3 research outputs found

    Model Reka Bentuk Konseptual Operasian Storan Data Bagi Aplikasi Kepintaran Perniagaan

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    The development of business intelligence (BI) applications, involving of data sources, Data Warehouse (DW), Data Mart (DM) and Operational Data Store (ODS), imposes a major challenge to BI developers. This is mainly due to the lack of established models, guidelines and techniques in the development process as compared to system development in the discipline of software engineering. Furthermore, the present BI applications emphasize on the development of strategic information in contrast to operational and tactical. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to propose a conceptual design model for BI applications using ODS (CoDMODS). Through expert validation, the proposed conceptual design model that was developed by means of design science research approach, was found to satisfy nine quality model dimensions, which are, easy to understand, covers clear steps, is relevant and timeless, demonstrates flexibility, scalability, accuracy, completeness and consistency. Additionally, the two prototypes that were developed based on CoDMODS for water supply service (iUBIS) and telecommunication maintenance (iPMS) recorded a high usability average min value of 5.912 using Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) instrument. The outcomes of this study, particularly the proposed model, contribute to the analysis and design method for the development of the operational and tactical information in BI applications. The model can be referred as guidelines by BI developers. Furthermore, the prototypes that were developed in the case studies can assist the organizations in using quality information for business operations

    Cloud enterprise resource planning development model based on software factory approach

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    Literature reviews revealed that Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (Cloud ERP) is significantly growing, yet from software developers’ perspective, it has succumbed to high management complexity, high workload, inconsistency software quality, and knowledge retention problems. Previous researches lack a solution that holistically addresses all the research problem components. Software factory approach was chosen to be adapted along with relevant theories to develop a model referred to as Cloud ERP Factory Model (CEF Model), which intends to pave the way in solving the above-mentioned problems. There are three specific objectives, those are (i) to develop the model by identifying the components with its elements and compile them into the CEF Model, (ii) to verify the model’s deployment technical feasibility, and (iii) to validate the model field usability in a real Cloud ERP production case studies. The research employed Design Science methodology, with a mixed method evaluation approach. The developed CEF Model consists of five components; those are Product Lines, Platform, Workflow, Product Control, and Knowledge Management, which can be used to setup a CEF environment that simulates a process-oriented software production environment with capacity and resource planning features. The model was validated through expert reviews and the finalized model was verified to be technically feasible by a successful deployment into a selected commercial Cloud ERP production facility. Three Cloud ERP commercial deployment case studies were conducted using the prototype environment. Using the survey instruments developed, the results yielded a Likert score mean of 6.3 out of 7 thus reaffirming that the model is usable and the research has met its objective in addressing the problem components. The models along with its deployment verification processes are the main research contributions. Both items can also be used by software industry practitioners and academician as references in developing a robust Cloud ERP production facility

    Razvoj i primena ciljno vođenog procesnog skladišta podataka kao osnove za inteligentnu analizu procesa održavanja opreme

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    Problem unapređenja poslovanja sa stanovišta optimizacije procesa i smanjenja troškova je standardni cilj svakog poslovnog sistema. Novija unapređenja su se zasnivala na primenama najnovijih tehnologija, ali su se one prvenstveno bavile parcijalnim segmentom poslovanja, kao na primer kod održavanja opreme radnim nalozima i analizama rezultata otklanjanja kvarova. Nisu uzimale u obzir kompletan proces, od prijave kvara do trenutka otklanjanja kvarova. Zbog toga su predložena rešenja bila parcijalna i u nekim slučajevima davala potpuno pogrešne rezultate analiza. Predloženo rešenje se bazira na definisanju načina obuhvata kompletnog procesa, izborom najoptimalnije standarda za snimanje, analizu i optimizaciju procesa i izborom odgovarajućeg formata podataka koji može da se usaglasi na analiziranim procesom i definisanim objektima snimljenim tokom procesa. Zbog toga se rešenje baziralo na primeni odgovarajućeg standarda za tu vrstu procesa do koje se došlo primenom višekriterijumske analize i analizom dostupne stručne literature, zatim na primeni skladišta podataka kao opšte strukture podataka, a dodatnim analizama je usvojen procesno skladište podataka (Process Data Warehouse, PDW), sa ciljnim parametrima analize i definisanim graničnim vrednostima. Ključni rezultati dobijeni analizom su pokazali da je primena izabranog standarda za snimanje procesa obezbeđena ključna baza elemenata koji su potrebni za optimizaciju, da je primenom objektnog PDW-a obezbeđena kvalitetna i realna baza podataka. Transformacijom podataka iz relacione u strukturu skladišta podataka, dobijena je jednostavna struktura koja je obezbedila dinamički pristup podacima i njihovo dinamičko grupisanje i specijalizaciju, a dodatna proširenja koja su se odnosila na granične i ciljane vrednosti su u potpunosti opravdale primenjen koncept. Ovim konceptom je prikazano da od prvobitnog polazišta da je sistem održavanja vrlo uspešan (uptime opreme na nivou >95%) kad se posmatra samo radni nalog, došlo se pokazatelja da u preko 30% intervencija, kad se pogleda kompletan proces, dolazi do kašnjenja u otklanjanju kvarova