14 research outputs found

    The Case For Heterogeneous HTAP

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    ABSTRACT Modern database engines balance the demanding requirements of mixed, hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP) workloads by relying on i) global shared memory, ii) system-wide cache coherence, and iii) massive parallelism. Thus, database engines are typically deployed on multi-socket multi-cores, which have been the only platform to support all three aspects. Two recent trends, however, indicate that these hardware assumptions will be invalidated in the near future. First, hardware vendors have started exploring alternate non-cache-coherent shared-memory multi-core designs due to escalating complexity in maintaining coherence across hundreds of cores. Second, as GPGPUs overcome programmability, performance, and interfacing limitations, they are being increasingly adopted by emerging servers to expose heterogeneous parallelism. It is thus necessary to revisit database engine design because current engines can neither deal with the lack of cache coherence nor exploit heterogeneous parallelism. In this paper, we make the case for Heterogeneous-HTAP (H 2 TAP), a new architecture explicitly targeted at emerging hardware. H 2 TAP engines store data in shared memory to maximize data freshness, pair workloads with ideal processor types to exploit heterogeneity, and use message passing with explicit processor cache management to circumvent the lack of cache coherence. Using Caldera, a prototype H 2 TAP engine, we show that the H 2 TAP architecture can be realized in practice and can offer performance competitive with specialized OLTP and OLAP engines

    Hardware data re-organization engine for real-time systems

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    Access patterns and cache utilization play a key role in the analyzability of data-intensive applications. In this demo, we re-examine our previous research on software-hardware codesign to push data transformation closer to memory from a real-time perspective. Deployed in modern CPU+FPGA systems, our design enables efficient and cache-friendly access to large data by only moving relevant bytes from the target memory. This (1) compresses the cache footprint and (2) reorganizes complex memory access patterns into sequential and predictable patterns.National Science FoundationAccepted manuscrip

    Optimal column layout for hybrid workloads

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    Data-intensive analytical applications need to support both efficient reads and writes. However, what is usually a good data layout for an update-heavy workload, is not well-suited for a read-mostly one and vice versa. Modern analytical data systems rely on columnar layouts and employ delta stores to inject new data and updates. We show that for hybrid workloads we can achieve close to one order of magnitude better performance by tailoring the column layout design to the data and query workload. Our approach navigates the possible design space of the physical layout: it organizes each column’s data by determining the number of partitions, their corresponding sizes and ranges, and the amount of buffer space and how it is allocated. We frame these design decisions as an optimization problem that, given workload knowledge and performance requirements, provides an optimal physical layout for the workload at hand. To evaluate this work, we build an in-memory storage engine, Casper, and we show that it outperforms state-of-the-art data layouts of analytical systems for hybrid workloads. Casper delivers up to 2.32x higher throughput for update-intensive workloads and up to 2.14x higher throughput for hybrid workloads. We further show how to make data layout decisions robust to workload variation by carefully selecting the input of the optimization.http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol12/p2393-athanassoulis.pdfPublished versionPublished versio

    Growth of relational model: Interdependence and complementary to big data

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    A database management system is a constant application of science that provides a platform for the creation, movement, and use of voluminous data. The area has witnessed a series of developments and technological advancements from its conventional structured database to the recent buzzword, bigdata. This paper aims to provide a complete model of a relational database that is still being widely used because of its well known ACID properties namely, atomicity, consistency, integrity and durability. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to highlight the adoption of relational model approaches by bigdata techniques. Towards addressing the reason for this in corporation, this paper qualitatively studied the advancements done over a while on the relational data model. First, the variations in the data storage layout are illustrated based on the needs of the application. Second, quick data retrieval techniques like indexing, query processing and concurrency control methods are revealed. The paper provides vital insights to appraise the efficiency of the structured database in the unstructured environment, particularly when both consistency and scalability become an issue in the working of the hybrid transactional and analytical database management system

