8 research outputs found

    A Family of Householder Matrices

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    A Householder transformation, or Householder reflection, or Household matrix, is a reflection about a hyperplane with a unit normal vector. Not only have the Household matrices been used in QR decomposition efficiently but also implicitly and successfully applied in other areas. In the process of investigating a family of unitary filterbanks, a new family of Householder matrices are established. These matrices are produced when a matrix filter is required to preserve certain order of 2d digital polynomial signals. Naturally, they can be applied to image and signal processing among others

    The Power of Bidiagonal Matrices

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    Bidiagonal matrices are widespread in numerical linear algebra, not least because of their use in the standard algorithm for computing the singular value decomposition and their appearance as LU factors of tridiagonal matrices. We show that bidiagonal matrices have a number of interesting properties that make them powerful tools in a variety of problems, especially when they are multiplied together. We show that the inverse of a product of bidiagonal matrices is insensitive to small componentwise relative perturbations in the factors if the factors or their inverses are nonnegative. We derive componentwise rounding error bounds for the solution of a linear system Ax=bAx = b, where AA or A−1A^{-1} is a product B1B2…BkB_1 B_2\dots B_k of bidiagonal matrices, showing that strong results are obtained when the BiB_i are nonnegative or have a checkerboard sign pattern. We show that given the \fact\ of an n×nn\times n totally nonnegative matrix AA into the product of bidiagonal matrices, ∥A−1∥∞\|A^{-1}\|_{\infty} can be computed in O(n2)O(n^2) flops and that in floating-point arithmetic the computed result has small relative error, no matter how large ∥A−1∥∞\|A^{-1}\|_{\infty} is. We also show how factorizations involving bidiagonal matrices of some special matrices, such as the Frank matrix and the Kac--Murdock--Szeg\"o matrix, yield simple proofs of the total nonnegativity and other properties of these matrices

    Structured tools for structured matrices

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    Eigenvalues of Matrices and Graphs

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    The interplay between spectrum and structure of graphs is the recurring theme of the three more or less independent chapters of this thesis. The first chapter provides a method to relate the eigensolutions of two matrices, one being the principal submatrix of the other, via an arbitrary annihilating polynomial. This is extended to lambda-matrices and to matrices the entries of which are rational functions in one variable. The extension may be interpreted as a possible generalization of other known techniques which aim at reducing the size of a matrix while preserving the spectral information. Several aspects of an application in order to reduce the computational costs of ordinary eigenvalue problems are discussed. The second chapter considers the straightforward extension of the well known concept of equitable partitions to weighted graphs, i.e. complex matrices. It provides a method to divide the eigenproblem into smaller parts corresponding to the front divisor and its complementary factor in an easy and stable way with complexity which is only quadratic in matrix size. The exploitation of several equitable partitions ordered by refinement is discussed and a suggestion is made that preserves hermiticity if present. Some generalizations of equitable partitions are considered and a basic procedure for finding an equitable partition of complex matrices is given. The third chapter deals with isospectral and unitary equivalent graphs. It introduces a construction for unitary equivalent graphs which contains the well known GM-switching as a special case. It also considers an algebra of graph matrices generated by the adjacency matrix that corresponds to the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman stabilizer in a way that mimics the correspondence of the coherent closure and the 2-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman stabilizer. The algebra contains the degree matrix, the (combinatorial, signless and normalized) Laplacian and the Seidel matrix. An easy construction produces graph pairs that are simultaneously unitary equivalent w.r.t. that algebra

    The Computation of Elementary Unitary Matrices

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    The construction of elementary unitary matrices that transform a complex vector to a multiple of e 1 , the first column of the identity matrix, are studied. We present four variants and their software implementation, including a discussion on the LAPACK subroutine CLARFG. Comparisons are also given. 1 Introduction The goal of this paper is to survey elementary unitary matrices. We begin by first discussing elementary unitary matrices that are Hermitian. Let w be a complex vector. Define the elementary Hermitian matrix U = I \Gamma 2ww H ; where w H w = 1. It is easily verified that U is both Hermitian and unitary. In particular, if w is a real vector, then U is orthogonal and symmetric, and is commonly referred to as a Householder reflector. Since U is unitary, its inverse is readily available. Two important applications of elementary Hermitians include the computation of the QR factorization of a matrix, and the orthogonal reduction of a square matrix A into upper Hessenberg..