4 research outputs found

    Formal methods to aid the evolution of software.

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    Paper dated January 6, 1995There is a vast collection of operational software systems which are vitally important to their users, yet are becoming increasingly difficult to maintain, enhance and keep up to date with rapidly changing requirements. For many these so called legacy systems the option of throwing the system away and re-writing it from scratch is not economically viable. Methods are therefore urgently required which enable these systems to evolve in a controlled manner. The approach described in this paper uses formal proven program transformations, which preserve or refine the semantics of a program while changing its form. These transformations are applied to restructure and simplify the legacy systems and to extract higher-level representations. By using an appropriate sequence of transformation, the extracted representation is guaranteed to be equivalent to the code. The method is based on a formal wide spectrum language, called WSL, with accompanying formal method. Over the last ten years we have developed a large catalogue of proven transformations, together with mechanically verifiable applicability conditions. These have been applied to many software development, reverse engineering and maintenance problems. In this paper, we focus on the results of using this approach in reverse engineering of medium scale, industrial software, written mostly in languages such as assembler and JOVIAL. Results from both benchmark algorithms and heavily modified, geriatric software are summarised. We conclude that formal methods have an important practical role in software evolution.Partly funded bu Alvey project SE-088, partly through a DTI/SERC and IBM UK Ltd. funded IEATP grant "From assembler to Z using formal transformations" and partly by SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council) project "A proof theory for program refinement and equivalence: extensions"

    Derivation of data intensive algorithms by formal transformation: the Schorr-Waite graph marking algorithm

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    Dated September 19, 1996In this paper we consider a particular class of algorithms which present certain difficulties to formal verification. These are algorithms which use a single data structure for two or more purposes, which combine program control information with other data structures or which are developed as a combination of a basic idea with an implementation technique. Our approach is based on applying proven semantics-preserving transformation rules in a wide spectrum language. Starting with a set theoretical specification of “reachability” we are able to derive iterative and recursive graph marking algorithms using the “pointer switching” idea of Schorr and Waite. There have been several proofs of correctness of the Schorr-Waite algorithm, and a small number of transformational developments of the algorithm. The great advantage of our approach is that we can derive the algorithm from its specification using only general-purpose transformational rules: without the need for complicated induction arguments. Our approach applies equally well to several more complex algorithms which make use of the pointer switching strategy, including a hybrid algorithm which uses a fixed length stack, switching to the pointer switching strategy when the stack runs out

    Interactive program verification using virtual programs

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    This thesis is concerned with ways of proving the correctness of computer programs. The first part of the thesis presents a new method for doing this. The method, called continuation induction, is based on the ideas of symbolic execution, the description of a given program by a virtual program, and the demonstration that these two programs are equivalent whenever the given program terminates. The main advantage of continuation induction over other methods is that it enables programs using a wide variety of programming constructs such as recursion, iteration, non-determinism, procedures with side-effects and jumps out of blocks to be handled in a natural and uniform way. In the second part of the thesis a program verifier which uses both this method and Floyd's inductive assertion method is described. The significance of this verifier is that it is designed to be extensible, and to this end the user can declare new functions and predicates to be used in giving a natural description of the program's intention. Rules describing these new functions can then be used when verifying the program. To actually prove the verification conditions, the system employs automatic simplification, a relatively clever matcher, a simple natural deduction system and, most importantly, the user's advice. A large number of commands are provided for the user in guiding the system to a proof of the program's correctness. The system has been used to verify various programs including two sorting programs and a program to invert a permutation 'in place' the proofs of the sorting programs included a proof of the fact that the final array was a permutation of the original one. Finally, some observations and suggestions are made concerning the continued development of such interactive verification systems

    Inductive representation, proofs and refinement of pointer structures

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    Cette thèse s'intègre dans le domaine général des méthodes formelles qui donnent une sémantique aux programmes pour vérifier formellement des propriétés sur ceux-ci. Sa motivation originale provient d'un besoin de certification des systèmes industriels souvent développés à l'aide de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) et de langages orientés objets (OO). Pour transformer efficacement des modèles (ou graphes), il est avantageux de les représenter à l'aide de structures de pointeurs, économisant le temps et la mémoire grâce au partage qu'ils permettent. Cependant la vérification de propriétés sur des programmes manipulant des pointeurs est encore complexe. Pour la simplifier, nous proposons de démarrer le développement par une implémentation haut-niveau sous la forme de programmes fonctionnels sur des types de données inductifs facilement vérifiables dans des assistants à la preuve tels que Isabelle/HOL. La représentation des structures de pointeurs est faite à l'aide d'un arbre couvrant contenant des références additionnelles. Ces programmes fonctionnels sont ensuite raffinés si nécessaire vers des programmes impératifs à l'aide de la bibliothèque Imperative_HOL. Ces programmes sont en dernier lieu extraits vers du code Scala (OO). Cette thèse décrit la méthodologie de représentation et de raffinement et fournit des outils pour la manipulation et la preuve de programmes OO dans Isabelle/HOL. L'approche est éprouvée par de nombreux exemples dont notamment l'algorithme de Schorr-Waite et la construction de Diagrammes de Décision Binaires (BDDs).This thesis stands in the general domain of formal methods that gives semantics to programs to formally prove properties about them. It originally draws its motivation from the need for certification of systems in an industrial context where Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and object-oriented (OO) languages are common. In order to obtain efficient transformations on models (graphs), we can represent them as pointer structures, allowing space and time savings through the sharing of nodes. However verification of properties on programs manipulating pointer structures is still hard. To ease this task, we propose to start the development with a high-level implementation embodied by functional programs manipulating inductive data-structures, that are easily verified in proof assistants such as Isabelle/HOL. Pointer structures are represented by a spanning tree adorned with additional references. These functional programs are then refined - if necessary - to imperative programs thanks to the library Imperative_HOL. These programs are finally extracted to Scala code (OO). This thesis describes this kind of representation and refinement and provides tools to manipulate and prove OO programs in Isabelle/HOL. This approach is put in practice with several examples, and especially with the Schorr-Waite algorithm and the construction of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs)