218,596 research outputs found

    Design of a power amplifier for wireless communications using microstrip technology and Microwave Office

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    This paper provides a detailed description and all the procedures involved in designing a power amplifier using microstrip technology and the design software Microwave OfficeTM. Specifically, the design is oriented to build an amplifier with central frequency at 14 GHz, but the same fundamentals and principles could be applied in the whole range of radio frequency. For the design, a MESFET transistor and simultaneous input and output matching networks are considered. The values of the parameters and the simulation for every stage are computed and performed using AWR Microwave OfficeTM. At the end of the document, a fully functional circuit layout represented in 2D and 3D is shown with all their complementary element

    A Circuit-Based Neural Network with Hybrid Learning of Backpropagation and Random Weight Change Algorithms.

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    A hybrid learning method of a software-based backpropagation learning and a hardware-based RWC learning is proposed for the development of circuit-based neural networks. The backpropagation is known as one of the most efficient learning algorithms. A weak point is that its hardware implementation is extremely difficult. The RWC algorithm, which is very easy to implement with respect to its hardware circuits, takes too many iterations for learning. The proposed learning algorithm is a hybrid one of these two. The main learning is performed with a software version of the BP algorithm, firstly, and then, learned weights are transplanted on a hardware version of a neural circuit. At the time of the weight transplantation, a significant amount of output error would occur due to the characteristic difference between the software and the hardware. In the proposed method, such error is reduced via a complementary learning of the RWC algorithm, which is implemented in a simple hardware. The usefulness of the proposed hybrid learning system is verified via simulations upon several classical learning problems

    Adaptive Resonance Theory

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    SyNAPSE program of the Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (Hewlett-Packard Company, subcontract under DARPA prime contract HR0011-09-3-0001, and HRL Laboratories LLC, subcontract #801881-BS under DARPA prime contract HR0011-09-C-0001); CELEST, an NSF Science of Learning Center (SBE-0354378

    Encoding Multi-Resolution Brain Networks Using Unsupervised Deep Learning

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    The main goal of this study is to extract a set of brain networks in multiple time-resolutions to analyze the connectivity patterns among the anatomic regions for a given cognitive task. We suggest a deep architecture which learns the natural groupings of the connectivity patterns of human brain in multiple time-resolutions. The suggested architecture is tested on task data set of Human Connectome Project (HCP) where we extract multi-resolution networks, each of which corresponds to a cognitive task. At the first level of this architecture, we decompose the fMRI signal into multiple sub-bands using wavelet decompositions. At the second level, for each sub-band, we estimate a brain network extracted from short time windows of the fMRI signal. At the third level, we feed the adjacency matrices of each mesh network at each time-resolution into an unsupervised deep learning algorithm, namely, a Stacked De- noising Auto-Encoder (SDAE). The outputs of the SDAE provide a compact connectivity representation for each time window at each sub-band of the fMRI signal. We concatenate the learned representations of all sub-bands at each window and cluster them by a hierarchical algorithm to find the natural groupings among the windows. We observe that each cluster represents a cognitive task with a performance of 93% Rand Index and 71% Adjusted Rand Index. We visualize the mean values and the precisions of the networks at each component of the cluster mixture. The mean brain networks at cluster centers show the variations among cognitive tasks and the precision of each cluster shows the within cluster variability of networks, across the subjects.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to The 17th annual IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineerin

    Biologically Inspired Approaches to Automated Feature Extraction and Target Recognition

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    Ongoing research at Boston University has produced computational models of biological vision and learning that embody a growing corpus of scientific data and predictions. Vision models perform long-range grouping and figure/ground segmentation, and memory models create attentionally controlled recognition codes that intrinsically cornbine botton-up activation and top-down learned expectations. These two streams of research form the foundation of novel dynamically integrated systems for image understanding. Simulations using multispectral images illustrate road completion across occlusions in a cluttered scene and information fusion from incorrect labels that are simultaneously inconsistent and correct. The CNS Vision and Technology Labs (cns.bu.edulvisionlab and cns.bu.edu/techlab) are further integrating science and technology through analysis, testing, and development of cognitive and neural models for large-scale applications, complemented by software specification and code distribution.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F40620-01-1-0423); National Geographic-Intelligence Agency (NMA 201-001-1-2016); National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378; BCS-0235298); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624); National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Society of Siegfried Martens (NMA 501-03-1-2030, DGE-0221680); Department of Homeland Security graduate fellowshi
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