4 research outputs found

    Cost-Efficient Storage for On-Demand Video Streaming on Cloud

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    Video stream is converted to several formats to support the user's device, this conversion process is called video transcoding, which imposes high storage and powerful resources. With emerging of cloud technology, video stream companies adopted to process video on the cloud. Generally, many formats of the same video are made (pre-transcoded) and streamed to the adequate user's device. However, pre-transcoding demands huge storage space and incurs a high-cost to the video stream companies. More importantly, the pre-transcoding of video streams could be hierarchy carried out through different storage types in the cloud. To minimize the storage cost, in this paper, we propose a method to store video streams in the hierarchical storage of the cloud. Particularly, we develop a method to decide which video stream should be pre-transcoded in its suitable cloud storage to minimize the overall cost. Experimental simulation and results show the effectiveness of our approach, specifically, when the percentage of frequently accessed videos is high in repositories, the proposed approach minimizes the overall cost by up to 40 percent.Comment: International IEEE World Forum for Internet of Thing

    Patient Controlled, Privacy Preserving IoT Healthcare Data Sharing Framework

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    Healthcare data personally collected by individuals with wearable devices have become important sources of information for healthcare professionals and medical research worldwide. User-Generated Data (UGD) offers unique and sometimes fine-grained insight into the lived experiences and medical conditions of patients. The sensitive subject-matter of medical data can facilitate the exploitation and/or control of victims. Data collection in medical research therefore restricts access control over participant-data to the researchers. Therefore, cultivating trust with prospective participants concerned about the security of their medical data presents formidable challenges. Anonymization can allay such concerns, but at the cost of information loss. Moreover, such techniques cannot necessarily be applied on real-time streaming health data. In this paper, we aim to analyze the technical requirements to enable individuals to share their real-time wearable healthcare data with researchers without compromising privacy. An extension for delay-free anonymization techniques for real-time streaming health data is also proposed

    Reasoning of Competitive Non-Functional Requirements in Agent-Based Models

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    During the decision-making process in real-time competitive environments, there is a need to perform concurrent optimisation of multiple competitive objectives to select an optimal design decision for interdependent stakeholders. To handle such issues, this thesis successfully assimilates the goal-oriented requirements-engineering knowledge with analytical decision-making approaches to facilitate reasoning and analysis by encouraging stakeholders’ involvement. This leads to optimal decisions with domain knowledge improvement in the agent-based i*-goal model by balancing multiple conflicting non-functional requirements reciprocally

    Gobierno digital y gestión documental en una municipalidad distrital de la provincia de Ferreñafe

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    El presente estudio de investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de determinar la relación que existe entre el gobierno digital y la gestión documental en una Municipalidad Distrital de la Provincia de Ferreñafe. La investigación fue tipo básica, diseño no experimental, transversal y descriptivo correlacional, cuya población y muestra fue de 52 colaboradores. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario. Los resultados determinaron que el nivel del gobierno digital fue bajo 55.77%, el nivel de la gestión documental fue medio 65%. No existe relación entre la dimensión identidad digital y la variable gestión documental p valor = 0.059> 0.05. Si existe relación entre la variable gestión documental y la dimensión servicios digitales p= 0.000 < 0.01, dimensión gobernanza p= 0.00< 0.01, dimensión interoperabilidad p= 0.00< 0.01 y la dimensión seguridad digital p= 0.00< 0.01. Concluyéndose que, si existe relación significativa entre el gobierno digital y la gestión documental en una Municipalidad Distrital de la Provincia de Ferreñafe, el coeficiente del Rho de Spearman fue = ,655** (correlación positiva moderada) y un p valor = 0.00< 0.01. Además, solo el 51.28 del gobierno digital influye en la gestión documental