7 research outputs found

    Model checking Branching-Time Properties of Multi-Pushdown Systems is Hard

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    We address the model checking problem for shared memory concurrent programs modeled as multi-pushdown systems. We consider here boolean programs with a finite number of threads and recursive procedures. It is well-known that the model checking problem is undecidable for this class of programs. In this paper, we investigate the decidability and the complexity of this problem under the assumption of bounded context-switching defined by Qadeer and Rehof, and of phase-boundedness proposed by La Torre et al. On the model checking of such systems against temporal logics and in particular branching time logics such as the modal Ό\mu-calculus or CTL has received little attention. It is known that parity games, which are closely related to the modal Ό\mu-calculus, are decidable for the class of bounded-phase systems (and hence for bounded-context switching as well), but with non-elementary complexity (Seth). A natural question is whether this high complexity is inevitable and what are the ways to get around it. This paper addresses these questions and unfortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, it shows that branching model checking for MPDSs is inherently an hard problem with no easy solution. We show that parity games on MPDS under phase-bounding restriction is non-elementary. Our main result shows that model checking a kk context bounded MPDS against a simple fragment of CTL, consisting of formulas that whose temporal operators come from the set {\EF, \EX}, has a non-elementary lower bound

    Unsafe Grammars and Panic Automata

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    International audienceWe show that the problem of checking if an inïŹnite tree gen- erated by a higher-order grammar of level 2 (hyperalgebraic) satisïŹes a given ”-calculus formula (or, equivalently, if it is accepted by an al- ternating parity automaton) is decidable, actually 2-Exptime-complete. Consequently, the monadic second-order theory of any hyperalgebraic tree is decidable, so that the safety restriction can be removed from our previous decidability result. The last result has been independently obtained by Aehlig, de Miranda and Ong. Our proof goes via a char- acterization of possibly unsafe second-order grammars by a new variant of higher-order pushdown automata, which we call panic automata. In addition to the standard pop 1 and pop 2 operations, these automata have an option of a destructive move called panic . The model-checking prob- lem is then reduced to the problem of deciding the winner in a parity game over a suitable 2nd order pushdown system

    Symbolic Backwards-Reachability Analysis for Higher-Order Pushdown Systems

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    Higher-order pushdown systems (PDSs) generalise pushdown systems through the use of higher-order stacks, that is, a nested "stack of stacks" structure. These systems may be used to model higher-order programs and are closely related to the Caucal hierarchy of infinite graphs and safe higher-order recursion schemes. We consider the backwards-reachability problem over higher-order Alternating PDSs (APDSs), a generalisation of higher-order PDSs. This builds on and extends previous work on pushdown systems and context-free higher-order processes in a non-trivial manner. In particular, we show that the set of configurations from which a regular set of higher-order APDS configurations is reachable is regular and computable in n-EXPTIME. In fact, the problem is n-EXPTIME-complete. We show that this work has several applications in the verification of higher-order PDSs, such as linear-time model-checking, alternation-free mu-calculus model-checking and the computation of winning regions of reachability games

    Collapsible Pushdown Parity Games

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    International audienceThis paper studies a large class of two-player perfect-information turn-based parity games on infinite graphs, namely those generated by collapsible pushdown automata. The main motivation for studying these games comes from the connections from collapsible pushdown automata and higher-order recursion schemes, both models being equi-expressive for generating infinite trees. Our main result is to establish the decidability of such games and to provide an effective representation of the winning region as well as of a winning strategy. Thus, the results obtained here provide all necessary tools for an in-depth study of logical properties of trees generated by collapsible pushdown automata/recursion schemes

    Decision procedures for path feasibility of string-manipulating programs with complex operations

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    The design and implementation of decision procedures for checking path feasibility in string-manipulating programs is an important problem, with such applications as symbolic execution of programs with strings and automated detection of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in web applications. A (symbolic) path is given as a finite sequence of assignments and assertions (i.e. without loops), and checking its feasibility amounts to determining the existence of inputs that yield a successful execution. Modern programming languages (e.g. JavaScript, PHP, and Python) support many complex string operations, and strings are also often implicitly modified during a computation in some intricate fashion (e.g. by some autoescaping mechanisms). In this paper we provide two general semantic conditions which together ensure the decidability of path feasibility: (1) each assertion admits regular monadic decomposition (i.e. is an effectively recognisable relation), and (2) each assignment uses a (possibly nondeterministic) function whose inverse relation preserves regularity. We show that the semantic conditions are expressive since they are satisfied by a multitude of string operations including concatenation, one-way and two-way finite-state transducers, replaceall functions (where the replacement string could contain variables), string-reverse functions, regular-expression matching, and some (restricted) forms of letter-counting/length functions. The semantic conditions also strictly subsume existing decidable string theories (e.g. straight-line fragments, and acyclic logics), and most existing benchmarks (e.g. most of Kaluza’s, and all of SLOG’s, Stranger’s, and SLOTH’s benchmarks). Our semantic conditions also yield a conceptually simple decision procedure, as well as an extensible architecture of a string solver in that a user may easily incorporate his/her own string functions into the solver by simply providing code for the pre-image computation without worrying about other parts of the solver. Despite these, the semantic conditions are unfortunately too general to provide a fast and complete decision procedure. We provide strong theoretical evidence for this in the form of complexity results. To rectify this problem, we propose two solutions. Our main solution is to allow only partial string functions (i.e., prohibit nondeterminism) in condition (2). This restriction is satisfied in many cases in practice, and yields decision procedures that are effective in both theory and practice. Whenever nondeterministic functions are still needed (e.g. the string function split), our second solution is to provide a syntactic fragment that provides a support of nondeterministic functions, and operations like one-way transducers, replaceall (with constant replacement string), the string-reverse function, concatenation, and regular-expression matching. We show that this fragment can be reduced to an existing solver SLOTH that exploits fast model checking algorithms like IC3. We provide an efficient implementation of our decision procedure (assuming our first solution above, i.e., deterministic partial string functions) in a new string solver OSTRICH. Our implementation provides built-in support for concatenation, reverse, functional transducers (FFT), and replaceall and provides a framework for extensibility to support further string functions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our new solver against other competitive solvers

    The complexity of games on higher order pushdown automata

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    Abstract. We prove an n-exptime lower bound for the problem of deciding the winner in a reachability game on Higher Order Pushdown Automata (HPDA) of level n. This bound matches the known upper bound for parity games on HPDA. As a consequence the ”-calculus model checking over graphs given by n-HPDA is n-exptime complete.