4 research outputs found

    Control administrativo y efectividad o rganizacional en la empresa Geoscala Perú S.A.C, San Isidro, 2020

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito establecer la relación entre el control administrativo y la efectividad organizacional en la empresa Geoscala Perú S.A.C., San Isidro 2020. El tipo de investigación fue descriptivo y diseño fue correlacional, no experimental y transversal. Siendo la población de 77 colaboradores y trabajando con un muestreo censal, las unidades de análisis fueron 77 colaboradores de la empresa. Los instrumentos empleados fueron la Escala de percepción del control administrativo, con validez de contenido de aplicable mediante juicio de expertos y confiabilidad con Alfa de Crombach de .833 indicando una fuerte consistencia interna, y la Escala de efectividad organizacional, con validez de contenido de aplicable mediante juicio de expertos y confiabilidad con Alfa de Crombach de .827 indicando fuerte consistencia interna. Los resultados señalaron acorde a la percepción de los colaboradores que el control administrativo se ubicaba a nivel regular (51.9%), mientras que en las dimensiones control anticipado (45.5%), control concurrente (48.1%), y control de realimentación (41.6%), era de nivel regular. Con respecto a la efectividad organizacional, los colaboradores la ubicaron a nivel medio (41.6%), mientras que en la dimensión metas organizacionales (39%), en procesos internos (46.8%), y en la dimensión recursos organizacionales (45.5%), consideraron que era medianamente eficiente. Además se encontró correlación entre el control administrativo y la efectividad organizacional (Rho 0.545 pvalor 0.000), siendo ella positiva, considerable y significativa; se halló correlación entre la dimensión control anticipado o preventivo y la efectividad organizacional (Rho 0.574 p-valor 0.000), catalogándose como positiva, considerable y significativa; existió correlación positiva, considerable y significativa entre la dimensión control concurrente y la efectividad organizacional (Rho 0.536 pvalor 0.000); y se encontró correlación entre el control de realimentación y la efectividad organizacional, siendo ella positiva, considerable y significativa (Rho 0.552 p-valor 0.000)

    A estrutura da memória organizacional : uma nova proposta

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoA recuperação de informação crucial para a organização num determinado momento, é um problema que tem preocupado as organizações, em especial devido à enorme quantidade de informação que uma organização lida no seu dia-a-dia. Um outro problema existente nas organizações diz respeito à não partilha de informação e conhecimento entre todos os seus colaboradores. Assim, é importante que as organizações tenham ao seu dispor mecanismos que lhe permitam diariamente armazenar e partilhar a sua informação. Neste sentido, a Memória Organizacional torna-se crucial pois o seu armazenamento permitirá à organização ter sempre disponível e partilhado o seu conhecimento, sendo este utilizado na tomada de decisão do presente, melhorando-se assim o desempenho da organização. A palavra desempenho é cada vez mais o termo em que as organizações centram as suas atenções, na medida em que, com os avanços tecnológicos a evoluírem de uma forma acelerada, nenhuma organização pretende ficar na retaguarda dos seus concorrentes e ser um outsider no mercado em que está inserida. Assim, e de modo a que exista um mecanismo disponível para as organizações e estas consigam melhores desempenhos, esta investigação visa acima de tudo validar e operacionalizar um novo modelo de Memória Organizacional, demonstrando-se ainda as implicações que os Sistemas de Informação podem ter nesta investigação. Deste modo, este trabalho evidencia uma proposta de operacionalização de um novo modelo de Memória Organizacional, que através de um método (definido nesta investigação) poderá ser testado e implementado numa organização. A Memória Organizacional integra a experiência colectiva da organização que foi construída no decurso da realização das actividades necessárias à concretização da missão da organização. Essa experiência encontra-se armazenada nas pessoas, nas rotinas e normas que regem a sua acção e nas representações de conhecimento armazenadas nos sistemas informáticos das organizações. Sendo assim, ela encontra-se intimamente ligada aos processos de armazenamento, transformação e distribuição de informação por toda a organização, estando armazenada em Sistema de Informação Organizacional, que a alimentam e que são por ela alimentados.The recovering of crucial information to the organization in a specific moment is a problem that has worried the organizations especially due to the big amount of information an organization deals with on a daily basis. Another problem of the organizations concerns the no sharing of information and knowledge among all its employees. Therefore, it’s important that arrangements are available for the organizations which allow them to store and share the information every day. In this sense, the Organizational Memory becomes crucial in all this procedure since its storage will allow to the organization to have always available and shared the knowledge, being this one used in the present decision making, improving this way the performance of the organization. The word «performance» is increasingly the word in which the organizations focus their attention, to the extent that, with the technological improvements progressing so overwhelming, no organization intends to stay behind its competitors and become a outsider in the market in which it is inserted. So, so that there is a mechanism available to the organizations and these ones can improve their performances, this investigation intends above all to validate and operate a new Organizational Memory model, proving also the involving that the Information Systems may have in this research. Therefore, this work evidences a proposal of operation of a new Organizational Memory model, that through a method (set out in this investigation) will be able to be tested and implemented in an organization. The Organizational Memory integrates the collective experience of the organization which was built during the performing of the activities needed to the achievement of the organization mission. This experience is stored in the people, in the routines and in the standards which rule their actions and in the representations of knowledge stored in the computer systems of the organizations. So, it is closely connected to the storage processes, transformation and distribution of information by all the organization, being stored in Organizational System of Information, which feed it and (on the other hand) that are fed by it

    Relações entre capacidade de absorção de conhecimento, sistemas de memória organizacional e desempenho financeiro

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2013.Abstract : This study focuses on the important issue of measuring absorptivecapacity and its relations with other constructs, in the organizational context. The main purpose of this work is to examine the relationshipsbetween absorptive capacity (AC), organizational memory systems(OMS) and organizational financial performance (OFP). The theoricalperspective adopted defines and operationalizes AC as amultidimensional construct made up of two main subsets, one "potential" and other "realizized". Based on argum nts grounded inprevious studies, four hypotheses are developed, associating bothdimensions with the use of information technology (IT)-based OMS,and with OFD. The empirical study follows a cross-sectional surveydesign conducted in 101 companies from the software and IT servicessector in Florianopolis, Brazil. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)reveals the reliability and validity of the construct measurements.Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the hypotheses. Theresults indicate that (i) the use of IT-based OMS positively affects thepotential AC of the organizations studied; however, (ii) no significantpositive relationship was found between the use of these memorysystems and the realized AC; on the other hand (iii) the potential AC ispositively and significantly associated with the realized AC; and (iv)this realized AC is significantly associated with the OFP, suggesting thata high level of realized AC has a positive impact on the financial resultsof the companies studied. This study contributes to linking the twointerdisciplinary research fields of organizational memory and AC byconducting an empirical analysis of the conceptual relations establishedby the scientific literature. The work concludes with a broaderdiscussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the findings,and future research trajectories are presented

    Forgetting to remember : organisational memory

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    Organisations need to learn from their current and past experiences to optimise their activities, decisions and future strategies. Non-governmental organisations are similar to public or governmental departments in that learning is crucial for their existence. One of the key factors influencing learning is the development and maintenance of a functional organisational memory. The organisational memory is a dynamic entity encompassing more than the storage facilities provided by an information technology system. It also resides in human form, acting as reservoirs and interpretation centres and feeding the organisational memory as a whole. Previous research in organisational memory focussed mostly on describing the structure of the storage systems, with the current focus on developing management information systems to enhance organisational memory storage and retrieval. Some work has been undertaken to describe the processes involved, which include accessing, storing and retrieving the memory. Other functions that need special attention are the development of data to information, and especially creating and using knowledge. The studies mostly involved existing organisational memory as it was represented at a specific time of the organisations’ development. This study looks at all the different developmental phases of a regional NGO, which include start-up, expansion in target territory, expansion in activities, consolidation and close-out. To investigate the temporal changes of organisational memory in a regional intermediary NGO, a retrospective case study methodology was used. The NGO was closing down, providing an opportunity to investigate all the stages of development. The data collection, analysis and interpretation involved various in-depth interviews with current and past staff members and other key stakeholders, such as beneficiary organisations and consultants. In addition, a complex set of documents were studied, including proposals, strategic documents, minutes of meetings, and audiovisual material. The main themes and factors, such as individuals, leadership, electronic and other management of the organisational memory, culture, including the importance of a vision and theory of change, policies and global developments are discussed using a temporal ecological framework. The key findings of this study illustrate the importance of directories as part of the metamemory in accessing seemingly dormant organisational memories. The conclusion is that organisational memory survives after the demise of the organisation and that it is accessible through directories.PsychologyPh. D. (Consulting Psychology