16 research outputs found

    Intelligent HVAC systems for smart modern building

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    The modern smart building offers software solution and sensing the surrounding environment. However, this will be allowed management easily for leaders that are providing better control and optimize heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)، as well as this is consider from the important topics in mechanical engineering modern application. In this paper, a new intelligent HVAC system is proposed for modern smart building. The proposed system is heavily based on one of the most efficient tools of artificial intelligence which is a support vector machine. This technique will be depended on the data set to detect the HVAC system for any building. In this case, it will save time as well as it has the ability to provide a suitable system without any delay. The HVAC system that proposed in this paper is very important issues in design modern building. According to for training and testing phases for the proposed system, we can easily notice efficiency and effectiveness for the cooling and heating systems

    Indoor Position System based on BitCloud Stack for Ambient Living and Smart Buildings

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    Nowadays there is a research on ambient living and smart building applications to make people life more confortable. This kind of applications, in general, requires the position where a person is in a building to act according it and to any physical parameters that are measured from the person, to determine, for instance, if the air condition has to be switched on or off, the room temperature has to be put up or down or the music has to be changed from classical to pop, or vice versa. This paper presents an indoor position solution based on BitCloud Stack, a full-featured, second generation embedded software stack from Atmel.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Stochastic Model Predictive Control of Mixed-mode Buildings Based on Probabilistic Interactions of Occupants With Window Blinds

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    Between 4% to 20% of energy used for HVAC, lighting and refrigeration in a building is wasted due to issues associated with systems operations. It is estimated that proper building energy load control and operation can result in up to 40% utility cost savings. Current heuristic rules based on decision trees are difficult to define, manage and optimize as buildings become more complex. Advanced control strategies with weather forecast and cooling load anticipation, known as model predictive control (MPC), offer an attractive alternative for buildings with slow dynamics. However, MPC is mostly practiced through deterministic approaches. Deterministic MPC implicitly assumes that a dynamic model is able to perfectly predict the future behavior of the building over the desired control window, or prediction horizon. However, this assumption is clearly not rational because there will be both modeling errors and disturbances acting on the system over this period. One of these disturbances is associated with building occupant behaviors which interfere with deterministic assumptions. In this study, a probabilistic model of occupants’ behavior on window blind closing event is used to represent the disturbance coming from interactions of building residents with window blinds. This model is a multiple logistic regression analysis, based on a field study in an office building at the University of California, Berkeley (Inkarojrit, 2005). It considers the incident solar radiation on window surface and occupants’ self-reported brightness sensitivity as variable parameters to predict the closing event of blinds with 86.3% of accuracy. The probability of closing event is compared with a random number from the uniform distribution on the interval [0,1] at each time step and if it is greater than the random number, some indicator function will be equal to 1 (closing action) and vice versa. In order to implement the stochastic MPC, Monte Carlo simulation needs to be conducted due to the randomness of occupants’ behavior in closing the blinds. A test-building with mixed-mode cooling and high solar gains is considered as a test-bed. In our methodology, a detailed dynamic building model is developed and it is then used to identify the parameters of a 4th order linear time-variant state-space model. In the MPC formulation, the window opening schedule is optimized for the upcoming prediction horizon and the cost function is the minimization of energy usage subject to thermal comfort constraints during this horizon. Optimal control sequences based on the proposed stochastic MPC framework will be compared with deterministic MPC approaches to investigate possible advantages of considering uncertainties of occupant actions in model predictive controllers of buildings. References: Inkarojrit V., 2005. Balancing Comfort: Occupants’ Control of Window Blinds in Private Offices. PhD thesis, School of Architecture, University of California Berkeley

    An Energy Management Service for the Smart Office

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    The evolution of the electricity grid towards the smart grid paradigm is fostering the integration of distributed renewable energy sources in smart buildings: a combination of local power generation, battery storage and controllable loads can greatly increase the energetic self-sufficiency of a smart building, enabling it to maximize the self-consumption of photovoltaic electricity and to participate in the energy market, thus taking advantage of time-variable tariffs to achieve economic savings. This paper proposes an energy management infrastructure specifically tailored for a smart office building, which relies on measured data and on forecasting algorithms to predict the future patterns of both local energy generation and power loads. The performance is compared to the optimal energy usage scheduling, which would be obtained assuming the exact knowledge of the future energy production and consumption trends, showing gaps below 10% with respect to the optimum

