11 research outputs found

    Programming in logic without logic programming

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    In previous work, we proposed a logic-based framework in which computation is the execution of actions in an attempt to make reactive rules of the form if antecedent then consequent true in a canonical model of a logic program determined by an initial state, sequence of events, and the resulting sequence of subsequent states. In this model-theoretic semantics, reactive rules are the driving force, and logic programs play only a supporting role. In the canonical model, states, actions and other events are represented with timestamps. But in the operational semantics, for the sake of efficiency, timestamps are omitted and only the current state is maintained. State transitions are performed reactively by executing actions to make the consequents of rules true whenever the antecedents become true. This operational semantics is sound, but incomplete. It cannot make reactive rules true by preventing their antecedents from becoming true, or by proactively making their consequents true before their antecedents become true. In this paper, we characterize the notion of reactive model, and prove that the operational semantics can generate all and only such models. In order to focus on the main issues, we omit the logic programming component of the framework.Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    The CIFF Proof Procedure for Abductive Logic Programming with Constraints: Theory, Implementation and Experiments

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    We present the CIFF proof procedure for abductive logic programming with constraints, and we prove its correctness. CIFF is an extension of the IFF proof procedure for abductive logic programming, relaxing the original restrictions over variable quantification (allowedness conditions) and incorporating a constraint solver to deal with numerical constraints as in constraint logic programming. Finally, we describe the CIFF system, comparing it with state of the art abductive systems and answer set solvers and showing how to use it to program some applications. (To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming - TPLP)

    Implementing probabilistic abductive logic programming with Constraint Handling Rules

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    Abstract. A class of Probabilistic Abductive Logic Programs (PALPs) is introduced and an implementation is developed in CHR for solving abductive problems, providing minimal explanations with their probabilities. Both all-explanations and most-probable-explanations versions are given. Compared with other probabilistic versions of abductive logic programming, the approach is characterized by higher generality and a flexible and adaptable architecture which incorporates integrity constraints and interaction with external constraint solvers. A PALP is transformed in a systematic way into a CHR program which serves as a query interpreter, and the resulting CHR code describes in a highly concise way, the strategies applied in the search for explanations

    The CIFF Proof Procedure for Abductive Logic Programming with Constraints: Definition, Implementation and a Web Application

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    Abduction has found broad application as a powerful tool for hypothetical reasoning with incomplete knowledge, which can be handled by labeling some pieces of information as abducibles, i.e. as possible hypotheses that can be assumed to hold, provided that they are consistent with the given knowledge base. Attempts to make the abductive reasoning an effective computational tool gave rise to Abductive Logic Programming (ALP) which combines abduction with standard logic programming. A number of so-called proof procedures for ALP have been proposed in the literature, e.g. the IFF procedure, the Kakas and Mancarella procedure and the SLDNFA procedure, which rely upon extensions of different semantics for logic programming. ALP has also been integrated with Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), in order to combine abductive reasoning with an arithmetic tool for constraint solving. In recent years, many proof procedures for abductive logic programming with constraints have been proposed, including ACLP and the A-System which have been applied to many fields, e.g. multi-agent systems, scheduling, integration of information. This dissertation describes the development of a new abductive proof procedure with constraints, namely the CIFF proof procedure. The description is both at the theoretical level, giving a formal definition and a soundness result with respect to the three-valued completion semantics, and at the implementative level with the implemented CIFF System 4.0 as a Prolog meta-interpreter. The main contributions of the CIFF proof procedure are the advances in the expressiveness of the framework with respect to other frameworks for abductive logic programming with constraints, and the overall computational performances of the implemented system. The second part of the dissertation presents a novel application of the CIFF proof procedure as the computational engine of a tool, the CIFFWEB system, for checking and (possibly) repairing faulty web sites. Indeed, the exponential growth of the WWW raises the question of maintaining and automatically repairing web sites, in particular when the designers of these sites require them to exhibit certain properties at both structural and data level. The capability of maintaining and repairing web sites is also important to ensure the success of the Semantic Web vision. As the Semantic Web relies upon the definition and the maintenance of consistent data schemas (XML/XMLSchema, RDF/RDFSchema, OWL and so on), tools for reasoning over such schemas (and possibly extending the reasoning to multiple web pages) show great promise. The CIFFWEB system is such a tool which allows to verify and to repair XML web sites instances, against sets of requirements which have to be fulfilled, through abductive reasoning. We define an expressive characterization of rules for checking and repairing web sites' errors and we do a formal mapping of a fragment of a well known XML query language, namely Xcerpt, to abductive logic programs suitable to fed as input to the CIFF proof procedure. Finally, the CIFF proof procedure detects the errors and possibly suggests modifications to the XML instances to repair them. The soundness of this process is directly inherited from the soundness of CIFF

