785 research outputs found

    The complexity of approximating bounded-degree Boolean #CSP

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    AbstractThe degree of a CSP instance is the maximum number of times that any variable appears in the scopes of constraints. We consider the approximate counting problem for Boolean CSP with bounded-degree instances, for constraint languages containing the two unary constant relations {0} and {1}. When the maximum allowed degree is large enough (at least 6) we obtain a complete classification of the complexity of this problem. It is exactly solvable in polynomial time if every relation in the constraint language is affine. It is equivalent to the problem of approximately counting independent sets in bipartite graphs if every relation can be expressed as conjunctions of {0}, {1} and binary implication. Otherwise, there is no FPRAS unless NP=RP. For lower degree bounds, additional cases arise, where the complexity is related to the complexity of approximately counting independent sets in hypergraphs

    The complexity of approximately counting in 2-spin systems on kk-uniform bounded-degree hypergraphs

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    One of the most important recent developments in the complexity of approximate counting is the classification of the complexity of approximating the partition functions of antiferromagnetic 2-spin systems on bounded-degree graphs. This classification is based on a beautiful connection to the so-called uniqueness phase transition from statistical physics on the infinite Δ\Delta-regular tree. Our objective is to study the impact of this classification on unweighted 2-spin models on kk-uniform hypergraphs. As has already been indicated by Yin and Zhao, the connection between the uniqueness phase transition and the complexity of approximate counting breaks down in the hypergraph setting. Nevertheless, we show that for every non-trivial symmetric kk-ary Boolean function ff there exists a degree bound Δ0\Delta_0 so that for all ΔΔ0\Delta \geq \Delta_0 the following problem is NP-hard: given a kk-uniform hypergraph with maximum degree at most Δ\Delta, approximate the partition function of the hypergraph 2-spin model associated with ff. It is NP-hard to approximate this partition function even within an exponential factor. By contrast, if ff is a trivial symmetric Boolean function (e.g., any function ff that is excluded from our result), then the partition function of the corresponding hypergraph 2-spin model can be computed exactly in polynomial time

    Near-Optimal UGC-hardness of Approximating Max k-CSP_R

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    In this paper, we prove an almost-optimal hardness for Max kk-CSPR_R based on Khot's Unique Games Conjecture (UGC). In Max kk-CSPR_R, we are given a set of predicates each of which depends on exactly kk variables. Each variable can take any value from 1,2,,R1, 2, \dots, R. The goal is to find an assignment to variables that maximizes the number of satisfied predicates. Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, we show that it is NP-hard to approximate Max kk-CSPR_R to within factor 2O(klogk)(logR)k/2/Rk12^{O(k \log k)}(\log R)^{k/2}/R^{k - 1} for any k,Rk, R. To the best of our knowledge, this result improves on all the known hardness of approximation results when 3k=o(logR/loglogR)3 \leq k = o(\log R/\log \log R). In this case, the previous best hardness result was NP-hardness of approximating within a factor O(k/Rk2)O(k/R^{k-2}) by Chan. When k=2k = 2, our result matches the best known UGC-hardness result of Khot, Kindler, Mossel and O'Donnell. In addition, by extending an algorithm for Max 2-CSPR_R by Kindler, Kolla and Trevisan, we provide an Ω(logR/Rk1)\Omega(\log R/R^{k - 1})-approximation algorithm for Max kk-CSPR_R. This algorithm implies that our inapproximability result is tight up to a factor of 2O(klogk)(logR)k/212^{O(k \log k)}(\log R)^{k/2 - 1}. In comparison, when 3k3 \leq k is a constant, the previously known gap was O(R)O(R), which is significantly larger than our gap of O(polylog R)O(\text{polylog } R). Finally, we show that we can replace the Unique Games Conjecture assumption with Khot's dd-to-1 Conjecture and still get asymptotically the same hardness of approximation

    A Dichotomy Theorem for the Approximate Counting of Complex-Weighted Bounded-Degree Boolean CSPs