    Contextual anomaly detection framework for big sensor data

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    Análisis de indicadores eléctricos en un sistema BMS para reducir el consumo de energía eléctrica en los edificios convencionales de los centros de educación superior PUCP

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    A lo largo del tiempo los edificios han ido innovando diferentes sistemas que permitan a los usuarios satisfacer sus necesidades respetando las condiciones del medio ambiente y evolucionando en temas que permitan gestionar, controlar y monitorear parámetros tanto en sanitarios (con bombas), en la parte eléctrica (monitoreo de energías, control de iluminación), ventilación mecánica (extractores), etc. Ya que un edificio bien ventilado, iluminado, que tenga consumos mínimos en electricidad son el resultado atractivo para que el consumidor final pueda construir e invertir de manera más garantizada y prolongada. Teniendo en cuenta esos requerimientos analizaremos estos indicadores eléctricos que intervienen en un sistema de gestión BMS donde se determinará el ahorro eléctrico en sus sistemas implementados para estos edificios inteligentes. Se propuso en nuestros objetivos específicos el diagnosticar la situación de estos edificios inteligentes tradicionales, luego se propone evaluar indicadores eléctricos que se implementan en los sistemas con gestión BMS, posterior a eso determinar cuánto se ahorra en energía eléctrica y ver la rentabilidad del proyecto utilizando métodos estadísticos que permitan proyectar en cuanto tiempo se recuperará la inversión inicial. Finalizamos dando conclusiones y recomendaremos algunos puntos que logramos encontrar en el desarrollo de este informe de investigación

    Intelligent Decision Support System for Energy Management in Demand Response Programs and Residential and Industrial Sectors of the Smart Grid

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    This PhD thesis addresses the complexity of the energy efficiency control problem in residential and industrial customers of Smart electrical Grid, and examines the main factors that affect energy demand, and proposes an intelligent decision support system for applications of demand response. A multi criteria decision making algorithm is combined with a combinatorial optimization technique to assist energy managers to decide whether to participate in demand response programs or obtain energy from distributed energy resources

    Cities' Identity Through Architecture and Art

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    Intended to be a guide for academics, scholars, and interested leaders, this book was designed to critically assess issues related to architectural identity, the city as a scene, the city as an organism, the city as a subject, and the planning or rather approaching of one. A pressing issue for many researchers in the field, the book discusses the negative repercussions resulting from globalization. Studies have indicated that globalization, despite all the positive effects, has resulted in a loss of identity within a city. As a city develops over time, its identity is evolving as well and may even be lost due to rapid and constant changes it is subjected to. Discussed as well are examples and tendencies in dealing with urban identities as well as the transformation of cities and urban cultures mentioned in terms of form, identity, and art. This book is a combination of innovative research submitted to a conference on Cities’ Identity Through Architecture and Arts (CITAA) whereas scholars from all over the world gather in one venue to discuss cultural, historical, and economic issues of the city. Thus, the book offers a collective and global solution that is applicable on a universal level. The research presented in this book was conducted by authors, or rather participants of the conference from, three different continents of the world and organized by IEREK. It was a distinct opportunity for them to share their thoughts with leading scholars and professionals in the field of Architecture, Arts, and Planning. The research and materials in this book are directed at those who are actively engaged in the decision-making processes and to a heterogeneous audience who has an interest to critically examine all the new literature available in the field. A special word of thanks should be made to the editors of this book and to all the authors and co-authors of the chapters who collectively provided the academic community with unique and increasingly valuable literature

    Rakennusten energiasuorituskyvyn parantaminen hyödyntämällä saatavilla olevaa dataa