    On the role of Computational Logic in Data Science: representing, learning, reasoning, and explaining knowledge

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    In this thesis we discuss in what ways computational logic (CL) and data science (DS) can jointly contribute to the management of knowledge within the scope of modern and future artificial intelligence (AI), and how technically-sound software technologies can be realised along the path. An agent-oriented mindset permeates the whole discussion, by stressing pivotal role of autonomous agents in exploiting both means to reach higher degrees of intelligence. Accordingly, the goals of this thesis are manifold. First, we elicit the analogies and differences among CL and DS, hence looking for possible synergies and complementarities along 4 major knowledge-related dimensions, namely representation, acquisition (a.k.a. learning), inference (a.k.a. reasoning), and explanation. In this regard, we propose a conceptual framework through which bridges these disciplines can be described and designed. We then survey the current state of the art of AI technologies, w.r.t. their capability to support bridging CL and DS in practice. After detecting lacks and opportunities, we propose the notion of logic ecosystem as the new conceptual, architectural, and technological solution supporting the incremental integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI. Finally, we discuss how our notion of logic ecosys- tem can be reified into actual software technology and extended towards many DS-related directions

    The CHR-based Implementation of the SCIFF Abductive System

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    Abstract. Abduction is a form of inference that supports hypothetical reasoning and has been applied to a number of domains, such as diagnosis, planning, protocol verification. Abductive Logic Programming (ALP) is the integration of abduction in logic programming. Usually, the operational semantics of an ALP language is defined as a proof procedure. The first implementations of ALP proof-procedures were based on the meta-interpretation technique, which is flexible but limits the use of the built-in predicates of logic programming systems. Another, more recent, approach exploits theoretical results on the similarity between abducibles and constraints. With this approach, which bears the advantage of an easy integration with built-in predicates and constraints, Constraint Handling Rules has been the language of choice for the implementation of abductive proof procedures. The first CHR-based implementation mapped integrity constraints directly to CHR rules, which is an efficient solution, but prevents defined predicates from being in the body of integrity constraints and does not allow a sound treatment of negation by default. In this paper, we describe the CHR-based implementation of the SCIFF abductive proof-procedure, which follows a different approach. The SCIFF implementation maps integrity constraints to CHR constraints, and the transitions of the proof-procedure to CHR rules, making it possible to treat default negation, while retaining the other advantages of CHRbased implementations of ALP proof-procedures.

    The CHR-based Implementation of the SCIFF Abductive System

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    Abduction is a form of inference that supports hypothetical reasoning and has been applied to a number of domains, such as diagnosis, planning, protocol verication. Abductive Logic Programming (ALP) is the integration of abduction in logic programming. Usually, the operational semantics of an ALP language is dened as a proof procedure. The rst implementations of ALP proof-procedures were based on the meta-interpretation technique, which is exible but limits the use of the built-in predicates of logic programming systems. Another, more recent, approach exploits theoretical results on the similarity between abducibles and constraints. With this approach, which bears the advantage of an easy integration with built-in predicates and constraints, Constraint Handling Rules has been the language of choice for the implementation of abductive proof procedures. The rst CHR-based implementation mapped integrity constraints directly to CHR rules, which is an ecient solution, but prevents dened predicates from being in the body of integrity constraints and does not allow a sound treatment of negation by default. In this paper, we describe the CHR-based implementation of the SCIFF abductive proof-procedure, which follows a dierent approach. The SCIFF implementation maps integrity constraints to CHR constraints, and the transitions of the proof-procedure to CHR rules, making it possible to treat default negation, while retaining the other advantages of CHRbased implementations of ALP proof-procedures

    The CHR-based Implementation of the SCIFF Abductive System

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