5 research outputs found


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    Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de un robot móvil de tres ruedas. El robot se compone de un motor de engranajes de alto par para el avance, un servomotor que mueve la dirección del carro, el sistema de control evita la colisión con obstáculos, un suministro de energía fotovoltaica y la batería permite desarrollar actividades de exploración por 10 horas. La estructura del robot está construida con componentes reciclados y el algoritmo de control se basa en un modelo biológico llamado Generador Central de Patrones (CPG).This paper presents the development of a three-wheel mobile robot. It is composed of a high torque gear motor for the advance, a servomotor that moves the direction of the car, a control system avoid ing collision with obstacles, a photovoltaic power supply and a battery allow ing developing exploration activities by 10 hours. The structure of the robot is built with recycled components and the control algorithm is based on a biological model namedCentral Pattern Generator (CPG


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    En este artículo se presentan los algoritmos desarrollados en dos tipos de robot que desarrollan movimiento continuo y discreto. Los algoritmos corresponden al método biológico de coordinación de movimientos basado en los generadores centrales de patrones (CPG) que en los últimos años se han estado introduciendo en la robótica

    Design, dynamics and control of a fast two-wheeled quasiholonomic robot

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    The control of wheeled mobile robots is particularly challenging because of the presence of nonholonomic constraints. Modern two-wheeled mobile robot control is further complicated by the presence of one unstable equilibrium point, which requires a continuous stabilization of the intermediate body by means of sensors. In order to simplify the control of these systems, Quasimoro, a novel two-wheeled mobile robot, is proposed. The control of Quasimoro is simplified by means of its mechanical design. The robot is designed for quasiholonomy, a property that simplifies the control of nonoholonomic systems. To further simplify the control, the robot is designed so as to have a stable equilibrium point.A nonholonomic robotic mechanical system that can be rendered quasiholonomic by control is termed, in this thesis, quasiholonomic. This is the case of Quasimoro.This work proposes a model-based design methodology for wheeled mobile robots, intended to decrease the development costs, under which the prototype is built only when the system requirements are fully met. Following this methodology, the proposed robot is then designed and prototyped.The conceptual design of the robot is undertaken by means of a detailed analysis of the most suitable drive systems and their layout. The mathematical model of the robot is formulated in the framework of the Lagrange formalism, by resorting to the concept of holonomy matrix, while the controllability analysis is conducted using modern tools from geometric control.The embodiment design entails the simulation of three virtual prototypes aimed at further simplifying the robot control. To this end, a robot drive system, based on the use of a timing belt transmission and a bicycle wheel, is designed, calibrated and tested. Due to Quasimoro's drive system, the stabilization of the intermediate body, a well-known challenge in two-wheeled mobile robot control, is achieved without the use of additional mechanical stabilizers---such as casters---or of sensors---such as gyros.The intended application of the proposed robot is the augmentation of wheelchair users, a field that tremendously benefits from the cost-effectiveness and control simplification of the system at hand. For purposes of validation, a full-scale proof-of-concept prototype of the robot is realized. Moreover, the robot functionality is demonstrated by means of motion control experiments

    The Design of a Mobile Robot for Instrument Network Deployment in Antarctica *

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    Abstract- This paper describes the design and fabrication of a low cost, solar powered mobile robot to support a variety of scientific missions on the Antarctic plateau during the austral summer. Key to the overall design is maintaining a lightweight vehicle by using a high strength and stiffness honeycomb-fiberglass composite chassis, custom wheels and drivetrain mounting components, and high efficiency, low cost solar cells. A solar power availability analysis is detailed, demonstrating that in the low elevation of the summer sun and high albedo of pristine snow, a robot with panels on all sides exposed to direct and reflected sunlight provides ample power, even under worst-case insolation conditions. A relatively simple navigation and control algorithm provides low-bandwidth path planning and course correction. A description of potential instruments to be deployed and scientific studies aided by networks of such autonomous solar robots is provided. Index Terms – Mobile Robot, Solar Power, Antarctica. I