2,907 research outputs found

    Large-System Analysis of Multiuser Detection with an Unknown Number of Users: A High-SNR Approach

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    We analyze multiuser detection under the assumption that the number of users accessing the channel is unknown by the receiver. In this environment, users' activity must be estimated along with any other parameters such as data, power, and location. Our main goal is to determine the performance loss caused by the need for estimating the identities of active users, which are not known a priori. To prevent a loss of optimality, we assume that identities and data are estimated jointly, rather than in two separate steps. We examine the performance of multiuser detectors when the number of potential users is large. Statistical-physics methodologies are used to determine the macroscopic performance of the detector in terms of its multiuser efficiency. Special attention is paid to the fixed-point equation whose solution yields the multiuser efficiency of the optimal (maximum a posteriori) detector in the large signal-to-noise ratio regime. Our analysis yields closed-form approximate bounds to the minimum mean-squared error in this regime. These illustrate the set of solutions of the fixed-point equation, and their relationship with the maximum system load. Next, we study the maximum load that the detector can support for a given quality of service (specified by error probability).Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Free Riders and Cooperators in Public Goods Experiments: Can Evolutionary Dynamics Explain their Coexistence?

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    An oft-cited and robust result from Public Goods Game experiments is that, when subjects start playing, the aggregate level of contributions is significantly different from zero. At the same time, a sizeable proportion of players free ride from the outset. Behavioural economics has persuasively shown that these laboratory findings are compatible with the presence of motivationally heterogeneous agents, displaying both standard, self-centred preferences and non-standard, interdependent preferences. However, at the theoretical level, economists would prefer to account for motivational heterogeneity endogenously, instead of simply assuming it from the outset. Our work provides such endogenisation, by assuming that social evolution is driven by material payoffs only. By separately focusing on different types of ‘experimentally salient’ pro-social players (such as Reciprocators, Strong Reciprocators and Altruists), we are able to shed light – to our knowledge, for the first time, within the public good framework – on the evolutionary stability of two-type populations consisting of positive proportions of both ‘nice’ and ‘mean’ guys.Free Riding, Strong Reciprocity, Altruism, Nonstrategic Punishment, Public Goods Game, Evolutionary Game Theory

    Performance of Bit Error Rate and Power Spectral Density of Ultra Wideband with Time Hopping Sequences.

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    This thesis focuses on several modulation methods for an ultra wideband (UWB) signal. These methods are pulse position modulation (PPM), binary phase shift keying (BPSK), on/off key shifting (OOK), and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM). In addition, time hopping is considered for these modulation schemes, where the capacity per time frame of time hopping PPM is studied using different spreading ratios. This thesis proves that with the addition of time hopping to all types of modulated UWB signals, the performance of power spectral density improves in all aspects, despite the increase of data per time frame. Note that despite the increase of data per frame, the bit error rate remains the same as standard non-time hopping UWB modulated signals

    Spectrally and Energy Efficient Wireless Communications: Signal and System Design, Mathematical Modelling and Optimisation

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    This thesis explores engineering studies and designs aiming to meeting the requirements of enhancing capacity and energy efficiency for next generation communication networks. Challenges of spectrum scarcity and energy constraints are addressed and new technologies are proposed, analytically investigated and examined. The thesis commences by reviewing studies on spectrally and energy-efficient techniques, with a special focus on non-orthogonal multicarrier modulation, particularly spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM). Rigorous theoretical and mathematical modelling studies of SEFDM are presented. Moreover, to address the potential application of SEFDM under the 5th generation new radio (5G NR) heterogeneous numerologies, simulation-based studies of SEFDM coexisting with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are conducted. New signal formats and corresponding transceiver structure are designed, using a Hilbert transform filter pair for shaping pulses. Detailed modelling and numerical investigations show that the proposed signal doubles spectral efficiency without performance degradation, with studies of two signal formats; uncoded narrow-band internet of things (NB-IoT) signals and unframed turbo coded multi-carrier signals. The thesis also considers using constellation shaping techniques and SEFDM for capacity enhancement in 5G system. Probabilistic shaping for SEFDM is proposed and modelled to show both transmission energy reduction and bandwidth saving with advantageous flexibility for data rate adaptation. Expanding on constellation shaping to improve performance further, a comparative study of multidimensional modulation techniques is carried out. A four-dimensional signal, with better noise immunity is investigated, for which metaheuristic optimisation algorithms are studied, developed, and conducted to optimise bit-to-symbol mapping. Finally, a specially designed machine learning technique for signal and system design in physical layer communications is proposed, utilising the application of autoencoder-based end-to-end learning. Multidimensional signal modulation with multidimensional constellation shaping is proposed and optimised by using machine learning techniques, demonstrating significant improvement in spectral and energy efficiencies