    Hardware-conscious Query Processing in GPU-accelerated Analytical Engines

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    In order to improve their power efficiency and computational capacity, modern servers are adopting hardware accelerators, especially GPUs. Modern analytical DMBS engines have been highly optimized for multi-core multi-CPU query execution, but lack the necessary abstractions to support concurrent hardware-conscious query execution over multiple heterogeneous devices and, thus, are unable to take full advantage of the available accelerators. In this work, we present a Heterogeneity-conscious Analytical query Processing Engine (HAPE), a hardware-conscious analytical engines that targets efficient concurrent multi-CPU multi-GPU query execution. HAPE decomposes heterogeneous query execution into i) efficient single-device and ii) concurrent multi-device query execution. It uses hardware-conscious algorithms designed for single-device execution and combines them into efficient intra-device hardware-conscious execution modules, via code generation. HAPE combines these modules to achieve concurrent multi-device execution by handling data and control transfers. We validate our design by building a prototype and evaluate its performance on a co-processing radix-join and TPC-H queries. We show that it achieves up to 10x and 3.5x speed-up on the join against CPU and GPU alternatives and 1.6x-8x against state-of-the-art CPU- and GPU-based commercial DBMS on the queries

    Hardware-conscious Hash-Joins on GPUs

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    Traditionally, analytical database engines have used task parallelism provided by modern multisocket multicore CPUs for scaling query execution. Over the past few years, GPUs have started gaining traction as accelerators for processing analytical queries due to their massively data-parallel nature and high memory bandwidth. Recent work on designing join algorithms for CPUs has shown that carefully tuned join implementations that exploit underlying hardware can outperform naive, hardware-oblivious counterparts and provide excellent performance on modern multicore servers. However, there has been no such systematic analysis of hardware-conscious join algorithms for GPUs that systematically explores the dimensions of partitioning (partitioned versus non-partitioned joins), data location (data fitting and not fitting in GPU device memory), and access pattern (skewed versus uniform). In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a family of novel, partitioning-based GPU-join algorithms that are tuned to exploit various GPU hardware characteristics for working around the two main limitations of GPUs–limited memory capacity and slow PCIe interface. Using a thorough evaluation, we show that: i) hardware-consciousness plays a key role in GPU joins similar to CPU joins and our join algorithms can process 1 Billion tuples/second even if no data is GPU resident, ii) radix partitioning-based GPU joins that are tuned to exploit GPU hardware can substantially outperform non-partitioned hash joins, iii) hardware-conscious GPU joins can effectively overcome GPU limitations and match, or even outperform, state-of-the-art CPU joins

    HetExchange: Encapsulating heterogeneous CPU-GPU parallelism in JIT compiled engines

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    Modern server hardware is increasingly heterogeneous as hardware accelerators, such as GPUs, are used together with multicore CPUs to meet the computational demands of modern data analytics workloads. Unfortunately, query parallelization techniques used by analytical database engines are designed for homogeneous multicore servers, where query plans are parallelized across CPUs to process data stored in cache coherent shared memory. Thus, these techniques are unable to fully exploit available heterogeneous hardware, where one needs to exploit task-parallelism of CPUs and data-parallelism of GPUs for processing data stored in a deep, non-cache-coherent memory hierarchy with widely varying access latencies and bandwidth. In this paper, we introduce HetExchange–a parallel query execution framework that encapsulates the heterogeneous parallelism of modern multi-CPU–multi-GPU servers and enables the parallelization of (pre-)existing sequential relational operators. In contrast to the interpreted nature of traditional Exchange, HetExchange is designed to be used in conjunction with JIT compiled engines in order to allow a tight integration with the proposed operators and generation of efficient code for heterogeneous hardware. We validate the applicability and efficiency of our design by building a prototype that can operate over both CPUs and GPUs, and enables its operators to be parallelism- and data-location-agnostic. In doing so, we show that efficiently exploiting CPU–GPU parallelism can provide 2.8x and 6.4x improvement in performance compared to state-of-the-art CPU-based and GPU-based DBMS