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    The objective of this research is to find out how the energy performance of buildings can be improved effectively by exploiting available data in the operations and maintenance phase. In this research building automation systems, open data and Internet of Things are studied as value generating technological solutions. The research process is based on reviewing research literature, conducting interviews and analyzing measurement data recorded by the building automation system of a case office building. The study identified 11 initiatives to close existing energy performance gaps. These initiatives belonged to categories of developing building services equipment control, increasing the extent of available data, observing the state of user experience and facilitating maintenance processes. Then the three most effective were chosen for a feasibility study. This effectiveness of an initiative was judged by evaluating it in the dimensions of expected benefits and challenge to implement in an indicative manner by 13 interviewees in four stakeholder groups. This simple evaluation method turned out to serve its purpose well: Vague evaluation dimensions covered both quantitative and qualitative aspects, while stakeholder groups had different perspectives on the initiatives. Thus the method is recommended for similar problems, as long as only indicative results are pursued. Out of the 11 initiatives, the most effective ones were considered to be those that are simple and do not require any installation work, or at the most the installation of transmitters or sensors: 1) adaptive heating control, 2) user satisfaction measurement systems, 3) energy performance monitoring systems and 4) selected equipment group control interfaces. Feasibility studies suggested that adaptive heating control has the potential to increase energy performance with negligible installation work, user satisfaction measurement system would be sensible to pilot as a service, energy efficiency monitoring in small-scale would be convenient to purchase as a service and selected group control interfaces enable large savings with small trouble. The least effective initiatives were considered to be the ones that are complex, risk user satisfaction or require the integration of numerous systems.Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten rakennusten energiasuorituskykyä voidaan parantaa tehokkaasti hyödyntämällä saatavilla olevaa dataa käyttö- ja ylläpitovaiheessa. Tutkimuksessa arvoa tuottavina teknologisina osaratkaisuina tutkitaan rakennusautomaatiojärjestelmiä, avointa dataa ja Esineiden Internetiä. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytetään kirjallisuustutkimusta, haastatteluja ja toimistorakennuksen rakennusautomaatiojärjestelmän tuottaman mittaustiedon analysointia. Tutkimus tuotti 11 energiasuorituskyvyn ongelmakohtien korjaamiseen tähtäävää aloitetta. Näiden aloitteiden päämäärinä oli taloteknisten laitteiden ohjauksen kehittäminen, käytettävissä olevan datan lisääminen, käyttäjätyytyväisyyden tarkkailu tai ylläpidon prosessien helpottaminen. Aloitteista kolmelle tehokkaimmiksi arvioiduille tehtiin tarkempi toteutettavuustutkimus. Tehokkuusarviointi perustui neljään sidosryhmään jaetun 13 haastateltavan suuntaa-antavaan näkemykseen aloitteiden toimeenpanon hyödyistä ja haasteista. Tämä yksinkertainen arviointitapa osoittautui toimivaksi: Moniselitteiset arviointiulottuvuudet kattoivat sekä määrälliset että laadulliset näkökulmat, kun taas eri sidosryhmät painottivat aloitteiden eri ominaisuuksia. Näin ollen kyseinen arviointimenetelmä soveltuu samankaltaisiin ongelmiin, kunhan tulosten suuntaa-antava taso on riittävä tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin nähden. Näistä 11 aloitteesta tehokkaimmiksi koettiin pääosin sellaiset, jotka ovat yksinkertaisia eivätkä vaadi laajaa asennustyötä: 1) adaptiivinen lämmityksen säätö, 2) käyttäjätyytyväisyyden mittausjärjestelmä, 3) energiatehokkuuden seurantajärjestelmä ja 4) laitteiden ryhmähallintaan perustuvat käyttöliittymät. Toteutettavuustutkimusten perusteella adaptiivinen lämmityksensäätö voisi parantaa energiasuorituskykyä pienellä asennustyöllä, käyttäjätyytyväisyyden mittausjärjestelmää olisi järkevää aluksi kokeilla palveluna, energiatehokkuuden seuranta pienessä mittakaavassa olisi kätevää ostaa palveluna ja ryhmäohjaukseen perustuvat käyttöliittymät voisivat säästää huomattavasti energiaa pienellä vaivalla. Tehottomimmiksi arvioidut aloitteet olivat monimutkaisia, vaaransivat käyttäjätyytyväisyyden tai vaativat useiden järjestelmien yhteensovittamista