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Next generation optical access networks and coexistence with legacy PONs

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    Nowadays, Fiber-to-the-Home is one of the most promising solutions to provide broadband services in access networks. However, the fiber is inefficiently used as most of the deployed systems are still based on Time Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Networks (TDM-PONs) providing shared transmission capacities up to 2.5 Gb/s down and 1.25 Gb/s up, among multiple users. Research on high-speed electronics and Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) has allowed the emergence of what is known as the second generation PON (NG-PON2), which specify aggregated capacities up to 40 Gb/s, stacking four channels at symmetric data rates of 10 Gb/s each, for residential scenarios. Nevertheless, the capacity per channel is still shared between multiple users due to the use of TDM. Moreover, the optical spectrum efficiency is low because channels are widely spaced (50 to 100 GHz). In addition, the sensitivity, reach and number of users is limited as consequence of using direct detection (DD) systems. In consequence, and due to the increase in bandwidth demands of new multimedia applications, it is necessary to propose solutions that cope with this tendency and, even more important, that can coexist with legacy systems, being one of the major requirements of network operators to guarantee a smooth and non-disruptive technology migration. In this thesis, a breakthrough technology such as Ultra-Dense WDM (UDWDM) that allows to allocate a large number of channels spaced only by a few GHz is used. This approach consent to envision the concept of Wavelength-to-the-User, where each costumer can be served with dedicated bandwidth links. The key technologies are based on coherent systems, with inherent wavelength selectivity and improved sensitivity compared to DD systems, thanks to the booster action of a tunable local oscillator (LO) laser. Because of cost is the main constraint in access networks, especially at the customer premises equipment (Optical Network Unit - ONU), in this thesis, a new class of coherent transceivers, based on low-cost direct modulated lasers and simplified receiver schemes, are proposed and experimentally tested. Moreover, the issue of coexistence is investigated through theoretical studies and real-time implementations, demonstrating full compatibility with legacy systems. Between the proposed solutions, a simple technique to adjust digitally the direct phase modulation of a distributed feedback (DFB) laser is presented to support flexible transmission rates. Next, several multilevel phase modulation formats for achieving higher transmission rates and better spectral efficiency are experimentally compared. Subsequently, the topic of photonic integration is addressed, demonstrating for the first time an 8-ary hybrid amplitude and phase modulated transmitter (Tx), by using a low-cost, small-footprint and energy efficient dual electro-absorption modulated laser (DEML). Finally, two novel proposals, to reduce the complexity of heterodyne and intradyne detection, are provided to face the typical issue of complexity and high-cost of coherent systems. The former explores the possibility of using only one DFB laser as LO and Tx at the ONU. The later demonstrates for the first time, a novel phase time diversity technique alternating phase modulation at each complex component (in-phase - I and quadrature - Q) achieving a 10 Gb/s' transmission with polarization independence.En la actualidad, la Fibra hasta el Hogar es una de las soluciones más prometedoras para proporcionar servicios de banda ancha en las redes de acceso. Sin embargo, la fibra se usa de manera poco eficiente, ya que la mayoría de los sistemas implementados todavía están basados en redes ópticas pasivas de multiplexación por división en el tiempo (TDM-PON) que brindan capacidades de transmisión compartidas entre múltiples usuarios de hasta 2.5 Gb/s y 1.25 Gb/s. La investigación en electrónica de alta velocidad y la multiplexación por división de longitud de onda (WDM) ha permitido el surgimiento de lo hoy se conoce como PON de segunda generación (NG-PON2), que especifica capacidades agregadas de hasta 40 Gb/s, apilando cuatro canales a velocidades de datos simétricas de 10 Gb/s cada uno, para escenarios residenciales. Sin embargo, la capacidad por canal todavía se comparte entre múltiples usuarios debido al uso de TDM. Además, la eficiencia en el uso del espectro óptico es baja porque los canales están muy separados (50 a 100 GHz). Asimismo, la sensibilidad, el alcance y el número de usuarios están limitados debido al uso de sistemas de detección directa. En consecuencia, y debido al aumento de las demandas de ancho de banda de las nuevas aplicaciones multimedia, es necesario proponer soluciones que respondan a esta tendencia y, lo que es más importante, que puedan coexistir con sistemas heredados, siendo uno de los principales requisitos de los operadores de red para garantizar una migración de tecnología fluida y sin interrupciones. En esta tesis, se utiliza una tecnología de vanguardia, como la multiplexación por división ultra densa de longitud de onda (UDWDM) que permite distribuir un gran número de canales espaciados solo por unos pocos GHz. Este enfoque permite vislumbrar el concepto de longitud de onda para el usuario, donde cada cliente puede usar enlaces de ancho de banda dedicados. Las tecnologías clave están basadas en los sistemas coherentes, con selectividad de longitud de onda inherente y sensibilidad mejorada en comparación con los sistemas de detección directa, gracias al efecto de amplificación óptica de un láser oscilador local (LO) sintonizable. Debido a que el costo es la principal restricción en las redes de acceso, especialmente del equipo en las instalaciones del cliente (unidad de red óptica - ONU), en ésta tesis, una nueva clase de transceptores coherentes, basados en láseres de bajo coste modulados directamente y esquemas de recepción simplificados, son propuestos y probados experimentalmente. Además, el problema de la coexistencia es investigado a través de estudios teóricos y experimentos en tiempo real, demostrando compatibilidad total con los sistemas heredados. Entre las soluciones propuestas, se presenta una técnica simple para ajustar digitalmente la modulación de fase directa de un láser de retroalimentación distribuida (DFB), y admitir velocidades de transmisión flexibles. Acto seguido, se comparan experimentalmente varios formatos multinivel de modulación de fase, para lograr tasas de transmisión más altas y una mejor eficiencia espectral. Posteriormente, se aborda el tema de la integración fotónica, demostrando por primera vez un transmisor (Tx) con modulación híbrida de fase y amplitud de ocho puntos, mediante el uso de un dispositivo pequeño, de bajo coste y eficiente energéticamente, como lo es el láser dual de electro-absorción modulada (DEML). Finalmente, se presentan dos propuestas novedosas para reducir la complejidad de la detección heterodina e intradina, afrontando el problema típico de la complejidad y alto coste de los sistemas coherentes. La primera explora la posibilidad de usar solo un láser DFB en la ONU, como LO y Tx. La segunda, demuestra por primera vez, una nueva técnica de diversidad fase en el tiempo, que alterna la modulación de fase en cada componente del plano complejo (fase-I y cuadratura-Q) logrando una transmisión de 10 Gb / s / λ con independencia de polarizació