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    We determine the computational complexity of approximately counting the total weight of variable assignments for every complex-weighted Boolean constraint satisfaction problem (or CSP) with any number of additional unary (i.e., arity 1) constraints, particularly, when degrees of input instances are bounded from above by a fixed constant. All degree-1 counting CSPs are obviously solvable in polynomial time. When the instance's degree is more than two, we present a dichotomy theorem that classifies all counting CSPs admitting free unary constraints into exactly two categories. This classification theorem extends, to complex-weighted problems, an earlier result on the approximation complexity of unweighted counting Boolean CSPs of bounded degree. The framework of the proof of our theorem is based on a theory of signature developed from Valiant's holographic algorithms that can efficiently solve seemingly intractable counting CSPs. Despite the use of arbitrary complex weight, our proof of the classification theorem is rather elementary and intuitive due to an extensive use of a novel notion of limited T-constructibility. For the remaining degree-2 problems, in contrast, they are as hard to approximate as Holant problems, which are a generalization of counting CSPs.Comment: A4, 10pt, 20 pages. This revised version improves its preliminary version published under a slightly different title in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol.6508 (Part I), pp.285--299, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, December 18--20, 201

    FPTAS for Counting Monotone CNF

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    A monotone CNF formula is a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form where each variable appears positively. We design a deterministic fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for counting the number of satisfying assignments for a given monotone CNF formula when each variable appears in at most 55 clauses. Equivalently, this is also an FPTAS for counting set covers where each set contains at most 55 elements. If we allow variables to appear in a maximum of 66 clauses (or sets to contain 66 elements), it is NP-hard to approximate it. Thus, this gives a complete understanding of the approximability of counting for monotone CNF formulas. It is also an important step towards a complete characterization of the approximability for all bounded degree Boolean #CSP problems. In addition, we study the hypergraph matching problem, which arises naturally towards a complete classification of bounded degree Boolean #CSP problems, and show an FPTAS for counting 3D matchings of hypergraphs with maximum degree 44. Our main technique is correlation decay, a powerful tool to design deterministic FPTAS for counting problems defined by local constraints among a number of variables. All previous uses of this design technique fall into two categories: each constraint involves at most two variables, such as independent set, coloring, and spin systems in general; or each variable appears in at most two constraints, such as matching, edge cover, and holant problem in general. The CNF problems studied here have more complicated structures than these problems and require new design and proof techniques. As it turns out, the technique we developed for the CNF problem also works for the hypergraph matching problem. We believe that it may also find applications in other CSP or more general counting problems.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. version 1=>2: minor edits, highlighted the picture of set cover/packing, and an implication of our previous result in 3D matchin

    Lower Bounds on Query Complexity for Testing Bounded-Degree CSPs

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    In this paper, we consider lower bounds on the query complexity for testing CSPs in the bounded-degree model. First, for any ``symmetric'' predicate P:0,1k0,1P:{0,1}^{k} \to {0,1} except \equ where k3k\geq 3, we show that every (randomized) algorithm that distinguishes satisfiable instances of CSP(P) from instances (P1(0)/2kϵ)(|P^{-1}(0)|/2^k-\epsilon)-far from satisfiability requires Ω(n1/2+δ)\Omega(n^{1/2+\delta}) queries where nn is the number of variables and δ>0\delta>0 is a constant that depends on PP and ϵ\epsilon. This breaks a natural lower bound Ω(n1/2)\Omega(n^{1/2}), which is obtained by the birthday paradox. We also show that every one-sided error tester requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries for such PP. These results are hereditary in the sense that the same results hold for any predicate QQ such that P1(1)Q1(1)P^{-1}(1) \subseteq Q^{-1}(1). For EQU, we give a one-sided error tester whose query complexity is O~(n1/2)\tilde{O}(n^{1/2}). Also, for 2-XOR (or, equivalently E2LIN2), we show an Ω(n1/2+δ)\Omega(n^{1/2+\delta}) lower bound for distinguishing instances between ϵ\epsilon-close to and (1/2ϵ)(1/2-\epsilon)-far from satisfiability. Next, for the general k-CSP over the binary domain, we show that every algorithm that distinguishes satisfiable instances from instances (12k/2kϵ)(1-2k/2^k-\epsilon)-far from satisfiability requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries. The matching NP-hardness is not known, even assuming the Unique Games Conjecture or the dd-to-11 Conjecture. As a corollary, for Maximum Independent Set on graphs with nn vertices and a degree bound dd, we show that every approximation algorithm within a factor d/\poly\log d and an additive error of ϵn\epsilon n requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) queries. Previously, only super-constant lower bounds were known