information officers and inter-role conflicts between the IT and other departments. Through qualitative interviews with representatives from five companies, we identify numerous role conflicts, particularly common in smaller companies and companies managed by their owners. Implications for theory and practice are discussed

    Internal Crowd Work as a Source of Empowerment - An Empirical Analysis of the Perception of Employees in a Crowdtesting Project -

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    Internal crowd work has emerged as a new form of digital gainful employment that changes the nature of work. However, the possible effects of internal crowd work on the individual level have been largely neglected. In this paper, we therefore present our research in progress which is concerned with the effects of work characteristics in internal crowd work that have impact on the individual\u27s empowerment and satisfaction. Thus, we developed our research model and conducted an online survey amongst 118 internal crowd workers of a Swiss bank who were asked to test new software. Our expected contribution will increase the understanding of internal crowd work and provide important insights for organizations to (re-) design work on internal IT-platforms

    Exploring the Digital Transformation Based on Big Data with Ubiquitous Internet of Everything

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    Digital technologies present both game-changing opportunities for and existential threats to companies. Digital services in consumer-facing organizations offer novelty value propositions, closer consumer relationships and higher automation of consumer-facing processes. Facing big digital data streams generated by ubiquitous Internet of Everything(IoE) and savvy customers with mobile computing and social media, this paper focuses on digital transformation journeys seeking digital capabilities and digital leadership to upgrade organizational performance, one is discovering big data value, the other is dual methods with agile. The finding provides practical implications that can help guide practitioners in digital transformation

    COVID-19 Pandemic and Antecedents for Digital Transformation in the Workplace: A Conceptual Framework

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    The emergence of coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused us to reconsider our everyday lives around the world. While the ability to work from home is an advantage to many workers, other businesses lack the foundation of the technological infrastructure to give the capacity of “business as usual” without some compromises. The goal of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework on digital transformations antecedents of global workplaces and organizations post-pandemic outbreak. The study emphasized that the most effective transformations point to four antecedents; smart capital allocation for digital initiatives, engagement of appropriate digital tools, talent recruitment, and brand permission. The study concluded that the global pandemic has created a whole new experience for businesses and organizations around the world. Therefore, business executives cannot sit on their laurels any longer and they cannot put off a digital transformation organizational focus. Henceforth, taking the right decisions today would help ensure that businesses are better placed after the pandemic is over

    Exploration of Scenario-based Simulations for Stress Benchmarking in Swiss Public Service

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    Statistical interpretation of stress-related indicators collected through wearable biosensors often relies on benchmarking, especially in the context of stress management interventions. However, it remains unclear how to construct stress level benchmarks for group stress-related indicators using limited historical data. This study examines whether the method of numerical simulation of stress-related responses could contribute to constructing benchmark curves. Experimental data consists of physiological and non-physiological signals of 18 Swiss public servants collected through wearable biosensors. This study draws upon Stress Pattern Recognition algorithm and Markov Chain modeling for simulating emotional responses according to specified data-driven scenarios of high and low stress. Proposed method allows constructing benchmark curves for an Overarousal Index. Results demonstrate that numerical simulation based on small datasets can be used effectively for constructing stress level benchmarks. The findings contribute to methodological knowledge in statistical learning on Stress Pattern Recognition algorithms and Markov Chains modeling by expanding their application to a new field of emotional response simulation according to scenarios

    Adoption of Unified Communications and Collaboration from the Perspective of Diffusion of Innovation and Service Dominant Logic: A Preliminary View

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    Unified Communications and Collaboration (UC&C) is a platform that has become increasingly popular in recent years and used in organizations. The service could increase flexibility, interoperability, efficiency and productivity in managing business processes. As the number and variety of UC&C tools and services increases, many organizations have developed strategic plans and allocate budget to implement UC&C. However, the adoption of some UC&C tools is still below than expected. As a service that continues to evolve in tandem with new developments in technology, it is thus important to investigate the factors that impact upon the adoption of UC&C tools and services. Via a review of the literature, this paper will posit an initial model for the adoption of UC&C. This initial model is developed by adopting the views of two important theories which are the theory of Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and service dominant logic (SDL). The DOI theory is chosen since UC&C represents evolvement in the communications technology space, whilst SDL is chosen because of its focus on value co-creation and user centeredness, which is an important factor that will influence adoption. The key factors influencing the adoption of UC&C embodied in the model will provide useful insights for managers in implementing UC&C in their organizations

