16 research outputs found

    The Determinants of the Post-Adoption Satisfaction of Educators with an E-Learning System

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    This paper examines factors that influence the post-adoption satisfaction of educators with e-learning systems. Based on the expectation-confirmation framework, we propose a research model that demonstrates how post-adoption beliefs affect post-adoption satisfaction. The model was tested at a university by educators (n = 175) who use an e-learning platform to conduct their teaching. The results suggest that post-adoption satisfaction is driven by confirmation, perceived system quality, perceived usefulness, perceived work compatibility and perceived support. These core determinants of satisfaction explained around 83% of the total variance of satisfaction in this study

    Determinants of theory technology of acceptance model (TAM) in measuring educators' continuance intention of Learning Management System (LMS)

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the individual context in terms of educators’ continuance intention of using Learning Management System (LMS).Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), as a supportive framework is used to measure the influence of the educators’ experience towards determinant of Information System (IS) continuance intention for using LMS services.This study was conducted at the University Teknologi Mara (UiTM) among educators.The stratified sampling method was used in sample selection for this study.Survey data collected from 69 respondents were examined using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 21 (SPSS 21).The cross sectional data were collected through a survey and the data analyzed by means of factor analysis, correlation and multiple regression analysis.The findings indicate that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were significantly direct determinant of users’ continuance intention

    Attitudes Towards a Moodle-based E-Learning Platform: A User Segmentation Perspective

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    The paper objective is to apply Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)-based usage and attitude variables for the predictive user segmentation of Moodle-based e-learning system in a university. The study explores the path models with latent variables estimated by partial least squares method (SmartPLS and plspm library of the R package were used for the parameter estimation) and uses the mixture models (FIMIX and REBUS) for model-based segmentation. Modified technology acceptance model (TAM) was estimated on the sample of 204 students of the Cracow University of Economics. As a result of segmentation analysis, 3 segments of “easiness seekers”, “emotionals” and “loyals” were identified and profiled. Keywords: Moodle, TAM, PLS-PM, clusterin

    Who’s Taking the Accounting Class? Leveraging Professional Skepticism While Teaching Accounting Online

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    The shortage of academically qualified accounting professors makes this a relevant time to increase the use of online tools for content delivery, assignment completion and assessment. Accounting students employed as teaching assistants (TA) can develop professional skills including skepticism, problem solving, analysis, organization and electronic documentation, while in academia. Certified Public Accountants (CPA) and educators are held accountable to high ethical standards through a code of conduct and academic integrity policies. This teaching case incorporates ethical decision making from an experience in an online virtual classroom where power differentials and analysis of student activity require research in a learning experience

    Understanding Key Drivers of Mooc Satisfaction and Continuance Intention To Use

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have attracted global audiences who desire to learn. However, the completion rate of these courses is less than 10 percent. Few studies have systematically researched the influence of expectation-confirmation theory (ECT) and user experience (e.g., flow experience, perceived interest) on user satisfaction of and the continuance intention to use MOOCs. The present study examines the drivers of MOOC satisfaction based on ECT and the influence of satisfaction on user behavior. A research model reflecting the relationships among confirmation, usefulness, interest, flow, satisfaction, and continuance intention to use, and intention to recommend was developed and tested using data collected from 300 subjects. Our findings show that flow and interest are important variables that enhance MOOC satisfaction based on ECT

    Learning Computing Topics in Undergraduate Information Systems Courses: Managing Perceived Difficulty

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    Learning technical computing skills is increasingly important in our technology driven society. However, learning technical skills in information systems (IS) courses can be difficult. More than 20 percent of students in some technical courses may dropout or fail. Unfortunately, little is known about students’ perceptions of the difficulty of technical IS courses and how students cope with the perceived difficulty of technical content in IS courses. This paper explores how students perceive the difficulty of technical IS courses and how difficulty perceptions influence learning outcomes and perceptions. Learning technical topics may be particularly difficult for students from non-IS majors, yet this is only speculative. The extent to which non-IS majors are disadvantaged in technical IS courses is also explored. To explore these issues, this paper adopts a mixed-method approach. First, a grounded theory is developed from secondary data to explain difficulty perceptions and the successful management of those perceptions. Second, a quantitative test is conducted to validate the grounded theory. Finally, the grades of IS and non-IS majors are compared

