124 research outputs found

    Finding the K shortest hyperpaths using reoptimization

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    The shortest hyperpath problem is an extension of the classical shortest path problem and has applications in many different areas. Recently, algorithms for finding the K shortest hyperpaths in a directed hypergraph have been developed by Andersen, Nielsen and Pretolani. In this paper we improve the worst-case computational complexity of an algorithm for finding the K shortest hyperpaths in an acyclic hypergraph. This result is obtained by applying new reoptimization techniques for shortest hyperpaths. The algorithm turns out to be quite effective in practice and has already been successfully applied in the context of stochastic time-dependent networks, for finding the K best strategies and for solving bicriterion problems.Network programming; Directed hypergraphs; K shortest hyperpaths; K shortest paths

    Understanding the complexity of #SAT using knowledge compilation

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    Two main techniques have been used so far to solve the #P-hard problem #SAT. The first one, used in practice, is based on an extension of DPLL for model counting called exhaustive DPLL. The second approach, more theoretical, exploits the structure of the input to compute the number of satisfying assignments by usually using a dynamic programming scheme on a decomposition of the formula. In this paper, we make a first step toward the separation of these two techniques by exhibiting a family of formulas that can be solved in polynomial time with the first technique but needs an exponential time with the second one. We show this by observing that both techniques implicitely construct a very specific boolean circuit equivalent to the input formula. We then show that every beta-acyclic formula can be represented by a polynomial size circuit corresponding to the first method and exhibit a family of beta-acyclic formulas which cannot be represented by polynomial size circuits corresponding to the second method. This result shed a new light on the complexity of #SAT and related problems on beta-acyclic formulas. As a byproduct, we give new handy tools to design algorithms on beta-acyclic hypergraphs

    Distance-two coloring of sparse graphs

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    Consider a graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) and, for each vertex vVv \in V, a subset Σ(v)\Sigma(v) of neighbors of vv. A Σ\Sigma-coloring is a coloring of the elements of VV so that vertices appearing together in some Σ(v)\Sigma(v) receive pairwise distinct colors. An obvious lower bound for the minimum number of colors in such a coloring is the maximum size of a set Σ(v)\Sigma(v), denoted by ρ(Σ)\rho(\Sigma). In this paper we study graph classes FF for which there is a function ff, such that for any graph GFG \in F and any Σ\Sigma, there is a Σ\Sigma-coloring using at most f(ρ(Σ))f(\rho(\Sigma)) colors. It is proved that if such a function exists for a class FF, then ff can be taken to be a linear function. It is also shown that such classes are precisely the classes having bounded star chromatic number. We also investigate the list version and the clique version of this problem, and relate the existence of functions bounding those parameters to the recently introduced concepts of classes of bounded expansion and nowhere-dense classes.Comment: 13 pages - revised versio

    Block Crossings in Storyline Visualizations

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    Storyline visualizations help visualize encounters of the characters in a story over time. Each character is represented by an x-monotone curve that goes from left to right. A meeting is represented by having the characters that participate in the meeting run close together for some time. In order to keep the visual complexity low, rather than just minimizing pairwise crossings of curves, we propose to count block crossings, that is, pairs of intersecting bundles of lines. Our main results are as follows. We show that minimizing the number of block crossings is NP-hard, and we develop, for meetings of bounded size, a constant-factor approximation. We also present two fixed-parameter algorithms and, for meetings of size 2, a greedy heuristic that we evaluate experimentally.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Point-width and Max-CSPs

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    International audienceThe complexity of (unbounded-arity) Max-CSPs under structural restrictions is poorly understood. The two most general hypergraph properties known to ensure tractability of Max-CSPs, β-acyclicity and bounded (incidence) MIM-width, are incomparable and lead to very different algorithms. We introduce the framework of point decompositions for hypergraphs and use it to derive a new sufficient condition for the tractability of (structurally restricted) Max-CSPs, which generalises both bounded MIM-width and β-acyclicity. On the way, we give a new characterisation of bounded MIM-width and discuss other hypergraph properties which are relevant to the complexity of Max-CSPs, such as β-hypertreewidth

    Edge deletion to tree-like graph classes

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    For a fixed property (graph class) Π\Pi, given a graph GG and an integer kk, the Π\Pi-deletion problem consists in deciding if we can turn GG into a graph with the property Π\Pi by deleting at most kk edges of GG. The Π\Pi-deletion problem is known to be NP-hard for most of the well-studied graph classes (such as chordal, interval, bipartite, planar, comparability and permutation graphs, among others), with the notable exception of trees. Motivated by this fact, in this work we study the deletion problem for some classes close to trees. We obtain NP-hardness results for several classes of sparse graphs, for which we prove that deletion is hard even when the input is a bipartite graph. In addition, we give sufficient structural conditions for the graph class Π\Pi for NP-hardness. In the case of deletion to cactus, we show that the problem becomes tractable when the input is chordal, and we give polynomial-time algorithms for quasi-threshold graphs.Comment: 12 pages, no figure