    A Multiorganisational Study of the Drivers and Barriers of Enterprise Collaboration Systems-Enabled Change

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    Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) are emerging as the de facto technology platform for the digital workplace. This paper presents findings from an in-depth, multiorganisational study that examines the drivers and barriers of ECS-enabled change from two perspectives: i) the company initiating and driving the project and ii) key practitioners responsible for delivering the change. Data is collected from ECS using companies via a survey and face-to-face workshops, analysed using qualitative content analysis methods to identify categories of change and then synthesised to provide a rich classification and visualisation of the drivers, barriers, motivations and pain points (DBMP) to ECS-enabled change. This is followed by a discussion of the similarities and differences between drivers and barriers from both personal and company perspectives. The paper concludes by exploring the potential of the research and visualisation methods used in this work to provide the foundation for the longitudinal study of ECS-enabled change

    Web integrator: the new role of academic librarians?

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    Przedmiotem badania jest nowa rola bibliotekarza akademickiego, który jako web integrator współpracuje z różnymi ekspertami w celu optymalizacji bibliotecznych usług informacyjnych za pomocą szeregu technologii dostepnych w środowisku sieciowym. Celem jest dowiedzenie, że bibliotekarz może pełnić role web integratora. Aby zrealizować cel, przeprowadzono studium przypadku koncentrujące się na roli autora, który jest jednocześnie bibliotekarzem w Oddziale Informacji Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Toruniu w zakresie integracji technologii sieciowych. Analiza potwierdziła pogląd, że badany bibliotekarz pełni rolę web integratora. Badanie pozwoliło wysunąć kolejną hipotezę, zgodnie z którą rola web integratora jest nową rolą bibliotekarzy akademickich zajmujących się informatyzacją i optymalizacją usług sieciowych dostępnych online.The subject of this study is the new role of an academic librarian who, as a web integrator cooperates with various experts in order to optimize the library’s online information services by means of a range of technologies provided by the web environment. The purpose of this study is to prove, that a librarian can act as a web integrator. In order to realize this goal, a case study was conducted, focusing on the role of the author, who is also a librarian at the Department of Information of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Library in Toruń in the field of integration of web technologies. The analyses have confirmed the view that the studied librarian performs the role of a web integrator. This study has allowed to put forward another hypothesis, according to which the role of a web integrator is a new one among academic librarians who dea

    Digitalization of Work Systems—An Organizational Routines’ Perspective

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    Digitalization is a hypernym that denotes the ground-shifting impact IT artifacts have on organizations. The term implicitly refers to core topics in Information Systems research, which now enfolds at increasing magnitude, speed, and reach. However, digitalization often lacks explicit references to domestic theories, concepts, and constructs in the Information Systems literature. Fundamental mechanisms that constitute digitalization as an interplay of organizations and information systems remain unexplored. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, based on extending extant theory on organizational routines, we propose four patterns that conceptualize digitalization mechanisms as an interplay of organizational routines and IT artifacts. Second, we demonstrate how more complex transformation trajectories of routines unfold, by concatenating our patterns to form transformation stories. On either level of abstraction, further research can build on the proposed patterns to theorize on how the interplay of IT artifacts and organizational routines constitutes the digitalization of work systems

    Analyzing Barriers to Digital Transformation in the German Engineering Industry – A Comparison of Digitalized and Non-Digitalized Enterprises

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    The German engineering sector is one of the most prominent industries in Germany in terms of revenues, the number of employees, and reputation for the “Made in Germany” brand. In this industry, digital transformation (DT) has become a significant trend. DT is more than optimizing internal processes by digital means. It entails the offer of digital services and products and the enhancement of customer experience. Complex barriers need to be overcome to drive this transformation forward. Therefore, our study analysis the organizational barriers to DT within the German engineering industry. We follow a quantitative approach to gain insight on organizational barriers by a comparison of digitalized and less digitalized enterprises and their DTs. Our research demonstrates that digitalized enterprises perceive lower degrees of certain barriers in leadership, culture, employees, and skills, which are essential parts in a socio-technical view. However, there are still barriers that digitalized enterprises are struggling with