    Next generation optical access networks and coexistence with legacy PONs

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    Nowadays, Fiber-to-the-Home is one of the most promising solutions to provide broadband services in access networks. However, the fiber is inefficiently used as most of the deployed systems are still based on Time Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Networks (TDM-PONs) providing shared transmission capacities up to 2.5 Gb/s down and 1.25 Gb/s up, among multiple users. Research on high-speed electronics and Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) has allowed the emergence of what is known as the second generation PON (NG-PON2), which specify aggregated capacities up to 40 Gb/s, stacking four channels at symmetric data rates of 10 Gb/s each, for residential scenarios. Nevertheless, the capacity per channel is still shared between multiple users due to the use of TDM. Moreover, the optical spectrum efficiency is low because channels are widely spaced (50 to 100 GHz). In addition, the sensitivity, reach and number of users is limited as consequence of using direct detection (DD) systems. In consequence, and due to the increase in bandwidth demands of new multimedia applications, it is necessary to propose solutions that cope with this tendency and, even more important, that can coexist with legacy systems, being one of the major requirements of network operators to guarantee a smooth and non-disruptive technology migration. In this thesis, a breakthrough technology such as Ultra-Dense WDM (UDWDM) that allows to allocate a large number of channels spaced only by a few GHz is used. This approach consent to envision the concept of Wavelength-to-the-User, where each costumer can be served with dedicated bandwidth links. The key technologies are based on coherent systems, with inherent wavelength selectivity and improved sensitivity compared to DD systems, thanks to the booster action of a tunable local oscillator (LO) laser. Because of cost is the main constraint in access networks, especially at the customer premises equipment (Optical Network Unit - ONU), in this thesis, a new class of coherent transceivers, based on low-cost direct modulated lasers and simplified receiver schemes, are proposed and experimentally tested. Moreover, the issue of coexistence is investigated through theoretical studies and real-time implementations, demonstrating full compatibility with legacy systems. Between the proposed solutions, a simple technique to adjust digitally the direct phase modulation of a distributed feedback (DFB) laser is presented to support flexible transmission rates. Next, several multilevel phase modulation formats for achieving higher transmission rates and better spectral efficiency are experimentally compared. Subsequently, the topic of photonic integration is addressed, demonstrating for the first time an 8-ary hybrid amplitude and phase modulated transmitter (Tx), by using a low-cost, small-footprint and energy efficient dual electro-absorption modulated laser (DEML). Finally, two novel proposals, to reduce the complexity of heterodyne and intradyne detection, are provided to face the typical issue of complexity and high-cost of coherent systems. The former explores the possibility of using only one DFB laser as LO and Tx at the ONU. The later demonstrates for the first time, a novel phase time diversity technique alternating phase modulation at each complex component (in-phase - I and quadrature - Q) achieving a 10 Gb/s' transmission with polarization independence.En la actualidad, la Fibra hasta el Hogar es una de las soluciones más prometedoras para proporcionar servicios de banda ancha en las redes de acceso. Sin embargo, la fibra se usa de manera poco eficiente, ya que la