    Continuance intention of e-government service: A study of tax e-filing system in Malaysia

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    Governments in every country including Malaysia have spent huge amount of money for the development of electronic government services generally and specifically in tax e-filing system to ease the government services. Despite increases in investments and expenses in the development of e-government services and considering low level usage of this service compared to its availability is an important issue to be considered. At this vein, investigating the continuance intention of tax e-filing system is important, as the more citizens continuously use the tax e-filing system, the more operation and management cost could be reduced, to achieve target of usage by taxpayers in near future and for the success of this system. As such, aim of this research is to investigate the influence of trust, perceived system quality and perceived information quality on continuance intention of tax e-filing system among taxpayers in Malaysia. The results of this study were obtained from 425 taxpayers in Malaysia by using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) AMOS. Overall, most of the hypotheses developed were supported with the acceptable beta value between 2.857 to 12.453. The study found that perceived usefulness, trust, perceived system quality and satisfaction have significant positive influence on continuance intention of tax e-filing system, while, perceived information quality has insignificant influence on continuance intention of tax e-filing system. On other hand, trust, perceived system quality and confirmation have significant influence on satisfaction. Additionally, satisfaction was found mediates the relationship between trust and continuance intention, and perceived system quality and continuance intention. Hence, the finding of this study imply that full benefits and success of the e-filing system cannot be realized without continued usage as an e-government service can be considered success if a significant number of users move beyond the initial adoption and use the e-government services on a continual basis

    The behavioural intention to use Facebook among Malaysian public universities as technology alternative tool for e-learning: the mediating role of end user satisfaction

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    Nowadays, Facebook is one of the most popular Social Networking Sites (SNS) among the tertiary education students. This site is seen to be used as technology alternative to support the main Learning Management System (LMS) that is provided by the university. However, the real situation nowadays, the students prefer to use Facebook compares to LMS as their e-Learning tool for communicating and sharing knowledge among them. Two well-known models are integrated in this study which is Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) for better understanding the vital factors that stimulate students' Behavioural Intention (BI) in using Facebook as e-Learning tool. The sample size comprised of 472 students in Malaysia's Public Universities taken through the quota sampling technique. Thus, the total of 411 usable questionnaires was used for further analysis. Based on data analysis by utilizing PLS SEM method, the results supported the hypothesized of direct effects relationship between all four core factors of UTAUT (Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions) and EUCS on BI. Meanwhile, EUCS mediated the relationship between all four core factors of UTAUT on BI. These findings also supported the view that the integration between satisfaction and acceptance models increases the exploratory power on the users' behaviour of interest in using information technology. Lastly, theoretical, methodological and practical implications are discussed

    Information systems continuance model for employee in Waqf organisation

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    Information systems (IS) or computer-based systems plays a critical role in an organisation’s success, especially in the era of digital economics and among digital organisations take place. IS can facilitate organisation through several courses of information management, which including gathering, processing and disseminating information. The positive impacts of IS in job performance will influence its continuous use. However, lack of research in continuance use of IS poses an obstacle to the growth of this domain. Previous studies have examined continuance intention using the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM), which provides a basis of investigating IS continuance. ECM employed mainly the three factors to explain behavioural intention, namely confirmation, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction. However, the expansion in today’s business in terms of technology and business models requires a further integration with other factors such as experience, self-efficacy, task technology fit, utilization and perceived support. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop an IS continuance model through the extension of ECM by integrating new factors from other related theories which include Task-Technology Fit (TTF), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), Social Support Theory (SST), and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The proposed model is evaluated by distributing a survey questionnaires among members of the staff of Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor (MAINJ) that use e-Waqf system. The feedback from 115 valid respondents were analysed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) based on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique. The results show that perceived support, self-efficacy, utilization and perceived task technology fit complement behavioural intention factors that involve user satisfaction, perceived usefulness, as well as confirmation towards IS continuance intention. The results further reveal that prior experience have no influence on IS continuance. The outcome of this study would provide the new knowledge in IS continuance domain and provides an opportunity for developing an effective plan of IS continuance in the organisations