3 research outputs found

    Friends and Strangers Walking on Graphs

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    Given graphs XX and YY with vertex sets V(X)V(X) and V(Y)V(Y) of the same cardinality, we define a graph FS(X,Y)\mathsf{FS}(X,Y) whose vertex set consists of all bijections σ:V(X)→V(Y)\sigma:V(X)\to V(Y), where two bijections σ\sigma and σ′\sigma' are adjacent if they agree everywhere except for two adjacent vertices a,b∈V(X)a,b \in V(X) such that σ(a)\sigma(a) and σ(b)\sigma(b) are adjacent in YY. This setup, which has a natural interpretation in terms of friends and strangers walking on graphs, provides a common generalization of Cayley graphs of symmetric groups generated by transpositions, the famous 1515-puzzle, generalizations of the 1515-puzzle as studied by Wilson, and work of Stanley related to flag hh-vectors. We derive several general results about the graphs FS(X,Y)\mathsf{FS}(X,Y) before focusing our attention on some specific choices of XX. When XX is a path graph, we show that the connected components of FS(X,Y)\mathsf{FS}(X,Y) correspond to the acyclic orientations of the complement of YY. When XX is a cycle, we obtain a full description of the connected components of FS(X,Y)\mathsf{FS}(X,Y) in terms of toric acyclic orientations of the complement of YY. We then derive various necessary and/or sufficient conditions on the graphs XX and YY that guarantee the connectedness of FS(X,Y)\mathsf{FS}(X,Y). Finally, we raise several promising further questions.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Non-acyclicity of coset lattices and generation of finite groups

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    The Diameter and Automorphism Group of Gelfand–Tsetlin Polytopes

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    Abstract Gelfand–Tsetlin polytopes arise in representation theory and algebraic combinatorics. One can construct the Gelfand–Tsetlin polytope GTλ\mathrm{GT}_\lambda GT λ for any partition λ=(λ1,…,λn)\lambda = (\lambda _1,\ldots ,\lambda _n) λ = ( λ 1 , … , λ n ) of weakly increasing positive integers. The integral points in a Gelfand–Tsetlin polytope are in bijection with semi-standard Young tableau of shape λ\lambda λ and parametrize a basis of the GLn\mathrm{GL}_n GL n -module with highest weight λ\lambda λ . The combinatorial geometry of Gelfand–Tsetlin polytopes has been of recent interest. Researchers have created new combinatorial models for the integral points and studied the enumeration of the vertices of these polytopes. In this paper, we determine the exact formulas for the diameter of the 1-skeleton, diam(GTλ)\mathrm{diam}(\mathrm{GT}_\lambda ) diam ( GT λ ) , and the combinatorial automorphism group, Aut(GTλ)\mathrm{Aut}(\mathrm{GT}_\lambda ) Aut ( GT λ ) , of any Gelfand–Tsetlin polytope. We exhibit two vertices that are separated by at least diam(GTλ)\mathrm{diam}(\mathrm{GT}_\lambda ) diam ( GT λ ) edges and provide an algorithm to construct a path of length at most diam(GTλ)\mathrm{diam}(\mathrm{GT}_\lambda ) diam ( GT λ ) between any two vertices. To identify the automorphism group, we study GTλ\mathrm{GT}_\lambda GT λ using combinatorial objects called ladderdiagramsladder diagrams ladderdiagrams and examine faces of co-dimension 2