mayoría de los sistemas implementados todavía están basados en redes ópticas pasivas de multiplexación por división en el tiempo (TDM-PON) que brindan capacidades de transmisión compartidas entre múltiples usuarios de hasta 2.5 Gb/s y 1.25 Gb/s. La investigación en electrónica de alta velocidad y la multiplexación por división de longitud de onda (WDM) ha permitido el surgimiento de lo hoy se conoce como PON de segunda generación (NG-PON2), que especifica capacidades agregadas de hasta 40 Gb/s, apilando cuatro canales a velocidades de datos simétricas de 10 Gb/s cada uno, para escenarios residenciales. Sin embargo, la capacidad por canal todavía se comparte entre múltiples usuarios debido al uso de TDM. Además, la eficiencia en el uso del espectro óptico es baja porque los canales están muy separados (50 a 100 GHz). Asimismo, la sensibilidad, el alcance y el número de usuarios están limitados debido al uso de sistemas de detección directa. En consecuencia, y debido al aumento de las demandas de ancho de banda de las nuevas aplicaciones multimedia, es necesario proponer soluciones que respondan a esta tendencia y, lo que es más importante, que puedan coexistir con sistemas heredados, siendo uno de los principales requisitos de los operadores de red para garantizar una migración de tecnología fluida y sin interrupciones. En esta tesis, se utiliza una tecnología de vanguardia, como la multiplexación por división ultra densa de longitud de onda (UDWDM) que permite distribuir un gran número de canales espaciados solo por unos pocos GHz. Este enfoque permite vislumbrar el concepto de longitud de onda para el usuario, donde cada cliente puede usar enlaces de ancho de banda dedicados. Las tecnologías clave están basadas en los sistemas coherentes, con selectividad de longitud de onda inherente y sensibilidad mejorada en comparación con los sistemas de detección directa, gracias al efecto de amplificación óptica de un láser oscilador local (LO) sintonizable. Debido a que el costo es la principal restricción en las redes de acceso, especialmente del equipo en las instalaciones del cliente (unidad de red óptica - ONU), en ésta tesis, una nueva clase de transceptores coherentes, basados en láseres de bajo coste modulados directamente y esquemas de recepción simplificados, son propuestos y probados experimentalmente. Además, el problema de la coexistencia es investigado a través de estudios teóricos y experimentos en tiempo real, demostrando compatibilidad total con los sistemas heredados. Entre las soluciones propuestas, se presenta una técnica simple para ajustar digitalmente la modulación de fase directa de un láser de retroalimentación distribuida (DFB), y admitir velocidades de transmisión flexibles. Acto seguido, se comparan experimentalmente varios formatos multinivel de modulación de fase, para lograr tasas de transmisión más altas y una mejor eficiencia espectral. Posteriormente, se aborda el tema de la integración fotónica, demostrando por primera vez un transmisor (Tx) con modulación híbrida de fase y amplitud de ocho puntos, mediante el uso de un dispositivo pequeño, de bajo coste y eficiente energéticamente, como lo es el láser dual de electro-absorción modulada (DEML). Finalmente, se presentan dos propuestas novedosas para reducir la complejidad de la detección heterodina e intradina, afrontando el problema típico de la complejidad y alto coste de los sistemas coherentes. La primera explora la posibilidad de usar solo un láser DFB en la ONU, como LO y Tx. La segunda, demuestra por primera vez, una nueva técnica de diversidad fase en el tiempo, que alterna la modulación de fase en cada componente del plano complejo (fase-I y cuadratura-Q) logrando una transmisión de 10 Gb / s / λ con independencia de polarizaciónPostprint (published version